
Jumpchain: Normal edition

Jumpchains are magical things really, they light the spark inside you and guide you to godhood giving you a path to omni dimensional control. But they are dangerous, for idiots or unlucky idiots for those with some intelligent they are there golden ticket away from mediocrity and this is a story of one of one of those with a speck of intelligence

wizardoggo · Derivasi dari karya
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2 Chs

CH.0 Explanation

Jumpchains are basically CYOA's but with a continuation now i wont do the normal jumpchain thing because i find that boring and don't wanna write about shit i don't like also understand that jumpchains are incredibly OP like seriously and understand that im a very bad author like my schedule is powered by spite and that is it so be prepared for a chaotic release schedule yeah that is it but for the first jump it will be Pokémon because i have some ideas chaotic ones and understand romance will take a fucking while.

But yeah that's really it oh and the grammar will get better form here since i didn't use Grammarly for this chapter. ;)