

"King Of Combat... A tournament where all the best fighters all around the world gather into one place, Castrion City. This city is known to be one of the largest cities IN THE WORLD!"

"During the King Of Combat, schools all around the world are canceled (cause why not) in order for the combatants that are currently in highschool who are joining in to have enough time to train themselves and also enough time to get to the venue obviously."

"And on top of it all, whoever wins the tournament, aside from prize money, gets their wish granted! However, they only grant material wishes like more money and stuff so if you wish for world domination, that ain't gonna happen."

"But Someone in the King Of Combat who's about a year younger than me wouldn't let anyone else get a wish... Not because she's greedy or anything, she's just too strong to the point that she was never known defeated, and anyone who even dared to challenge her into battle would get their butts kicked within 3 minutes."

"Her name is Yuusuke Fujiyoshi (Fujiyoshi, Yuusuke just in case you guys think Yuusuke is her family name) she challenged the King Of Combat Tournament during season 13 and never lost ONCE! She's known as the "Fire Queen" because of her ability to manipulate and create fire."

"But I'm gonna change that! I'm gonna challenge the King Of Combat, win first place, and get my wish granted!!! My name, is Mark Castelle! And this is the story of how I became one of the best fighters known to man!!!"

*Ring Ring Ring!!!*

The sound of the alarm clock ringing around my room forcing me to wake up.

"MARK!!!!! GET UP!!!! THAT DUMB ALARM CLOCK OF YOUR'S HAS BEEN RINGING FOR TWENTY MINUTES!!!! AND IT'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!!!!!!!" It was the voice of a boy next to his room, it sounded more like Mark's brother. Wait, it is his brother. His older brother named Joshua. He's around college at this point of his life.

"Ughhh Five more minutes..." Mark said as he went back to bed.

Not being able to take it anymore, his brother Joshua, Barges into the room Shouting out Mark's name from the top of his lungs.


"Ughhhhh what!?" Mark said as he rubbed his messy brown hair over and over out of frustration.


"No! I hate early mornings!!!"

"*Sigh* Look, Mom's made bacon and pancakes today, and besides! today's the day!!!"

"Day? What day?" Mark asked as he sightly tilted his head to the right.


"WAIT THAT'S TODAY??!!" Mark says in a surprised tone.

However, since his brother is known to pull Hellish pranks towards him, just in case, he looks to his left and saw his calendar marked "June 26-King Of Combat Registration."

"AAAHHHHH!!!!! IT'S TODAY!!!!!! NO TIME TO TALK! GOTTA LEAVE QUICK!!!" After Mark said those words, he quickly activates his power which grants him the ability to manipulate and create lightning, and starts to immediately changed his clothes, have his breakfast, and brush his teeth at the same time! Don't ask me how though, cause I don't know either.

"SEE YOU LATER JOSH!!!" Mark shouts to his brother before leaving the house

"*Sigh...* That damn kid's so hyper..." Joshua mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck before going back to what he was doing.

Meanwhile, Mark, who somehow managed to reach registration on time, registered and was placed in column C, which is 2nd to the last of the combat tree(I Forgot what it was called), and since the King Of Combat starts in about a week and a half, he obviously has that amount of time left or more to train for the King Of Combat. However due to the CRAZY amount of participants wanting to participate, there may be a chance that he has like 2 more weeks till his turn to fight.

"Wow!!! What a crowd! Thankfully I managed to register in time! So! I wonder... Now what...?" As he was thinking about what to do next, he bumps into a girl in a black and red hoodie with her hood up. She had her right eye covered with her long bangs.

"Oof! Hey! Watch where you're go- wait a minute..." Mark stops mid sentence and looks at the girl with a peculiar look.

"You look familiar... WAIT! AREN'T YOU- MMMPPHH" The Girl immediately covers Mark's mouth and drags him away from the crowd.

"SHUSH! Listen... I know you know me but I don't want another crowd running towards me with pen and paper just for an autograph!!! It's hell y'know!" She says while quietly shouting at him being careful that no one will hear them.

"I knew it!!! So you are Yuusuke Fujiyoshi! The current King Of Combat champion!!! Just so you know, I'm a HUGE fan!"

"Okay! Okay! So, you know who I am! Now, what do I have to do to keep your mouth shut?" She asks Mark with annoyance that can slightly be heard in her voice.

"Hmmm..." Mark deeply thought.

"What about an autograph?" Mark says with a little glimmer in his eyes

"What...?" Yuusuke says with a confused face. If she was just running away from signing autographs, why does she have to sign another one in order to completely get out of it for a day?

"Oh well... Just as long you shut your damn mouth" she thought as she took out her marker from her hoodie pocket and signed Mark's white headband.

"Awesome!!!" Mark said under his breath.

"Now promise me you say absolutely NOTHING about what had happened to you today"

"I promise! Thanks!!!" Mark says and runs away from her.

"Hmmm.... I swear I've seen that guy before..." Yuusuke thought before walking away, vanishing into the sunset.

As for Mark, he went home... And when he arrived, he greeted his parents and quickly went up to his room.

"I can't believe this just happened to me! I got The King Of Combat champion's autograph! Today was such a Fortunate day for me!" And as the sun sets, Mark went to bed knowing that tommorow would be a busy day since tommorow is the day where he'll start his training for the King Of Combat.

Author's note:

Hey readers! I'm actually surprised you guys chose to read this. There may be a chance that this book won't be completed since I almost don't usually do things like this. Oh yeah! This is my first time making some kind of novel cause I normally do comics....

*There may be a chance you guys would ask some of these questions in the future so just in case...:

Q: Is this your first time making a book?

A: Yes, yes it is. I honestly never thought I'd make something like this since I'm Lazy as Hell!

Q: Where did you get your Idea for the King Of Combat?

A: It's actually inspired by an old game called K*ng Of Fig*ters (I might get sued for it) I honestly like games like those so why not? (Please don't think that I copied it... I just like the characters and the story....)

Q: Is Mark Gay?

A: I... uhhhhh...

Q: Are you a girl or are you a boy?

A: I'm a dog.

Thanks for reading!
