
9 The idol 2/2

Gilda's eyes were open wide looking at the idol, and for a moment you believe you broke her, the poor griff's beak opened and closed many times in the past minute, trying to formulate words but failing every time.

You of course didn't want to waste any time and kept working on the magic circle, which was finished very quick once Gabby stopped talking after you got to the part where somegriffon tried to kill you.

Talking about Gabby, you might have also broken her, because you could swear you saw anger in her face a few times.

Finally, you finished the circle turning around with a smile on your face you opened your mouth.


Only for Gilda to suddenly grab you by the neck and start to shake you around, "YOU HAVE TO RETURN THE IDOL"

Damm, she was strong.

Your response came distorted as all the shakes you were experiencing, "I W-W-W-I-I-I-L-L-L D-D-O IT LAT-E-E-E-R."

Gilda stopped shaking you and looked directly at your eyes like you were the dumbest man in Equus.

"Anon, you don't understand, by ancient law the griffon that finds the Idol must return it personally to its original place, where the pride and unity of all griffon kind will be restored once a new king is be selected."

Gabby was snapped out of her trance and looked at Gilda with a surprised face, You also raised an eyebrow surprised.

But before you could ask how she knew that, she just looked at your two faces and rolled her eyes.

"You would also know that if you had an old griffon tell you the story of the idol every chance they get."

You blinked, and then proceeded to smile a little as you saw the loophole and raised a hand to call her attention, "I-"

Gilda narrows her eyes to slits, "And no, even if you are not a griffon it still counts."

You shut your trap and let your hand fall, It hasn't passed even two days and Gilda already knew how much of a smart ass you liked to act.

After a few seconds, you raised your hand again, "Is there a time limit."

Gilda raised an eyebrow, "No, but moving as soon as possible is common sense dweeb, well... as long as it doesn't harm the quest to take the idol back intact that is."

"What about If I was going to give it some of its power back?" Gilda raised her eyebrow even more.

"You know, the idol has been lost for so long that its magic started to dim and flicker, causing the griffon lands to become what it is now, so if I don't give it some of its magic, it may cause irreparable damage to itself."

Okay, you may have lied on that last part, but to be fair, you knew how long it would normally take to charge its energy back up, and the answer was too fucking long.

You really wanted to fix this place, Hey, maybe they will stop trying to kill you if cause an economic boom!

Gilda mulled over the idea, moving her beak as if she was biting into something. She then took a big sight, dropping you out of her hold and letting you fall ass first into the ground.

You let out a small grunt more of surprise than pain. "Fine, but be quick about it."

You took a big sigh of relief, "Thank you, Believe me, I don't want to go to jail again!"

Gabby squawked at that, "Again?!"

Ignoring her you took the position and lit up your horns, thankfully The ordeal wasn't that hard, you only had to cast magic into it, so ever so slowly you increased the intensity of your horn as you powered the magic circle.

The info you got said that an alicorn would get out of magic in about 40 seconds, getting tired once they were reaching their limit, so you guess it would be a nice place to stop once you felt a little bit tired...

Hmm, now that you think about it, ever since you woke up in this body you never felt tired again, hence the fact that you didn't even need to sleep to keep your strength which was weird enough.

You shrug while you release more of your magic, After all, alicorns were gods in this place, and what are the odds that you are stronger than a god right?

What is the worst that can happen?

You felt another shiver up your spine, unknown instincts told you of a looming danger to your life, for some reason you felt like slapping yourself.

How long again were you charging up this thing? probably not long having mind you didn't feel any different.

That was until you saw the idol begin to vibrate.

You raised an eyebrow.

Your instincts screamed at you.

Why did it feel like they were calling you an idiot though?


You are Gilda, and 3 minutes have passed since Anon began to do his thing, it is true that you didn't know shit about magic, but this was starting to get boring.

That was until you saw the idol start to vibrate... then crack.


You jump to Anon hoping to tackle him to the ground before he fucks up even more.

That was until you saw every part of the idol's golden feather shatter and start to float around the gem.


You would have said Buck but the feeling was probably the same.

You tried tk tackle Anon, he didn't move an inch.



You stop giving it energy when the fragments suddenly stop doing circles around the gem, and then the thing suddenly shoots straight to your crotch.

You didn't have the air to scream.



You are Gabby, and the scream you let out would probably would be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.


You are Gilda, and you can't help but to let out a grimace once you saw that, even if you didn't have the "jewels", you still felt the pain.


Every male griffin close to the area suddenly felt the need to protect their crotch, all of them looked in the same direction, an unknown feeling of empathy growing within them.


Suddenly all the baby griffons started to cry, sharing the world's pain.


You fall to the ground, graving your dick while tears come out of your eyes, this was the most painful thing you felt in your life, both lives in fact. and it made you wonder why on the seven hells that thing aimed at your dick... then you remember that all these griffon fuckers where at best on the size of your crotch... it was probably meant to aim for their head.

Then you open your eyes wide when you feel something enter through your urethra.




it was probably aiming to an entrance, probably the mouth, it instead it hit another.

'no, No, NO, NO!'

You let out a squeak, more tears form in your eyes before you could process what was going on, you suddenly started to float, your ass getting in the air, your eyes went wide to see your crotch, only to see it be shining with a golden light.

The absurdity of the situation managed to pass through the haze of pain you felt.


And just like that you went like a bullet directly from one window to another shooting directly to your main home.


You just saw what could probably be described as the most horrible torture in Equus.

Oh, and a goat fly away with glowing balls, so you must be Gilda or Gabby, and having in mind you managed to get your sheet together at record speed, you are probably Gilda.

In an instant, your wings open wide and you shoot yourself straight in the direction where Anon went, You thank the maker that for some reason the corridors of this place are big enough to use them inside, using every bit of speed you could you trail Anon's scream of horror.

One that becomes a shriek for a moment and then disappears the next, Your heart almost stops under the creeping silence, but destiny was nice once in your lifetime.

Moving quickly you saw a hole in the ground, right in the middle of the room.

Landing on the ground you raise an eyebrow, only to see Anon in a ball, his eyes wide open for some reason his expression reminded you of the eyes of a dead fish.

"Anon? are you alright?"

Anon whimpered and clenched his eyes, tears coming out of them, "My money hole... why?"

You raise an eyebrow, what in the hell is a money hole?


You just had all your material goods go straight through EVERY hole in your body, so you must be Anonymous.

At the moment you are in shock, not because it hurt, but because it was the most traumatic experience you could imagine.

You are in so much shock you don't even notice when your body starts to float again.


Gildas's scream snaps you out of your trance, looking down you see the worried griffon looking at you, at the very plain-looking room you made specifically for your money hole, "Uh?"

Gilda gesticulates around while she speaks, "Can't you like, use magic to fly again and control yourself"

Uh... that is f-


This time you went flying faster than before, and not to be left behind, you screamed harder than before.

You saw Gabby flying in your direction and slam into her, You hold to her for dear life and she does the same, now Both of your screams combine You look in the direction you are going, and then you suddenly stop in the dead center of the room...


You felt the breath of Gabby in your ear as she spoke, "... is it over?"

...and then once more you started to fling around the room as if you were a rubber ball, the sudden movement made Gabby lose her grip on you and fall to the ground.

Gilda enters the room, you scream as your body is thrown over your own ceiling, and maybe if you weren't getting flung from side to side, you would have noticed that you had become a ceiling fan.

Literally? No, but having in mind how fast you were spinning you might as well be the most efficient ceiling fan in history.

You hear a distorted voice of Gabby screaming "WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!"

Then you hear a Gilda "GRAB HIS LEGS."

And sure thing, you felt they grab them, and thank god you started to spin more slowly which was good, because you were about to puke your dinner.

Gabby manages to scream while spinning with you "Anon! Are you okay?!"

"N-" You had to put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from puking, "Not really."

Gabby started to look around, probably trying to think of something, "Gilda, what now!?"

When you manage to look at Gilda you see her become more green than you probably were "I DON'T KNOW FETHER BRAIN, It's your turn to think of something!"

Before Gabby could answer you started to spin faster than your brain could process, making the room become a blur.

And just like that, Gabby and Gilda were thrown out of you screaming all the while.


As if someone shot you with a physic gun your body suddenly slammed against the wall stopping for a moment.

"Did... did it end?" gabby and Gilda walked drizzly, their eyes literally spinning for a moment What the fuck? moments later they managed to recover enough to look at you with an inkling of hope.

...That was until the wall cracked.

All of you speak at the same time """Fuck."""

You would probably be surprised to hear Gabby curse, but you were too busy getting thrown like a ragdoll past the walls and into the exterior.

Gilda and Gabby looked at each other and then jumped at the Anon-size hole you made.

You felt yourself starting to fly in random directions, almost feeling the need to leave a trail of vomit, but you managed to resist.

All in all, it felt like a giant baby god decided to use you as a Barbie doll and fly around, only to throw you with all its strength for no apparent reason.

Gilda tackled you in the sky, something that didn't stop you one bit from flying just like a fucking bee in an 8 pattern in the sky.


Of course, you were letting a manly scream while feeling like you were flying to the speed of sound.


Nevermind you are flying at the speed of sound now.

Then in a "shocking" change of events, you went straight up, for a moment you felt like something was moving around your chest, and then it happened.

You puke.

Except it didn't come in the way you expected it, instead of vomit a golden ball of gold was the thing that shot up to the sky.

You blink when you notice how you started to slowly slow down, and then you look at Gilda who was still holding to you.

She seemed relieved that it finally ended, that was until you two started to fall, before you could react, Gilda opened her wings and you two started to glide.

"T-thanks G-" Before you could finish, you heard fireworks as the sky lit up in a beautiful array of colors, in a sudden wave of golden light, you saw it travel to insane speed all through the place...

Is it your mind or does it look greener? and sure thing, in the distance you saw griffonstone being hit by the wave of golden sparks, slowly the dead-looking tree started to grow.

Bellow everything the grass starts to become a beautiful shade of green

Looking at Gilda you become surprised, she is still looking up, Confused, you do the same, when you finally see what she is looking at your eyes become pinpricks.

There it is the image of you sitting on a throne with 7 bells hanging from your neck, with a crown obviously made for a king.

Not a moment later the image compacts itself, becoming a shining star that suddenly shot straight to the ruins of the old castle where the Idol should be.

You had a bad feeling about this, but before you could think or even say anything about it a golden ball shot straight to your chest, you black out.