
King of Heroes

Claudia died because she was hit by truck-san while she play mobile games, and she got the opportunity to live again in another world. Join her endless journey in the Cultivation world with her company Can she survive this cruel world? or she will ruler them as monarch Who knows In other time a little girl want to be stronger, Fight so many cultivator and wild beasts Can she survive in order to be stronger follow they journey .... In this world we have 2 MC and please Enjoy it ... It will update one chapter every one or two day. So stay tuned (For the original cover, you can find it here https://pinterest.com/pin/781585710314716319/) And please support the artist

TheGreatestWRITER · Lainnya
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19 Chs

About this World

This is the original cover photo:



This world is my own creation, I use some wuxia novel as reference such ED, ATG, and other

Power ranking 1 to 10

Mortal realm

This is only ordinary person

General realm level 1 - 10

40.000 point up to 150.000 point

King realm level 1 - 10

60.000 point up to 170.000 point

Spirit realm level 1 -10

80.000 point up to 200.000 point

Sky realm level 1 - 10

100.000 point up to 300.000 point

Ancient realm level 1 - 10

400.000 point up to 500.000 point

Emperor realm level 1 - 10

600.000 point up to 800.000 point

Sovereign realm level 1 - 10

900.000 point up to 20.000.000 point

Heaven realm level 1 - 10

30.000.000 point up to 100.000.000 point

Divine realm 1 - 10

200.000.000 up to 400.000.000 point

Up to Divine realm is about next world

Immortal realm 1 - 10

500.000.000 up to point 600.000.000

-Immortal spirit realm 1 - 20

700.000.000 up to 800.000.000

-Immortal sky realm level 1 - 10

900.000.000 up to

-Immortal king realm level 1 - 10 up to

-Immortal emperor realm level 1 - 10 up to

-Immortal ancient realm 1 - 10 up to

-Immortal heaven realm 1 - 10

20.000.000 up to

God up to

Supreme god up to

True god up to

Point means if MC kill a beast or cultivator, she will gain point


I don't need to explain this

Low Earth Grade

Mid Earth Grade

High Earth Grade

Low Sky Grade

Mid Sky Grade

High Sky Grade

Low Heaven Grade

Mid Heaven Grade

High Heaven Grade

Legendary Grade


Pill for raise cultivation, establish conditions, and for cure some poison

Low grade (20-30% purity)

Mid grade (40-70% purity)

High grade (80-90% purity)

Supreme grade (100% purity)

Soul Crystals

An item to raise cultivation base and for buy some stuff

Low eath soul crystal

Mid eath soul crystal

High eath soul crystal

Low sky soul crystal

Mid sky soul crystal

High sky soul crystal

Low heaven soul crystal

Mid heaven soul crystal

High heaven soul crystal

Techniques Rank

Mortal Techniques Rank

Mountain Techniques Rank

Sky Techniques Rank

Manifestation Techniques Rank

Samsara Tecniques Rank

God Techniques Rank


Above 1000 year old

Low grade

1000 year old

Normal grade

2000 year old

Rare grade

3000 year old

Very Rare grade

4000 year old

Ultra Rare grade

5000 year Old

Supreme grade