
King's Contracted Wife

Esme Birchfield, the illegitimate daughter of Duke Rathon of Baredon, is trapped in a life overshadowed by her half-sister, Merina, the true heir of Baredon lands. With a father indifferent to her and no mother to turn to, her existence is one of sorrow and neglect. As a means to clear the family debt and fund his favored daughter's future, Duke Rathon agrees to a deal: Akane must marry the infamous King Liam Garrison of Eastbrone. Forced into a contracted marriage with no choice to refuse, Esme is faced with the question: Will life with King Liam bring further imprisonment and sorrow, or will it offer the happiness she's long been denied?

Tracy_Tauro · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Esme – POV

Sitting in front of the mirror, I admired the makeup artfully applied by the maids. It concealed the bruise left by my step-sister, Merina Birchfield. Slipping into a luxurious gown of vibrant purple adorned with intricate floral designs, I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. It felt as if it were worth 2,000 precious gemstones. This was the most opulent dress I'd ever worn, and there was a significant reason for it. My father, Duke Rathon of Baredon, had recently signed a peace treaty. This treaty was to preserve the lands of Baredon and clear the heavy debts he had acquired from the crown. As part of this agreement, I was to marry King Liam Garrison of the Eastbrone kingdom.

King Liam was rumored to be cold-hearted. Whispers around the kingdom said he had slain his family to ascend the throne. Moreover, he had fiercely defended our lands from the Northern Kingdom when they tried to invade. 

"Are you ready, Lady Esme?" a gentle voice interrupted my thoughts.

I nodded in response to the maid's query and followed her out of my chamber. My heart raced with nervousness. The tales about King Liam were haunting. They said he was merciless, indifferent to gender or rank. When angered, he would kill without hesitation. Was I destined to be wedded to a monster? My only hope was that I never gave him a reason to unleash his fury on me.

"Here you are, my dear daughter Esme," my father Rathon said. I could sense his act, pretending to care for me in front of the Emperor's knights. It might seem heart-wrenching to the world for a father to give away his daughter, but I knew the truth was quite the opposite.

"This is my eldest daughter, Esme Birchfield," my father introduced me to a man clad in armor. As our eyes met, I quickly looked down, recognizing the man before me. He was not King Liam Garrison but his Commander, Jerome Nuke.

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir Jerome Nuke," I said, giving a curtsy and bowing my head.

"You need not greet me so formally, Lady Esme. You are the King's bride-to-be and our future Queen," Sir Jerome responded, rising to his feet. He then extended a jewelry box towards me. "Lady Esme, this is a gift from King Liam Garrison. He wishes for you to wear this jewelry for the wedding." I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Duke Rathon, you will be staying at your estate, and King Garrison will arrive tomorrow for the wedding. I trust everything is prepared for the intimate ceremony?" Sir Jerome inquired.

"Indeed, Sir Jerome. Everything has been arranged as the King desired," my father, Duke Rathon, replied with a wide smile. The knights soon departed, led by the maids to their quarters. I exhaled deeply, an internal sigh of relief as the weight lifted, if only momentarily.

"Esme." My father's voice cut through the silence. I turned to face him. "Do not even think of fleeing the palace before the wedding. You've already attempted an escape once, and you know well the punishment that awaits another attempt." I nodded silently, suppressing the shiver of fear that ran down my spine. He left for his chamber, and a maid escorted me back to mine.

Once inside, I opened the jewelry box to reveal an exquisite emerald necklace, its color mirroring my own eyes. As I admired its beauty, a bitter realization washed over me. I would be wed in exchange for such trinkets. Tears welled up as memories of my failed escape attempt resurfaced. The guards had caught me trying to scale the immense palace walls. As a result, my father and step-sister had me flogged and deprived me of food for two days. They warned that another escape attempt would land me in the dreaded dungeons, rumored to be imbued with dark powers that tormented its prisoners with unimaginable pain.

I lay on the plush bed, savoring the luxury of this room. It was my first time staying in such opulence, but it was necessary. If the Emperor's knights discovered I usually slept in a humble room, they'd surely question my father's intentions. Above all, he sought to maintain his prestige and not tarnish his reputation, especially now that he wanted to be in the good graces of King Liam Garrison. The King was a formidable figure, so fearsome that no one dared cross him.


The following day, I was awakened early by the maids. They assisted me in a lavish bath, using fragrant oils and exceptional soap, lathering and rinsing my pink hair. Once I stepped out, a maid diligently dried my long, waist-length hair. My emerald eyes sparkled against my porcelain skin as they applied delicate makeup. I was then dressed in a white wedding gown with a sweetheart neckline, a sheath silhouette, and floral lace detailing at the hem. A veil was carefully placed atop my hair.

"You look beautiful, big sister Esme," Merina remarked, her smile barely reaching her eyes. I hesitated, taking in the sight of my step-sister. Dressed in a lovely pink gown, her golden locks cascading down her back, she was taller and undeniably more striking than me. "I've come to bid you farewell. Your real trials will begin after today." I lowered my gaze, feeling a heavy hand grip my shoulder.

"Remember, Esme, even as Queen, you'll always be seen as an illiterate commoner. Be obedient and submissive if you wish to survive," Merina whispered, her voice cold. I nodded, fighting back tears. Despite turning 20, such torment seemed never-ending.

"Escort her forth," Merina directed the maids. My father waited for me at the entrance, and as I walked down the aisle, I felt an immense, warm hand enclose mine. I glanced upward, meeting a pair of intense ruby eyes. Before me stood a striking man with fair skin, sleek black hair swept back, broad shoulders, and an unmistakably muscular build, even beneath his regal black attire. His aura emanated authority and power. Overwhelmed, I averted my gaze, focusing on the priest as he recited the wedding vows.

"Exchange the rings," the priest instructed. My hands trembled, causing the ring to slip from my grasp and fall to the ground. A hand stopped me as I began to stoop to retrieve it. It was King Liam Garrison. He calmly picked up the ring and slid it onto his finger. Whispers spread amongst the attendees, filled with criticism and doubt about my ability to be a queen if I couldn't even hold onto a ring. Their words weighed heavily on my heart.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest declared. My gaze met King Liam's, and as he leaned in, pulling back my veil, I closed my eyes in anticipation.

"You are my contract-bound wife; I won't kiss you," he whispered. I opened my eyes, only to find him giving me a brief, emotionless glance. He then offered his hand to assist me into the carriage bound for the capital and the royal palace. Anxiety gripped me as the carriage began its journey, with King Liam seated directly across from me.