
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

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33 Chs

Secrets discovered.

Yennefer explained to Kakashi what this battle would be like.

"Kakashi, the creature you will face, will not be like the one we faced together."

Even though that golem was a complicated creature to face, Kakashi wouldn't be worried about facing that golem again.

This time he would fight in more favorable terrain, he would also not be limited by the location stealing his chakra, this time Kakashi believed he would end the fight without any difficulty.

"This time you will face a common golem, they are less resistant, agile and strong than that one."

"If it's against a golem, we don't need to worry, the fight will be over before you can speak my full Yen."

Yennefer wasn't too worried about Kakashi's safety in this battle, she knew his power well, the golem wouldn't be a threat to him.

She was more worried about other matters, Yennefer was still afraid if she made the right decision.

If rumors about Kakashi's abilities spread, he could become the center of a major political war, several powers would become interested in him.

This would be an optimistic situation in this scenario, in the worst case scenario Kakashi could be feared by everyone, and they would want to be free from the future threat.

The line between being admired and coveted, to being feared and hated was very thin, Yennefer knew that the difference would be the power shown by Kakashi.

"Kakashi, I wanted to ask you not to show so much power, let the fight last a little, if you finish off the golem too quickly, they will get suspicious."

Yennefer knew that it was not something easy to complete, there was no clear criteria for Kakashi to follow.

Having to impress someone while consciously diminishing their abilities so that the battle could last was not a simple task.

It wasn't an escrima battle, where you can pass on skill, while teaching your opponent the difference in power.

Kakashi would be facing a golem, a creature that had great strength, so any mistake could lead to Kakashi being seriously injured.

She only warned him not to go all out, but Yennefer would let Kakashi decide what would be the best approach to the battle against the golem.

Thinking about how impressive he could be when fighting, Kakashi decided that he would use simple and beautiful movements.

He would show that his agility and experience in battle, Kakashi would use simple jutsus, he would not show anything that he considered, that was too expository.

Kakashi would only do some simple jutsus, nothing that would draw much attention.

Their conversation lasted a little longer, Yennefer was more anxious about Kakashi's fight than he was.

Kakashi noticed this, he ran his hand through his beautiful black hair, he liked feeling Yennefer's hair between his fingers.

He knew that this action calmed Yennefer, Kakashi used to do this to her, very often, Yennefer sometimes needed a physical touch from Kakashi.

I felt Kakashi's affection through these actions, they really pleased Yennefer.

"You don't need to worry Yen, whatever comes our way, we'll face it together as always."

Looking at Kakashi's smile, Yennefer calmed down, he gave her an enormous sense of security.

It was like no matter what they faced, the world could become their enemies, but with Kakashi, Yennefer felt like she could face any person or organization.

If she had Kakashi by her side, Yennefer felt that everything would work out in the end, together they would be able to overcome any difficulty.

"Two of us against the world, as it always was, it reminds me of when we were both being hunted."

In Yennefer's world of illusions, they spent years being hunted, in that place they both had absurd bad luck.

Practically everything they did went wrong, they always had to be vigilant against everyone.

Well almost everyone, there is a little secret that Kakashi kept from Yennefer.

A long romance he had with a beautiful sorceress.

Triss Merigold, it was an overwhelming passion, in that world where everyone seemed to be horrible people, she was the only one who stood out from the rest.

Kakashi was under a lot of pressure, he had to keep Yennefer safe and happy, in that place everything worked against them.

He had to work hard for several years to keep them safe, while doing everything he could to make Yennefer happy.

Even he felt mental exhaustion as this situation continued, the good and happy moments with Yennefer were no longer enough to keep his mind healthy.

Even though Kakashi knew that it was just an illusion, that world was very real, the residents of that world had their own personality.

The emotional and mental strain was too great for Kakashi to sustain alone.

When he was almost reaching his limit, he met Triss, and soon she caught her attention with her beauty and nurturing personality.

It was natural for them to get closer, and they ended up having a loving relationship.

Kakashi never felt this way with anyone, it was a different love than he felt for Yennefer, he would do anything for Yennefer.

But that burning and overwhelming passion he felt for her still shook him, they spent years together.

He hoped that she didn't exist in this world, apart from Tissaia none of the sorceresses he encountered today existed in the world of illusions, but even Tissaia was as if she were someone else.

Her personality and appearance were totally different, this gave Kakashi hope that she would change so much that he wouldn't recognize her.

It was great while it lasted, he didn't want to ruin those sweet moments.

It would be painful, seeing the person you loved in front of you and remembering everything you did together.

And your love not remembering you, for that person to just be a stranger would be something Kakashi didn't want.

She would always live in his heart and memory as his first love.

Remembering her, Kakashi got lost in thought and put a passionate smile on his face, which went unnoticed by Yennefer.

That she was also stuck in her thoughts, remembering the good times they had in that world.

"Kakashi, do you remember that day when the Duke's wife? That 56 year old lady."

Yennefer got nostalgic and decided to remember one of their stories together.

"She invited you to a private room, you drank and she tried to make you sleep with her."

Yennefer couldn't contain her laughter, that day she was furious, but nowadays it was just another funny memory.

"It was hilarious, you ran away in just your underwear, someone saw you and spread the rumor, and for a long time the ladies sent you gifts and letters, wanting a chance with you."

That year, several rumors about Kakashi sleeping with noble elderly women spread, he became known as Don Juan of the elderly.

Several nobles, who had their honor tarnished by the rumors, placed a price on Kakashi's head, an amount that together was enough to buy a small castle.

"Don't remind me of that Yen, it was a traumatic memory, waking up to an unknown lady taking off her clothes, I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

Kakashi still had some nightmares about it, and it happened when he was 18 years old in that world, at the first nobles' ball he went to with Yennefer.

"But since you're bringing up that kind of memory, then I feel entitled to talk about your situation with...".

Before he could finish, Yennefer covered his mouth.

"We agreed that this story would be forgotten, remember?"

She regretted provoking Kakashi, he knew her most shameful stories.

This particular one was the one that made her most embarrassed, so much so that she wouldn't want to remember.

They spent the night teasing each other with their most shameful memories.

That night flowed peacefully, the two didn't even notice the time passing.

Entertained by their good time together, the two seemed oblivious to everything that was happening around them.

However, Kakashi never stopped being aware of her surroundings, he let Yennefer believe in her carefree image, to calm her down.

Yennefer was already stressed about that situation, so he would do everything to lessen the burden she was feeling.

Kakashi saw a small owl near the window that seemed to be listening to everything they were saying.

He decided to note that any rash action could cause even more unnecessary stress for Yennefer.

Philippa was surprised by what was happening in that room, Yennefer was acting in an unbelievable way.

When anyone who knew her, she wouldn't believe it if someone told her that Yennefer was acting like a teenager who wanted to be spoiled by a family member.

The person Yennefer showed to others, and the person she was when she was with Kakashi.

They were two completely different people, she was unrecognizable.

For others, Yennefer was always like a beautiful, inaccessible jewel, many coveted her, but her distant and arrogant personality drove most people away.

Even those who tried hard failed to gain her trust and affection, Yennefer always put on a facade with others.

She was an extremely suspicious person, never trusting anyone, that was until she met Kakashi.

The trust and intimacy that Yennefer was showing towards Kakashi was something that Philippa did not expect to see in her lifetime.

Philippa couldn't believe someone like Yennefer, who was even more suspicious of people than she was.

She would be able to trust and show genuine affection to someone, her curiosity about Kakashi increased.

She wanted to know what was so special about him that he could win over Yennefer like that.

'It's a good thing I wasn't very accommodating when trying to get closer to Kakashi, now that I know he's an adult trapped in a boy's body, my plans will have to change completely'.

Suspicious of Kakashi, Philippa ran some tests as she examined him, she wanted to know if Kakashi was really a child.

He didn't behave like a child, however after her tests, she couldn't find any trace of magic or potion.

Although she made her believe that Kakashi had changed his appearance, Philippa believed that he was just a boy, extremely mature and experienced.

But to Philippa's surprise, she discovered through their conversation that Kakashi was actually an adult, but she didn't know his exact age.

This situation piqued Philippa's curiosity, who decided to investigate, to find out how Kakashi managed to deceive her.

Even though she expected to discover some information about Kakashi that night, Philippa didn't expect to discover so much important information.

With what she discovered today, she believed that she could win over Kakashi, she just needed to find out if he would be worth all this effort.

Realizing they were getting ready for bed, Philippa decides it was time to leave that place, she had achieved what she wanted.

When Kakashi went to close the window, the owl flapped its wings trying to fly away.

However before Philippa could run away, someone caught her.

Turning her neck to check that she was doing this, Philippa was surprised at who was holding her.

"Yen, I'm going to get some fresh air on the roof and I'll be right back."

Kakashi moved to the roof, and ran into his clone, who was holding the transformed Philippa.

When he got close to the owl, Kakashi was confused, he could have sworn the owl was watching them.

But the owl didn't seem to have anything abnormal, Kakashi couldn't feel any sign of elemental energy coming from the animal.

Not wanting to take any chances, Kakashi decided to check the owl using his Sharingan.

Seeing that strange-looking red eye watching her, Philippa wanted to escape in any way possible.

But the clone was holding her tightly, so much so that Philippa was injured as she struggled.

"It seems like I'm being paranoid, it's just a common owl."

Kakashi released his clone, letting Philippa fly away, he returned to her room, and lay down on the bed with Yennefer.

At dawn, Kakashi and Yennefer went through their routine of cleaning up, getting ready and then having their meal.

Prepared for the battle that will take place that day, Kakashi wore different clothes than those worn yesterday.

Kakashi wasn't wearing formal clothes, this time he was completely dressed in lighter and looser clothes, which made it easier for him to move.

Carrying his silver sword on his back, Kakashi did not use chain mail or armor on his body.

These parts had been damaged in the battle against the high vampire, and they had no time to repair them.

However, Kakashi believed that he would not need these defenses, these defenses would be useless against the overwhelming strength of a golem.

It would be like trying to stop a wrecking ball with a thin plate of iron, it would be irrelevant and would even worsen his injuries if he were hit.

Removing all excess weight was ideal for this battle, so Kakashi wouldn't have his movements limited by anything.

Relaxed with what was to come, Kakashi was showing great confidence while talking to Yennefer.

He wasn't underestimating his opponent, Kakashi believed this was the best approach, he had already done his planning, worrying would only get in his way.

Yennefer and he had already decided that today they would join the Brotherhood, they were both ready.

Everything he could do in preparation up until that moment, Kakashi had already done, now he just needed to find the three so the battle could begin.

After their usual breakfast, they left for the designated location, which Yennefer and Tissaia had previously agreed on.

Yesterday, when the three of them had that conversation, she decided what would be the best approach to her and Kakashi's situation.

She fought hard against this decision even though she knew it would be the best option they had, unlike the kings who had great power and local influence.

The Sorceresses Brotherhood had influence over most of the kingdoms on this continent, using it few factions would dare interfere with the two without a good justification.

With great reluctance she informed them a little about Kakashi and how special he was, wanting to gain their protection for him.

When she noticed the doubt and surprise on both their faces, Yennefer said that today Kakashi would do a small test, to show that she wasn't lying, about his abilities.

After Tissaia and Margarita decided, they would give Kakashi the chance to show his skills.

They agreed to meet, at the place where the sorceresses trained offensive spells.

It was a large place, made of resistant stones, with some scarecrows scattered around the place, which the students used as targets.

The entire way until arriving at the location, Yennefer was silent, even though she believed that this was the best way, she doubts if it was really the best decision at that moment.

Yennefer didn't know the possible complications that her act would cause in her and Kakashi's lives.

She didn't know if she would regret this situation later, but Yennefer believed this was the best choice she could make given her options.

When the two arrived at the place, Philippa, Tissaia and Margarita were already there waiting for them.

Philippa looked at Kakashi intensely, yesterday he had surprised her in several different ways.

His ability to perceive along with his strange abilities made him someone to be admired at the same time as he was feared.

She couldn't sleep last night, the memories of the events wouldn't leave her head.

That information she heard revealed the truth behind Kakashi's true identity.

An adult trapped in a child's body, even after thinking and researching yesterday when he returned to his room.

Philippa couldn't find out how she was deceived by him and Yennefer, no spell or portion that alters appearance would do this without leaving a trace.

Kakashi had nothing on his body that would indicate that his structure had been magically modified, and it wouldn't make sense for him to make that change.

Unless he was a criminal looking he would have no reason to try to hide his real appearance.

But that didn't seem to be the case with him, that mystery had been in his head all night, Philippa was determined to find out more about Kakashi.

Yesterday was just the first step of her investigation, she was determined to find out everything about him, his mystery was captivating to Philippa.

Men who aroused her curiosity and managed to deceive her were very rare, this made Kakashi stand out in her eyes.

The desire to have him for her grew little by little, Philippa was a determined woman when she wanted something she would do anything to get it.

Kakashi would be no different, she would not stop until she managed to win him over, making him hers.

Wanting to discover Kakashi's real abilities, Philippa proposed that they make a golem that was a little different from the usual one.

A golem, which was more resistant, faster and stronger than common golems, its appearance would be the same, the difference would be in the concentration of magic in it and the material it would be made of.

They did so in a way that not even a sorceress like Yennefer could tell the difference unless she faced him directly.

Looking at the golem, summoned by the three, Kakashi noticed that it was much smaller than the last one he faced with Yennefer.

This golem was 1/3 smaller than the one faced with Yennefer, its body didn't seem as resistant, and it didn't seem to have the intelligence of that golem.

Something of that level wouldn't be a challenge for Kakashi, he could end this fight with a single blow from his Raikiri.

However, Yennefer asked him to do something impressive, something that would surprise them, while not showing too many skills.

Kakashi walked towards the three of them confidently, Yennefer at his side exuded the same air of confidence.

The only one who could tell that she wasn't so confident or satisfied with that situation was Kakashi.

Facing the three, Kakashi greeted them briefly, talking to them at that moment was something secondary to him.

He let Yennefer take care of this formality, facing the golem, Kakashi spoke.

"So this will be my opponent?" His tone was carefree, even a little discouraged.

"Exactly, as we only want to measure his potential, and Yennefer insisted that you inject something that would give us insight into his abilities."

It was Tissaia who spoke, even though the power of the three were balanced, she was the one who held the greatest prestige of the three, she was the natural leader of the group.

"We could use any other magical creature, but a golem gives us more control, we can stop the fight at any time if it becomes dangerous for you."

Her speech showed concern, it was a way of trying to get closer to Kakashi by showing that she cared about his safety.

"I'm ready to start the test at any time, if you want I can start now."

Nodding, they walked away a little, leaving Kakashi and the golem in the center of the place.

"You can start, show us your skills."

Without removing his sword, Kakashi approaches the golem, walking normally.

Making the tiger seal with his right hand, Kakashi gathered wind-style chakra in his left hand.

Knowing that the golem's body was nothing more than a heavy stone without much mobility, Kakashi would not need to do all the hand seals to complete the jutsu.

He could use the simplified version of the jutsu, even though it was inferior to the normal version, it was faster and more practical to use.

Hand seals are only used for those who have not completely mastered the jutsu, when you have completely learned the path through which the chakra passes.

And having great control over the chakra to transform into the desired element, hand seals became optional.

Some techniques were more complicated to do than others, but for Kakashi, a true genius, this problem was secondary.

Observing Kakashi's action, with the carefree way he walked towards the golem.

When they saw it, they thought it was the arrogance of a boy, who thought he was more powerful than everyone, but that perception changed when they felt that energy.

They felt an almost imperceptible energy leaving Kakashi's body and accumulating in his left hand.

Confused, they didn't know how he managed to keep such dense energy in his hand without letting it slowly drain away.

If the three of them hadn't been so focused on this fight, they wouldn't have noticed that the energy in their hand had suddenly changed its nature.

No longer pure energy, it became a pure concentration of a single element, it was pure Air elemental energy in his hand.

Even in nature it was difficult to find this purity, generally the energies mixed a little, leaving rare places where a pure and unaltered element could be found.

An energy so pure that it would be difficult to manipulate was in Kakashi's hand that was in front of him.

The three of them had different thoughts going through their heads.

Each one had their own goal and hidden agenda to desire the boy, but they all had one thing in common, they didn't expect it.

Even Philippa didn't expect such perfect control over Kakashi's energy, something that would be difficult even for her.

They were watching the fight with great interest, none of the three wanted to let any detail go unnoticed.

When Kakashi came within striking range, he saw the golem's heavy body moving to attack him.

Swinging its arm horizontally, the golem attacked with the intention of crushing Kakashi.

He simply stepped to the side, easily dodging the golem's blow, using his wind blade on the arm the golem used.

With a clean cut, the golem's arm fell completely off the ground, it was so fast that the three of them were confused as to what had happened.

Even though he felt the energy that was not in Kakashi's hand being released towards the golem's arm, they did not feel that that tiny amount of energy could cut the golem's arm so easily.

There had to be some trick behind Kakashi's technique, they were sure of that, they just didn't know how that skill worked.

Without giving the golem time to react, Kakashi used another wind blade with a wide range, this time cutting the golem's legs.

He fell to the ground with a huge impact, but he felt no pain.

These attacks did not affect the golem's momentum, as it used the only limb left on its body to attack Kakashi.

Using all his strength, he swung his arm diagonally towards Kakashi, the golem attacked unexpectedly.

The golem's attacks posed no danger to Kakashi, no matter his immense physical strength, if he couldn't land a blow, his strength didn't mean anything.

This fight from the beginning had a clear winner, Kakashi had no way of losing, to something with so little mobility.

Jumping from his attack, Kakashi landed on top of the golem's arm, and with a simple movement of his hand horizontally, he managed to cut off the golem's other arm.

This entire sequence of blows happened in less than 60 seconds, so fast that the golem was unable to repair the parts it had lost.

After he took away all of the golem's means of defense, Kakashi stood in front of it, while staring at it.

Lightning starts to come out of his palm, and then spreads, covering his entire arm in the process.

He removed his sword from his back and switched his Raikiri to the silver blade, expanding his jutsu as much as he could.

Kakashi attacked the golem horizontally, with all his strength, with that single blow Kakashi split the golem in two with a perfect cut.

His sword passed through the golem's body so quickly that it didn't seem like it was made of sturdy rocks.

The fight had ended so quickly and so easily, that it didn't seem like Kakashi made an effort, from the beginning to the end of the fight.

Which lasted less than two minutes, Kakashi dominated the fight in an impressive way, his skill and experience in battle impressed the three.

This took them by surprise, this ability to easily manipulate elements was only seen in high level elementals, it was not something a person could do.

This battle was so impressive that they didn't know what to do, none of the three expected a battle that took place like this.

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