

This is just another ordinary story. Why? Well,every story has a unique twist. So I can say that it's normal,to call it an ordinary story.

"You know? It's kinda funny. I'm here all along,comforting you and making you happy in any way that I could,but you still chose her as your Wendy. And me? I'm still the Tinker Bell. I always will be.."

But unlike any other story,I'm just the Tinker Bell,I'm just the best friend,the second option. And lastly,Peter Pan's all-time bff. Why did he chose Wendy over me? I dont know..

"Dont act like it's the movie,Peter Pan,Aphrixel. I'll choose you no matter what"

"Promises are meant to be broken"

The last time I checked,I hated that quote,but now I understand what it really meant..