'Where there's light there's darkness' The truth about the world Filled with good and evil. "Karma" Is the example of good and evil, a power that is based on how they'll use it, for good or evil, protect or saving people, killing or cause havoc to the world. There's one boy who is eagerly wanting to save people but he can't, because he's very weak he strives to be better be the strongest but no matter what he does he always fails. Then suddenly a weird ritual gave him powers and that is "Karmanic binds" A contract between realms giving him powers to fight the strong. His karma is "Karma of vengeance", the more vengeful he is the stronger he gets as he continues to grow he gets stronger. But the turning point, he failed to save many lives although he was given the strength to fight against the strong even if he's strong there will always be someone stronger than him.
Years ago it was just a normal life where humans live their lives on earth, many smiles and happiness are seen all around but it didn't last long...
World's population: 2,579,033,228
"How did this happen?"
Question of a young man who lived his life to see the destruction of the world, crisis, massacre, mass extinctions, foreshadowing the end of the world it's like a view from hell.
All around the world blood and destruction would be seen everywhere, dead bodies and ruined buildings, the skies are red, many lives were lost even his loved ones and his friends.
That is all the words in his head facing many foes.
Killing all of his enemies mercilessly those who pose a threat to the world but couldn't stop the one that held responsible for the destruction of the world.
His vengeance is what makes him stronger, as he fights he continuously grow stronger, he fights just to protect others, his wishes are only wanting to save many lives.
But many lives were lost yet he failed to save them, now there's not much human left in this world, survivors lived miserably staying hidden from danger, only him that they have faith in the one who could save the world from this havoc.
But in the end, all of them will die eventually.....
An unknown group of people is floating in the sky.
"Disgusting mortals."
"Suffer the wrath of the gods..."
Words of an unknown person who calls themselves a god, with an unknown reason he raises his sword and slowly lowers it down pointing below him.
He spoke.
"Prepare for your Judgment day mortals"
"Ugh, what is that?!" He said opening his eyes wide looking at the sky.
A massive looking red circle portal covered the whole sky above and launches a mass extinction devastating attack that struck the world killing many lives, they can't run from it nor hide from it, all of them are caught by the attack.
"Mommy daddy..."
The attack flying all over the world shooting like a laser killing every last one of them.
Running, hiding pointlessly, it's useless to run away.
Screams of billions and millions of people around the world.
They all scream helplessly and die a short later...
World's population: 567,890,035
World's population: 5,008,923
World's population: 7,021
World's population: 43
World's population: 1
A short while after all humans have been annihilated.
He couldn't do a thing to stop it and got impaled by the blast.
"Huff, huff, you bastards!!, I'll frickin kill you all, you'll pay! for killing all of those people! Mark my words this ain't over!" He said while coughing blood.
On the brink of death, he saw a person who was held responsible for the destruction of the world.
The unknown person didn't say a word and stabs him in the chest with his sword immediately killing him.
With a weak voice, he spoke
"This is the end huh..." His breathing is getting weaker
"if only...I could get stronger..." He closes his eyes and finally dies...
World's population: 0
Now not a single life remains,
The mass extinction attack has killed all lives, the world has finally met its end...
10 years ago...
A story of a boy who is a middle schooler who started his life like a joke.
"Hey, punching bag, what happened to your face? don't tell me you got beaten up again"
they laugh derisively at Akito.
"Hey wanna hear a joke?" His classmate said
"Hey, weren't you saying about protecting people, you? hahaha, weakling like you should be ashamed of yourself you would just die doing nothing if you tried to do something looking like that." He said while shouting at the crowd
"Shut up already" He mumbled
He just ignores their derisive laughs and insults and just walks away closing his ears being embarrassed about himself by saying that, his title haunts him "The living punching bag", his bad nickname always gets mentioned by the school delinquent even his classmates every day and many people would always laugh at him and bullies him for being weak, the reason why he just can't fight having a frail skinny weak body he just never had experience on fighting, can't even punch properly, holding with just 12 books in his backpack is already difficult for him.
Just because of that day he tried to help someone by fighting for their sake but instead of helping he can't even defend himself and lost in a fight very quickly they say he's pretty weak can't even fight back that is why he was titled by the school delinquents his title caused a bad reputation for him.
Others would stay away from him and don't wanna be friends with him because of embarrassment, they don't even want to get involved with a person like him.
"Uhh, hello." Said him greeting his senior
"Huh?, what was that 'Hello' you didn't even bow down to your senior how rude, let me teach you a lesson by beating your ass," he said while cracking his knuckles
Seconds later he gets beaten up again and again and again no matter what he'll do it's hopeless his title "The weakest student" "The living punching bag" Is what makes people want to beat him and bully him.
His sister stops the fight
"You had enough!!"
He then gets up and cries running away from them
His sister is worried about him.
It happens not once but every time, usually, he doesn't mind them hurting him, even though he has reported to the teacher he's always the one to be blamed anyway he just can't do a thing to do about it and felt desperate.
"Just why...?, why am I so weak?" Clenching his fist tight and biting his lips he just thought of himself as a useless human being wanting to be like his father but weak like an ant.
"I'm just an embarrassment, if only I was stronger...people would have accepted me if I was." Words of a boy who is upset and depressed.
Can't fight can't even dodge any attacks, every day he always gets home injured and didn't even report to his mother he doesn't want his mother to be worried about him but his sister already knew about it but can't do a thing to help him.
Always crying in his room for being useless he just wanted to be like his dad, but he always remembers his dad's words to be brave and step up just like his father rescuing people from a fire as a fireman, he deeply admires him but can't become like his father.
Later on the next day...
"Huh, where's my lunch money nerd." Said the bully lifting the student's uniform
He stepped in knowing he was weak and tries to help the student carelessly without thinking.
"Oh, it's you the living punching bag, what? you wanna get punched again?" They said with an annoyed face.
He spoke with bravery
"Let him go you jerks!" Facing them with an anxious face don't know what the hell he's doing.
The bully got irritated and approaches him.
"You dare to say that to me, I'll f*cking clobber you"
Seconds later they tackled him and beat him up until he passed out by the delinquents nonstop for 4 minutes
The student was too scared to even help him.
several minutes later...
"Huh, where am I?" Said him waking up with a lot of bruises on his face.
He wakes up and sees a student thanking him for trying to help.
"They're gone now, thank you for trying to help me." The student said he worried about him
He wipes his blood from his lips and spoke.
"Haha, it's fine," He said with a broken nose and bruises all over his body.
"Why do you intend to help me anyway even though you're so weak everybody knows that and you are aware of your title right?" the student asked curiously about why Akito desperately tried to help him.
"It doesn't matter, if you are brave enough your title won't matter if it means to help a person I will always be willing to do it," He said with a confident smile.
The student is amazed by Akito's words.
Seconds later the student leaves.
He's clenching his fist and felt upset that he can't even defend himself although he tried to help a person without thinking of himself.
Even though he is weak he just can't help that he wants to help others that's how he is.
For the next 3 years, his title stays for the rest of his middle school life until it ended.
3 years later...
"just a normal life huh? hope this goes well"
Name: Akito Yuuta
Age: 15
Occupation: Student
Monday 16th September 2009
"Mom, we're going," He said while wearing his shoes.
"Be careful now"
"My name is Akito Yuuta I'm an average person with a clumsy stupid personality you could say I always get hurt when I'm around the public or school so yeah this is my miserable life"
He starts his normal life at a new high school he is young and lives with his mother "Aiko Yuuta" and his sister "Kei Yuuta" in an apartment just like a normal family, Akito is a kind-hearted, stubborn, and an idiot student he can't even do the math and always makes mistake. As he is ready to go to school he said goodbye to Aiko and leaves with Kei.
As soon as the two started walking their way to school they chatted.
Kei with a worried face asks about his condition.
"Are you sure you're good? the last time we were in middle school you got beaten up by delinquents until the end of our middle school life I can't do a thing to even help you."
"Nah, I'm okay it's nothing really, whenever I get beaten up I will always go back up" He smiled knowing that she's worried about him but he'll still do it being ignorant and isn't listening.
"Make sure you don't get involved with those bastards again because of that you got brought up to this mess cause of that I can't even stand looking at you like that." She said with a doubted expression.
"You know that you're weak you idiot but you continue getting involved with them this time don't you dare do that again you ignorant idiot."
Akito scratches his head and giggles "hehe"
They finally arrived at school, they split up and go to their different classes.
Later Akito meets many new faces in the classroom he sits in his chair and waits for the class to start.
"Hey, you!"
Moments later someone approaches him and Akito was getting nervous.
"Um hello," Akito said with a nervous look
"wanna be friends my name is Mokuta aizo you seem to look like a good person nice to meet you!." He said while smiling.
He sighed in relief that he is a good person and wants to be friends with him his name is "Mokuta Aizo"
"My name is Akito Nice to meet you as well"
He acts kind to him and Akito was glad that he had a new friend, they started their friendship afterward...
Many hours later, The class is over.....
Akito goes back home with his new friend Aizo.
Aizo said he wants to go somewhere so he told Akito to go without him.
Akito nodded and said ok.
Akito then walks his way back home alone.
Several minutes later...
He saw a delinquent that is hurting the lower class Akito rushes at them and help the poor student, however, he got beaten up again realizing that he is weak at fighting, he was called "A living punching bag" When he was a middle schooler.
Kicking him and punching him nonstop like a Maniac
"Hey, hey this is pretty addicting" The delinquent just keeps hitting him.
"What?, you're not gonna fight back then we'll beat you until you die!", The delinquent said and kicks him harder this time until he pass out.
Akito couldn't do a thing just crying and getting beaten up by them
Several minutes later
"Tch, boring next time let's go buy a new tool for our new toy here," the delinquent said feeling satisfied.
At long last, they stopped hitting him
Akito wakes up, the kid whom he tried to help was beaten up too but not as bad as Akito's, the kid thanked him for trying to save him, Akito remembers his past self trying to save a person once and stands up smiles at him he said
"Next time, run away and let me handle this as a distraction, though I'll be at the hospital afterward hehe..."
The student is worried about him said ok, thanking him again, and walks back home.
Akito walks back home as well with a tired face exhausted from all the beating, he was upset all he ever wanted was to get stronger so he could protect others and his family, he continues to lost hope and believes it's impossible.
"Pfft, yeah right, like that's going to happen, ugh... I shouldn't be talking too much my stomach hurts very bad"
He comes back home late and worries his mother, she was shocked about Akito's looks and treats his wounds fast as possible, his sister, on the other hand, isn't surprised at all but instead yells at him and scolds him.
"That's what you get for getting involved with those bastards you idiot brother," Kei said with a very mad face as she tries to tell him again and again.
Akito is ignorant with a cheeky grin.
"Hehe, c'mon is that how you gonna treat your brother that way."
His sister pouts and ignores him.
"Hmph, don't ever talk to me again until you fixed that stupid head of yours, think straight you idiot, I'm going to my room."
She went to her room and sleeps early...
"You look just like your father," Aiko said to Akito while treating his wounds
"What do you mean- ouch... do it gently," Akito said while groaning in pain.
"When mom was at your age, your father always desperately tries helping people even though he always messed up every time, you have the same idiocy as his"
"Hey..., are you trying to make me feel down?" Akito said
"Fufu~, I'm just kidding~ I was trying to say even though you are weak you still can help a person, that is already amazing, I'm proud of you! but...." Aiko pinches Akito's arm that has bruises on it.
"Ow Ow Ow Ow, hey! don't pinch it"!
"You better and I mean BETTER, DON'T DO IT AGAIN OR ELSE, MAKING ME WORRIED LIKE THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE YOUNG MAN," Aiko said glaring at him with red glowing eyes.
Akito is scared and quivering in fear
"Y-yes ma'am...i-i uhh promise I won't do it again...." Akito said sweating in fear.
"NOW GO TO BED AND REST UP OR ELSE," Aiko yelled at him.
"Y-yes ma'am..." Akito said nervously.
After his wounds are treated, he went to his room upstairs quickly.