
Kamen Rider: Singularity(Re-Written)

A/N:We are on Outsiders timeline in every world the mc visit, Hence the "Singularity" Outsiders Timeline is just like A.U...Minor things will be changed as well as major changes, it's honestly like the "Butterfly effect" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ A self loathing Young man, who wished upon his death, but not being to do it himself finally got his wish. The one who granted is none other than one of the ????????, who pitied him. and after the both have their conversation which also fixed his self loathing..The ??????? granted the Youth 3 wishes, with the standard rule of 1.No Instant Godly Powers. 2.No resurrection 3.Nothing Evil must be wished upon. The Young man made his wish, and here we are. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Warning:This fic would probably have a lot of BS..and Some may even get offended...Not cuz of any Offensive topics or anything but Cuzz of Bias.... Especially since this is a Kamen rider fic... All the Characters except for the OC are not mine, All rights belong to their original Creators. That's All! Cya!

LazyWriterZ · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Issei's shocking afternoon

A/N:Hallo! Midterms arrived so I wasn't able to do my promise, but I'll do my best to Write whenever I'm free.

I did decide to focus my writing style to the third person view so the story isn't so stiff.

Basically it's a skill Issue on my part, not being able to write a 1st person P.O.V properly.

anyways that's all for now! don't forget to Send em power stones and Comment!

That's all! Ciao!


//2 days Later//3rd Person P.O.V//

*Ding!* *Dong!* *Ding!*

The school bell rang for the first time today which signifies the classes nearing its start, so Gabriel hurried his footsteps towards the classroom, Yawning as he did so.

The reason? Well, he's been pretty active hunting Mirror Monsters this weekend, not worrying about what will happen to Issei, as he was sure Issei would be fine regardless, since he's this world's chosen one and all that.

and Besides, the warning he has given to Rias was enough, and speaking of which, It turns out he was off by a day with his assumption of Issei's date with Ryuuma aka Raynare.

How he found out? Well, Rias was pretty pissed when she hurried to go towards the place Gabriel mentioned to wait for Issei, but he never came.

In fact, a quick check to Issei's house confirmed that he never actually got out of his house in the first place.

So yeah, Gabriel got a barrage of complaints by Rias, Still, Rias left Kiba to monitor Issei just in case, Poor guy.

and when Sunday the next morning arrived, It was the day when Issei had his date with Ryuuma.

the plot surprisingly didn't change much, Issei still got that slip of summoning paper from one of Rias's Familiar, then after the date came to an end Issei was stabbed and Rias saved him and nursed him back to health, naked.

That was what Akeno said anyways-.

And oh! looks like he arrived at his classroom 


"Morning"Gabriel greeted Ange and her 4 friends as he passed by

"""Morning!/Sup!/Mornin!/Good Morning"""" 

Suzu,Yui,Hikaru and Yūka replied in their own way.

"Good Morning Gabriel"Angie replied with a smile.

After their little greeting, Gabriel continued his way towards his Desk, greeting the classmates who greeted him, before finally Greeting Aika whilst sitting down on his seat.

Gabriel then looked towards his left side, where Issei, who is in a daze is currently seated and greeted.

"Yo! Good morning Issei! How was your weekend?"Gabriel asked, holding himself back to not look at him teasingly.

"Huh?-Oh! Yeah! Good morning Gabriel"Issei replied stuttering as he did so.

Seeing his face was really amusing, especially when His face turns red, probably thinking about Rias's naked Booty.

He did not answer his question tho.

"Hoooh?, Looks like something Good happened considering how you acted, Is it perhaps a girl? maybe something good happened with your girlfriend??"Gabriel asked, barely holding back his snicker.

Issei's eyes constricted upon Gabriel's words, but before he could say anything, someone suddenly Interrupted and that someone was Motohama, one of the three perverts and a friend of Issei.

"YEA! Something Good happened to "Our" friend Issei here! He was being accompanied by Gremory-san this morning!" 

'Sheeesh! I can smell some sourness in the class' Gabriel thought inside his head, as Obviously Motohama and the other Pervert, matsuda was Envious of Issei being accompanied by Rias.

"Hooh?~ Is that so?"Gabriel asked, looking towards Issei.

Meanwhile the rest of the class looked towards the four after hearing Motohama's words.

"Even if Issei did get accompanied by Rias, Why does it matter to you?"Gabriel asked him, as people like this pisses him of greatly.

"So?, why does Issei's relationship matter to you? just because you're his friend? If so, aren't you supposed to be happy for him? and not, act so enviously?"

"..."Matsuda did not answer, Instead he sat back down in his seat, his fist clenched into a fist.

The class turned quiet, and a tense atmosphere began to brew, but It was broken not long after, as the first Subject teacher has arrived, who was surprised by the tense atmosphere in the class.

//Noon,Lunch Break//

After the sound of the school bell was heard ringing, Kiryuu Sento closed the book he was holding and announced the end of his class, and afterwards said Goodbye to all his students before going out.

What followed was the students getting ready for the lunch break too, Motohama and Matsuda hurriedly got out of the classroom without Inviting Issei with them.

Ange, and her group also got up and prepared to go to the rooftop on their usual place, only this time Aika accompanied them.

Seeing their developing friendship made Gabriel smile a bit, and so after they got out, he looked at Issei who was taking out a Bento, most probably packed by his mum.

"Yo, you're planning on eating here?"he asked Issei.


"I apologize...for possibly ruining your friendship with the two.."Gabriel apologized for the words he said before, words that most likely broke Issei's friendship with Matsuda and Motohama.

Issei, took a moment to himself, before replying "Its fine, Im sure those two will come around-"

Though Right after he finished those words, the class suddenly turned noisy all of a sudden so the two of them looked towards the cause, which turned out to be a certain blonde knight, who was walking calmy, entering the classroom before walking towards the two, more specifically towards Issei.

"Yo! Afternoon Kiba!"Gabriel greeted him casually and Kiba responded with a nod before greeting me back.

"Good afternoon to you too Cruzz-san, I apologize for Interrupting the conversation you and Issei was having, but Kaichou has called for Issei in the club room"

"Hooh? Well, I guess you need to go now Issei!"Gabriel said looking at Issei teasingly, Knowing what will happen later.

Meanwhile, Issei was surprised that Kiba and most likely Rias knew his classmate, and it sounds like they are even friends, In fact, it's not only Issei that was surprised, every student that was watching, be it the two's classmates or other students was surprised that the two prince of Kouh lnew each other.

And so, chaos ensued, guys cursing the two princes to explode while some of the more "extreme" girls thought about some hot moments that they think would or was happening between the two, blood dripping from their nose as they did so.

Noticing the chaos that was brewing, Gabriel thought 'Crap' before he lookes towards Issei and Kiba and asked.

"Can I come with you guys as well? I cant really stay here with this chaos"

"Of course, Akeno said that you could come, if you like as well"

'Shit...On one hand, I dont wanna stay here as Its too noisy and bothersome but on the other hand... Dealing with Akeno can be soo tiring, mentally that is, thankfully theres a cute cat I can pat there' Gabriel thought inside his head, before making a decision.

"Alright! lets go!" After saying that, Gabriel dragged the blonde knight and the future Boob Dragon emperor, making the Fujoshi watching even more excited.

''''Three-way?!?!''''Every fujoshi thought, Imagining some dirty thoughts of Kiba and Gabriel sandwiching Issei..(A/N:I swear Im not gae...)


After running for a few minutes untill there was nobody else in the newr vicinity, Gabriel and the two stopped before Gabriel panted while thinking 'Damn! who would jave thought being handsome also has its own downside, of which being the center of some fujoshi's Imagination!' Just imagining what those nosebleeding girls was Imagining made Gabriel shudder.

so he looked towards Kiba who didn't even break a sweat, and said "Damn man, how you deal with these daily is worthy of respect.."

Kiba just looked confused upon hearing Gabriel's words, and seeing his visible confusion surprised Gabriel for a moment before he thought of how Kiba has dedicated all his time on his sword craft since he escaped from that cursed experiment, so hes technically as Innocent as a 10 yeats old when it comes to things like that, which explains how nothing has happened between Kiba and his fellow peerage member yet.

So Gabriel just shook his head and replied with "Nothing" before he looked towards Issei and said.

"Now then, shall we continue towards the Club room?"

And after seeing the two's confirmation, the three continued their way towards the Club room, although It took more time than it should have been, as they took many detours to get away from people's eyes.

So, after the three arrived at the Occult Research Club, Rias was already done showering and is now Sitting in one of the sofa, Drinking tea whilst having a conversation with Akeno, Meanwhile Koneko was munching on some Daifuku.

Hearing the Door open notified the three of Kiba's return so they looked towards the door and was surprised seeing not just Issei but even Gabriel was with Kiba.

"Yo! I hope you dont mind me dropping by~"Gabriel greeted Rias, Akeno and Koneko, which was replied with "No problem at all" that was given by Rias

"Alright then!"

After saying those words, Gabriel walked towards the sofa before settling down besides Koneko.

"Hey! Koneko-chan~"Gabriel greeted before attempting to place his palms on Koneko's head but she dodged.

"Haha! Alright! Here's a gift~"After Gabriel said that, he retrieved a Lollipop from his pockets and offered it to Koneko, which accepted it, seeing what it was.

Which gave Gabriel his chance, so he pat her head, Koneko not minding it now.

Rias, Aken,Issei and Kiba just looked at our Interaction with each their own reactions, Rias smiling, seeing that I was getting along with one of the shy member of her peerage, Kiba smiling too, seeing that one of their youngest making a friend, Akeno with a complicated face while Issei being shocked how Close I was acting towards one of the Academy's Treasures.(A/N:This is B.S)

One thing to know is that, Gabriel only look at Koneko as if she's a Sister, basically a platonic love(For now at least), Akeno herself knew that, but for some reason she feels, threatened?

Gabriel meanwhile was completely Immersed, petting Koneko's silky smooth white hair.

While Koneko, just continued eating her daifuku, seemingly Ignoring whats happening outside, including Gabriels patting, somewhat that is.

*Cough*Rias fake coughed getting everyone's attention except Gabriel and koneko, which was fine by her so she continues.

"Anyways, You might be wondering why we Invited you here Issei-kun, But dont worry, we will explain all the answers you would want to hear, first let us Introduce ourselves"

"My name is Rias Gremory the King of this Peerage, and this lady besides me is Akeno Himejima, the Queen of my peerage, Koneko toujo, the Rook of my peerage, and Im sure you have meet Kiba Yuuto, who is the Knight of my Peerage, Now, you must be confused about what the Peerage is but first, I would like to reveal something"

"We Inside, with the exception of Gabriel-kun, are all Devils"

after saying those words, Rias released her bat like wings, Followed by Kiba, who released a similar one, and Lastly Akenl who released a yet another Similar wings.

Koneko, Did not need to Reveal hers as having three of them showing their wings was enough of proof of what Rias was saying.

after Releasing their wings Rias didn't continue, waiting for Issei to Digest the Information yet.

Meanwhile, Since Rias Introduced herself Issei was already confused, topped with her next words of them Being devils before showing their wings made Issei both Confused and scared, but then He remembered what Rias said so he hurriedly asked.

"Wait! You said Before that Everyone Inside this room except for Gabriel-kun was a devil, so does that mean.."

As soon as Issei finished saying his question, Rias Unhesitatingly replied "Yes, you are also a devil"

Issei got the shock of his lifetime upon this revelation, so it was no surprise that he was stunned still for a good minute before he responded, shaking as he did so.


Hearing Issei's question, Rias looked at her peerage members thinking what to say before she replied.

"Its because you were close to dying, and it was the only thing we could have done to help, so..."


"So, I turned you into a member of my peerage, and reincarnated you as a devil.."Rias replied


The clubroom went quiet for a moment before It was Interrupted by Gabriels words.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be mad at them, turning you Into a devil and all, blame your Yuuma-chan because she was the one who turned you into a donut"

Hearing Gabriels words, Issei did not reply for a moment before saying "Still!"

"Still what? Would you have preferred dying? leaving your parents devastated when they fins your corpse?"Gabriel rebuted.

"And besides, Being a devil isn't that bad"

Hearing Gabriel's words, Rias and Akeno had hopeful eyes but it was dashed when Gabriel said "Yeah nope, Im still not joining, save your pieces for those that will stick around with you forever"

after saying that he looked back at Issei and continued "As, I was saying, getting reincarnated as a Devil is not so bad for you, as You would get to touch the supernatural which Im sure, you had your fantasies of"

"Though In your case, Im sure you're only thinking of how you can fondle those Big breast of the Elves and Cow women, no offense"

"Non taken"Issei wryly replied.

Gabriel nodded at Issei's words before continuing. "Plus! You were going to get Involved sooner or later anyways, courtesy of that thing inside you, so Isn't it great to have a powerful family like Rias's to shelter you untill you've grown enough?"

Issei took a few minutes to process what he heared from Gabriel while Rias was happily jumping inside her head for Gabriel's support.

Issei, was confused as so many things have happened these past few days; first he was super happy,for finally getting a Girlfriend and even having his first date with her just yesterday, But then It turned for the worst when She stabbed him suddenly, 

then upon waking up thinking he was sent to either hell or heaven, He was met with a heavenly sight of Rias's naked Body, and then his conflict with his two friends this morning, and now it was revealed that he was turned into a devil by the very same Red- head she saw naked this morning.

And whats more surprising is that Gabriel his classmate and one of the so called "prince" was In fact Involved with them one way or another and lets not forget to mention the other "prince" who was actually part of the Red-heads group or Peerage.

Meanwhile, Gabriel and the rest let Issei process things first and got back to what were they doing, wings hidden.

Kiba sat Besides Gabriel drinking the tea akeno poured for him, while Akeno sat as well on the other side at the sofa.

Rias, as well, just stayed quiet while sipping tea, planning of thanking Gabriel at a later time for the timely assist.

Meanwhile Koneko was nonchalant about whats happening, Eating the Taiyaki Gabriel materialized out of nowhere.

Gabriel too, was Drinking tea, eyes closed while checking out the quest that Generated after he helped convincing Issei.