
Just the Six of Us

This is a Story revolving around Mike and his four sisters, along with a voice that lives in his head. join me as we explore mike's life one chapter at a time. Don't forget to rate and leave a comment. [Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.]

Spyder_234 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter Six

"Stop right there," Sarah said, as he came through the patio door, bringing him a towel. He smiled sheepishly, seeing the puddle of water around his feet.

"Strip," she said, indicating his clothes.

""I'll bring them to you in a second." he said. He didn't want her to be made aware of his boner. It was still hard enough to cut glass, or at least puncture half a dozen things he could think of just off the top of his head alone.

"Let's go puncture Beth," the voice blurted out.

"And drip water through the living room, up the stairs and down the hall, I think not bucko, now strip," she said, holding the towel ready.

Seeing he wasn't going to get out of this easily, he unbuttoned his fly and peeled his wet blue jeans off. Wet blue jeans are hard as shit to get off, as he was soon reminded. He pulled at them with one hand, while holding tightly onto his boxers with the other. Not making any progress he let go of his boxers and made an attempt pulling with both hands.

Sarah, genuinely trying to be helpful, leaned down and pulled on the sides of his pants, which then immediately began to slide, and with a sudden wet *slosh* his pants did come off, completely down both legs. But unfortunately, right along with his boxers. Acutely aware that he was now naked, and his erection was free and pointing directly where it morally shouldn't be, he began to turn and cover himself.

Sarah, being directly in the line of fire, never had a chance. Mike's dick hit her square in the face as he tried to turn around. It hit her in the nose and grazed off her open lips as she tried to pull her head up out of the way. Throwing herself off balance as a result, she fell back onto her butt as she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"That was awesome"

"Ohmygodimsosorry," she blurted through her hand, not being able to help herself and staring at her wildly dancing brother who was desperately trying to hide his erection. "You could have said, something... about... your... situation. Oh my goodness sweetie, here," she said finally offering him the towel. He ripped it from her grasp and around his body in a frenzy and bolted upstairs.

"Wow," Sarah said after a few seconds of stunned silence.

Mike had run upstairs and sat down on his bed, waiting for his embarrassment to subside. He looked down inspecting his rigidity, but it didn't look to be going anywhere soon. "Dead kittens, monkeys brains, clowns," Mike said, concentrating. Then, opening his eyes to take another look, he scolded, "Damn it." It actually looked harder. Knowing what he'd have to do, he reached into the drawer next to his bed to grab the bottle of lotion he kept close.

He squirted some on his hand and stood, looking for something to ejaculate into. He grabbed a towel off his desk and glanced outside. His three sisters were still sunning their already tanned bodies outside. "Oh god," he said, as he felt arousal rumble throughout his loins, it actually jumping up a notch after looking at his sisters. With a curious look on his face, he quickly opened up a webpage and clicked around for some porn. A pretty blonde with pigtails and cum on her face popped into view. "Perfect," he said and started to furiously rub his engorged member. A wet *squish, squish* noise quietly filled his room once again. He continued to rub, waiting... and waiting... and waiting. What the hell? Damn it, the pretty blonde wasn't going to do it this time.

Danni was rubbing more oil on her stomach. His dick jumped. Sighing and resigning himself to his fate, he grabbed his cock and slowly to massage its length. She moved up and rubbed oil on her breasts, her hand briefly travelling below the top and then back up again. She adjusted them and let them fall back down. He could feel it building up within him.

"Mike," said a voice behind him. He froze.

"Sweetie, turn around." It was Sarah. He didn't fucking move.

He heard a click as the door closed and another as it locked. "I'm not trying to embarrass you and I'm not going to scold you. Please, turn around so I can talk to you."

His head dropped and he slowly turned, dick in hand, expecting a burst of uncontrollable laughter . "I'm...I'm," he stuttered. He felt like crying, he was so embarrassed.

Sarah didn't scold him, though. She was too good of a person for that.

"Stop, you don't have to be embarrassed, sweetie. Masturbation is as natural as... as...," she had a caring look on her face as he glanced at her. "Well, even I do it pretty regularly. Probably not as much as you, and usually not in the middle of the day, and certainly not with any thoughts toward one of our sisters, but I still do it all the same."

Mike's face was burning. He'd never been so humiliated. He felt like crawling in a hole and dying.

"Sweetie, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say? This is the ultimate embarrassment. First the downstairs incident, and now getting caught by my sister while imagining my other sisters."

"I'm sorry that I forced you to get undressed and caused you to... well... you know."

"Hit you in the face with my dick," Mike finished for her.

"Precisely yes, thank you. It's okay sweetie, I'm not angry."

"I know, this is just... a little awkward."

"Can we talk about it? You'll feel better."

"I'd rather just hide in here for about a year," he said with a glance, but then realized that she was obviously not going anywhere until this was resolved to her satisfaction.