
Kaito Kid in a Comic Book World[Edited Version]

He is called the 21st century Robin Hood, as a master of disguise he can disguise himself as your best friend without you knowing. We are not even sure whether he is a "he" or "her"-CIA The magician under the moonlight. His risk assessment...... is complicated, but we can at least be sure that he is much more skilled than any ordinary two-bit thief -SHIELD, "In this world, treasures, and beauties are the most indispensable"- Mathison(Resident Phantom Thief). ___________________________ Disclaimer: This is a Chinese fanfic translated by Reincarnation Palace and many others. However the translations I read where awkward at best and unreadable at worst, so I decided to edit a translation to make it more readable. If this does well I might continue for a long time but for right now this is just to polish up my writing skills before my own work is ready to be published and to get me used to webnovel. Raws Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=163458 Author: Creek and Fish I do not own any of the characters of this work nor the cover picture. If the owner of the picture wants it taken down, you can contact me and I will immediately do so ----------------------------

Magic_Spectre · Komik
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21 Chs

A Phantom Thief's Debut

Everyone was panicking because due to the sudden power outage, but suddenly loud voice boom across the room.

   Everyone turned to the place where the originated from and saw what would most likely become one of the most memorable scenes in their life.

   In front of the floor-to-ceiling window facing the moon, a gorgeous and elegant figure appeared. A dazzling moon hung above the figure as if it had rose solely for this person in this moment.

   Faint moonlight shone through the glass on Mathison's body, allowing everyone in the crowd to see him, and the entire sole focus of the entire audience fell on him in an instant.

   His white cloak flapped around uncontrollably. Although his face could not be seen clearly with the backlight, one can't help but imagine what a handsome face rested behind the lens.

   Everyone immediately knew that this was the debut of the Phantom Thief, Kaito Kid.

   And as stated in the notice, he appeared in the moonlight, to take away Adam's Star!

The crowd quickly got over their initial shock and began conversing among themselves.

   "Is that Phantom Kid?"

   "It should be! But why is he wearing white clothes?"

   "I don't know, I but those clothes look really old fashioned, yet, they have an indescribable charm when worn by him!"

   "He more looks like a proper gentleman, is he really a thief?"

   "He looks so cool!"

White is the most eye-catching color in the dark but even so, or perhaps because of that, many people have taken out their mobile phones and turned on their flashlight to shine on Kid. He was the spotlight of the entire audience. Kid was was the singularity of this part of Gotham and one would need to be blind to miss him.

   "This thief must think he's some bigshot, coming here revealing himself and thinking that he can still one-up the police!", said Gordon, with a scowl.

However, he wasn't bother too much by this "thief", right now the "thief" had revealed his hand would just quickly get caught and sent to jail for a bit for wasting police's time among other things. In Gordon's mind, this "thief" Kid is no more than an amateur or an actual kid desperate for attention.

   "Everyone, please be quiet."

   Mathison smiled politely, his voice seemed to carry a magical power, and the crowd instantly stopped talking.

   "I believe everyone has correctly guessed who I am. That's right, I am Kaito Kid, guilty as charged. Tonight, I have appeared before you all to take away Adam's star."

"Stop this madness!" A roar interrupted Mathison's speech.

   "Your mockery is over! Phantom Kid, you are under arrest!"

   Gordon took out his pistol and aimed at Mathison and coldly said: "This place is surrounded by the police; you have no chance of escaping!"

   "Although you have not yet stolen anything, spreading misinformation and sabotaging the power supply system through explosions are a crime. I hope you can reflect on the pranks you caused today in jail!"

   Both, the police on the scene and the ones hidden in the dark, slowly moved in unison toward Mathison with pointing their guns at him.

   "Pranks? Whatever do you me my good Commissioner?"

   Even when facing such a dangerous situation, Kaito Kid didn't even flinch, as if all these pistols aimed at him did not exist. He was much more interested in Gordon's words.

   "My dear Commissioner, I don't have the habit of making pranks nor telling jokes. Magic of this scale is serious business after all. But more importantly, what makes you think that I didn't already steal Adam's star?"

   "Right now, you are mocking the police. Are you even aware of the consequences?!"

   Aaron Kash's forehead was about to burst with blue veins, and he could barely hold himself back from shooting the guy, who had dared to disrespect the police in front of everyone, in the leg.

   "No need to be so impulsive, Aaron." Gordon patted Aaron on the shoulder, staring at Mathison calmly.

   "Well, you may have come here for the Adam's star, but unfortunately for you the gem it is now lying safely in the bulletproof glass behind me. You have no chance of getting it now, 'thief'" Gordon calmly addressed the Phantom Thief.

   "Really, are you sure? Are you ~really~ sure it's still there?" Mathison asked rhetorically, with a mocking curve at the corner of his lips.

   Hearing these words, Gordon's pupils shrank, and subconsciously looked back at the glass only to widen his eyes in disbelief.

   The Adam's star, which was there a second ago, is now gone!

   "Chief Gordon, are you in fact, looking for this lovely gem?"

   Mathison raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, there was a huge sapphire in his hand, almost as big as his palm.

   It was definitely the Adam's star; everyone could immediately tell by the starlight sapphire's unique six-star line pattern!

   "He really stole the Adam star, when?!"

   "It's amazing, it's like magic… No, it's DEFINITLY magic!"

  'How did he do it? Ever since the lights went out to his appearance, only ten seconds at most had passed… The bulletproof glass cover is also intact. How is this possible?!'Gordon looked at Adam's star in Mathison's hand in disbelief.

   'Could it be… that he has some sort of superpower?'

During this period, the New York war had not yet started, and there was no news of Superman. The existence of superhumans was still out of the general public's sight. Batman and many criminals, whom Gordon knew well, had no supernatural abilities, so he was naturally shocked by such a suspicious act: the act of stealing gems through objects.

   'I really should have left after I got the gem, but this is my first performance. I can't bear to step down too quickly… It's a pity that the police officers don't seem to want the show to continue."

  Mathison was currently in a dilemma that lots of magicians face where they are unwilling to leave the stage, yet have to step down as soon as possible. He has no choice but to say goodbye to his first audience.

   "However, before I leave, I want to give you all a small gift! Due to my time restrictions, I have not prepared enough but I still hope that none of you will dislike it."

   "Now, everyone here, please, close your eyes…"

The young ladies closed their eyes obediently, in addition to most of the young people who were impressed by the thief's charm. Only the police kept staring at him intently, and a small part of the audience, who wanted to see what tricks Kaito Kid could do. .

   Mathison slowly raised his left hand and snapped his fingers again. At the same time, his right hand moved down a little, gradually, and a small sphere slipped down.


   Everyone who had their eyes open yelled out almost at the same time, because a strong light pierced their eyes.

   "Damn it, it's a flashbang! There are too many civilians here, don't shoot carelessly! There is no need to panic!" Gordon shouted to everyone, quickly covering his eyes with his arms. He moved slightly faster than the others but, unfortunately, was still blinded.


   Suddenly, there was a sound of broken glass. Although Gordon himself ordered the police officers to cease fire, he followed his instinct and fired a shot in the direction of the sound.

   Due to his experience, Gordon could swear that he heard the bullet penetrate flesh, but he had no idea which part of the body the bullet had exactly damaged.

   "Agrh! Sir, I was shot, can you cover me?"

   Wait, it was Aaron's voice? What was Aaron doing there?

In reality, flashbangs are not like the ones in games that can only blind for a few seconds. Powerful ones can even cause permanent blindness, even if you immediately cover your eyes. As a result, one's eyes will take several seconds to recover.

The flashbang made by Mathison was not that powerful and its effect disappeared in about twenty seconds. After his eyes readjusted, Gordon looked toward the French window where Phantom Kid was standing at before. It was broken, and a blast of wind was blowing in from the outside. Aaron had fallen by the window with a bloody right thigh.

   "Aaron! How did you get there?"

   Gordon never expected that he would hit his subordinates, a feeling of guilt penetrated his heart.

   "I heard the sound of the window being broken, and, on impulse, ran towards it. I didn't expect to be shot by the thief," Aaron smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry sir, I'm so useless."

   For an instant, a conflicted expression was visible on Gordon's face.

   "Aaron, it was actually me…"

   When Gordon was about to tell Aaron the truth, Aaron suddenly struggled.

   "This is not the time to stay here stunned. Chief, go after the thief Kid!"

   This reply immediately released Gordon from his guilt. He immediately walked to the window and looked down, but he saw nothing, not even any traces of ropes or cranes.

   "Look up, sir!"

   Gordon looked up, and he saw a white figure, barely distinguishable as a person, in the sky far away. It was Kid but something was off. Kid had decided to escape not an automobile or by grapple.

No! Kid had decided to fly away all by himself.

He can fly now? Wait don't go! Kid-sama take me with yoooou! So that was Kid's debut in this world, he's stolen his first gem and from Bruce Wanye at that, I would how that goes. Though he's going to give back the gem because, well, he's Kid. Anyways I put a tilda on really to ~try~ and give it a playful stress if it doesn't feel right I'll go back to the loooong words. So, you know comment to help out, leave a review all that stuff. Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

Magic_Spectrecreators' thoughts