2 Bullies

"Come quick Archer or you're going to miss it!" said Julia with a wide smile that could light up the whole street. "Coming sister!" said Archer. He ran and finally caught up with her. They didn't talk to each other before entering the school gate because only one thought excited them all the way-they were going for a trip to George II National Park! But they were going first to the train station and take a train to Asgard's Hollow and from there they will be going to the Park.

"Won't it be fun, bird watching and seeing animals?" said Ruby with a grin. "How can you say that? Julia and her stupid twin will be there and Ethan and Anna too!" said Zia Ruby's sidekick. "Here she comes with her twin, Anna and Ethan." Said Ruby, with her grin fading and turning into an evil one.

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