Due to his poor performance as King of the Olympus over the millennia, the other kings of other domains of gods have come to the conclusion that Zeus isn't fit to succeed after Odin who decided to abdicate the title of The KAK (King Among Kings). Zeus lacks one key aspect of a ruler, compassion. What he once did to his son, Apollo, is done to him and he is transmigrated to the mortal realm as a baby boy who has to grow up understanding the ways of mortals and prove his fit to be King Among Kings. However, this tale shows that mythology isn't what we thought to be. There is conspiracy, betrayal, lust, conquest of gods, death of gods and the occasional destruction of the mortal realm by a drunk god but this time both the divine and mortal realms in danger by the wickedness of one god who no one thought who never do this. Will Zeus be able to uncover a hidden truth that he has been so blind to see? Will he save the realms and become a true king among kings? Will he stop being promiscuous for once in his entire existence?
Never in my wildest dreams would I see a human carrying me, the god of lightning, like a baby. Unfortunately, I actually was a baby and a pretty damn cute baby. I hardly remember how everything transpired, but I believe they have striped me of my title as King of the Olympians.
That's just great, now I have to go through what Apollo went through. That brat was too arrogant to learn and deserved it, plus he tried to sleep with Hera behind my back. I'm too 'kingly' to be a mortal.
I wonder if those fools are watching me, King of Olympus, being born as a mortal. How dare they cast me down to the mortal realm to learn a human emotion? Compassion? I'm very compassionate and when I return after this, they'll regret it with lightning bolts up their pie holes. Like come on, I'm a god, for Styx's sake!
I was being held by someone who I believe was a doctor. She held me and rocked me slightly.
"It's a boy," said the doctor, sobbing. There were sobbing medical personnel around me and they filled the theatre. A pull of blood stained the floor.
"You did it and he has your eyes, honey," a man said. His tall build and deep voice made me think he was a vigorous man. However, the hospital scrubs on him allowed me to focus on his eyes. His hazel eyes were running with tears and I knew I had a wimp of a mortal father. Why would you be crying after seeing my glorious birth? Now I won't have a wingman for brothels when I come of age.
"Thank goodness, we have been blessed with a beautiful boy," said a woman so faintly my infant ears could barely hear her.
The woman lay on a bed with blood spilling from both sides of it. Her hands stretched out towards me, her face pale as snow with gleaming with love towards me. I knew what was happening after seeing so many of my family die in the titan war, this woman was dying. My mortal mother was dying. Her stomach wasn't cut so I was birthed naturally, so how did she lose so much blood?
"... And you will have tragedy throughout your life starting the moment you take your first step on this journey, Zeus." A voice loomed in my mind, a vague memory from the Council of Kings decided my fate. However, I don't remember who cursed me with this. My tiny little heartbroken and I wailed, and the second she held me, she reminded me of my 'real' mother, Rhea. She would normally descend and ease childbirth, and I believe she was here, too. It's good to see some gods still like me.
This woman put me against her chest and I calmed down. Her heartbeat slowed down.
"Your name will be Jason. Like the hero, because you'll save people just like you saved me," said the woman with her last dying breath.
Jason, the name of the great argonaut, huh? I like it woman and I will carry it with honour because you gave a nostalgia for my mother, Rhea. I wish to know this woman's name, however, the lives of mortals are like chaff in the wind, one second they are there and the next they are gone.
"Jason is a beautiful name. You'll be Jason Arnold Edinham," said the man as he took me from his dead wife. He composed himself and had been strong in his eyes, like that of a warrior. I was wrong to think that this man was a wimp and so 'father' we will enjoy the brothels of wherever I've been born.
My life after that was very annoying because I could not communicate nor move because of these little arms of mine. Worse when I had to relieve myself every 2 hours in my diapers. However, it was interesting to observe the family I was born into. My family name was Edinham from England and my birthplace was South Africa, Johannesburg. My mortal father's name is Johnathan Edinham and my mortal mother was Judith Edinham. They are humanitarians working for the United Nations and the year is 1993. I once visited this country about a century ago when Vishnu invited me to observe with him some guy who was making him proud in his domain. I believe his name was Mahatma Gandhi or something. Honestly, things have just become worse here with this segregational divide. What are these mortals thinking, treating each other like we gods treat them? We are not on the same level.
After the passing of my mortal mother, I slowly recalled the events of the last Council of Kings meeting.
"Zeus, we have been discussing your recent behavior over the millennia and it's been detrimental," one god said. This god was seated in the Egyptian seat in a purple bath. He had the head of a Doberman dog, and his tone was very condescending. I couldn't take him seriously because of that and also because I know he was hungover from spending the Chinese new year with Son Goku up in the Himalayas.
"Pipe down Anubis. Remember, you're just standing in for Ra, so your opinion doesn't really matter. And where is Ra, by the way?" I said, defending my ego.
"His out fighting the Apophis again and-," Anubis replied, cut off by the cough of another god seated on the table.
This god sat across from me and with the gaze of his eye on Anubis. Anubis apologised and glared at me like 'look now his mad at me because of you. This god had a golden sceptre on his side, glowing with power. He wore golden armour was animated as if it were alive and had a black crow on his shoulder. His hair was white and snow and his eye patch was pitch black that like couldn't bounce off of it. He was the All Father, Odin.
"Zeus, understand that Anubis" concerns are shared among all the kings here, Odin said.
Odin had a way with his words that made me always respect his opinion and I didn't challenge his words.
"My end is near, and I'll have to pass on this mantle to someone. You are the prime candidate because your power is closest to rival mine, but I fear your youthful nature has blinded you from seeing what a potential KAK is supposed to be like. Do you want me to give this title to another?" Odin continued.
My heart sunk into distress. No one was strong enough to hold the title of King Among Kings in the whole divine realm. Does he have little faith that I can do this?
"I believe I can be a better candidate, my Lord Odin," said a voice looming behind me. I couldn't hide my dismay, it was none other than my son, Apollo.