

The sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, the tickling of the nose from the scent of ham, the sounds of carols playing on the radios along with the chilly winds sweeping through the neighborhood. They all mean one thing, December is upon us. But we are not here for that, what we are here for is further away at the end of the neighborhood, inside a small wooden house, here lies our purpose. A man no older than 23, types away at his pc. His face blurry to the camera, the only thing visible is his pc screen which shows a survey with 5 questions.

1) If you were given the chance to go to another world would u abandon what you have and take it?


2)You are given 2 powers/abilities what would they be.

Fuinjutsu-without the use of chakra

Thunderbird devil fruit - weakness of the sea replaced by motion sickness

3) Hero, Villan, or Mob?


4)Fantasy, Wuxia, Fiction or Original world or combinations of 2?

original/fictional world

5)You were kidnapped and 2 choices to your freedom laid before you. Push an old man who fought to save you off a cliff or kick a puppy into a hole of spikes

-Answer redacted-

With a sigh, our vict- mystery man pushes away from the pc and stands up. A growl can b heard and he looks at his stomach then heads to the kitchen, ready to devour what he finds.Opening the refrigerator he can hear the sound of screams outside and like an original black man, he totally ignores it and continues searching the fridge. The sound of screeching tires and the revving of an engine was the last thing he heard before the fridge explodes outwards and squashes him. Over his dead body stand Optimas Tuck-kun