
Kaito Kid in a Comic Book World[Edited Version]

He is called the 21st century Robin Hood, as a master of disguise he can disguise himself as your best friend without you knowing. We are not even sure whether he is a "he" or "her"-CIA The magician under the moonlight. His risk assessment...... is complicated, but we can at least be sure that he is much more skilled than any ordinary two-bit thief -SHIELD, "In this world, treasures, and beauties are the most indispensable"- Mathison(Resident Phantom Thief). ___________________________ Disclaimer: This is a Chinese fanfic translated by Reincarnation Palace and many others. However the translations I read where awkward at best and unreadable at worst, so I decided to edit a translation to make it more readable. If this does well I might continue for a long time but for right now this is just to polish up my writing skills before my own work is ready to be published and to get me used to webnovel. Raws Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=163458 Author: Creek and Fish I do not own any of the characters of this work nor the cover picture. If the owner of the picture wants it taken down, you can contact me and I will immediately do so ----------------------------

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21 Chs

Teaser Letter Deciphered!

Meanwhile, in the Batcave underneath Wayne Manor…

"Master Wayne, there's good news for you."

Alfred came to Bruce's side with a newspaper in his hand.

Almost every day this week, Bruce had gone to the Batcave, using his Batcomputer to search for any signs of Kaito Kid.

For a month, Bruce has extracted and seen all the surveillance records of the area around the Gotham Exhibition Hall, yet no clues about Kaito Kid were found.

It was as if Kaito Kid had appeared out of thin air, with no absolute records of his whereabouts.

He could not even find any suspicious person who might be could be Kid.

This raised Bruce's curiosity; it had been a long time since he had been this interested in something.

The newspaper that Alfred had just handed over to him had increased Bruce's interest even more.

The headline of the paper read, "A second teaser letter from Kaito Kid appears… Is this coded teaser letter really from Kid?"

"The fickle brothers are going to the end.

By this time, the Twelve Trials had reached their second,

When Selene cannot look far enough to see Helios,

I shall listen to the call of the waves and come to snatch the cat's eye.

See you soon, Kaito Kid!"

With one look at this mysterious teaser letter, Bruce cracked a smile of understanding.

"It's not often I see you smile these days, sir." Alfred said.

"Huh, is that so? Well let's leave that aside for now Alfred. What do you think about this teaser letter?"

Bruce chuckled lightly, he was somehow in a lighter mood these days, since Kaito Kid had appeared.

"Master Wayne, Kaito Kid's coded message is one of a kind, but it doesn't hold a candle to the riddles that the Riddler cooked up."

"You right, those riddles Edward devised back in the day nearly pushed me to my limit."

Alfred chuckled with nostalgia for he vividly remembered Bruce and himself staying up all night trying to crack the latest riddle before the madman blew up a factory or something. Good times. Well bad for the factories but they were going to blow up anyway if they weren't doing something.

"How much has been solved?" Bruce asked getting back on track.

"No response or answer from the GCPD."

"No, you know I'm not talking about the police."

"A good chunk Master Wayne, however I only know of the location and the target of Kaito Kid's next crime." Alfred said, truthfully.

That being said if it was a Riddler's riddle, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to solve anything.

Bruce nodded, "Well then, let's talk about it, maybe we'll both have different opinions."

"Ok then. Let's start with the easiest, he said he wanted to take the cat's eye so the target must be the Cat's Eye Emerald, the most valuable emerald with the highest value in Gotham… which is the same Cat's Eye Emerald that Daggett auctioned off not long ago."

"I know, it's not nice to say this, but, for a moment, I have to admit I was pleased to know that Daggett is the victim." Alfred continued in a slightly different tone.

During the last eight years, due to Bruce's seclusion, Wayne Enterprises value had been declining. The negative annual revenue led to the displeasure of many of the board of directors, all of whom were shareholders in Wayne Enterprises. The largest shareholder was Daggett, he was ambitious and wanted to take control of Wayne Enterprises but never had the chance.

It was clear that Wayne Enterprises was down and Bruce, its isolated owner, knew nothing about it, only Alfred saw some of what was happening to it.

But Bruce didn't care for Alfred's confession and he added,

"The Cat's Eye Emerald is housed in Daggett's private collection after it was bought by him, which is located at the southernmost tip of the island of Lower Town, right next to the Atlantic Ocean. And since it's summertime, and the wind will be blowing from the ocean to the mainland, the "waves" mostly likely refer to the direction the waves are facing, which means he will somehow go from from the Atlantic to Daggett's collection."

Alfred nodded, for he too had arrived at this conclusion.

"All's that left is the date, and the first two sentences refer to the date."

Alfred affirmed, "The 'fickle brothers' mean Gemini, and the 'second of the Twelve Trials' refers to the birth of Cancer, which means that Kaito Kid will commit his crime between the last day of Gemini and the first day of Cancer, which is June 21 to 22."

"Which leaves the last sentence, 'when Selene cannot look far enough to see Helios,' which I'm not sure what it refers to." Alfred sighed.

Bruce gave a nod of approval when Alfred finish.

"Great, Alfred, so far you and I are on the same page, and as for this last unexplained sentence, I've got a clue as to what it says about the exact time when Kaito Kid will strike."

"In fact, the contents of this teaser letter are so simple that anyone who has studied Greek mythology will understand it at first glance."

"Selene is known as the god of the moon in Greek mythology, while Helios is the god of the sun."

"Oh, I'm sorry Master Wayne, but isn't Apollo the god of the sun in Greek mythology?"

"You see Alfred that's the interesting part" Bruce said with a hint of enthusiasm.

"Usually popular Greek mythology describes Apollo as the god of the sun, which of course he is, but as the successor to Helios."

"In Hesiod's Genealogy of the Gods, it is recorded that Helios was the son of the Titan gods Hyperion and Thea, the brother of Selene, the god of the moon, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn and that the gods in their line were responsible for bringing light to the world."

"By that logic, Selene is the moon and Helios is the sun, and the inability to look away refers to- "

"The moon and the sun are separated by another celestial body, a lunar eclipse." Alfred said in growing realization, but the next instant he rejected the explanation.

"No, according to the Observatory's estimates, the lunar eclipse is supposed to happen on June 26th, which doesn't match the date on the teaser letter."

"Exactly, so it doesn't refer to a lunar eclipse, which means it's not the Earth that separates the moon from the sun, but an artificial satellite!" Bruce explained

"Which means that Kid is going to land there at nine o 'clock at night. When the artificial satellite comes between the moon and the sun he will come to take the Cat's Eye Emerald from Daggett from over the sea" Bruce concluded.

The OV (Omnipresent voice) in this fanfic makes no sense, not only does it contsantly mix up past and present tense - sometimes it references future events as if they had already happened. It's also unclear whether the OV a part of someone's thoughts or just using the 3rd person which is sooo annoying. Also, they mentioned Riddler which isn't in the Dark night trilogy movies so this is more of an alternate timelime rather than the movies + MCU. If this gets to about chapter 50 I'm going to go back to earlier chapters to fix continuity or something. Anyways Mathison buys a lair next time.

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