
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
85 Chs

His Goodbye's

It was a wonderfully sunny day that day. Urushi sat down outside, on a garden chair as a radio and canned sparkling drink sat on the nearby outside table. His son Haruto was playing in the emerald grass with two of his friends.

He wore a more free Hawaiian shirt and shorts atypical of his usual black Trench coat.

As he sipped on his canned drink the news played on the old-fashioned and outdated radio,

"Around a nearby mountain in Izumo, firefighters have discovered the cause, of a recent forest fire. That being the leftover remains of a great battle that occurred outside of what seems to be an illegal research facility that was developing nanotechnology. The casualties of the battle are recorded as, 23 grade 3 curse users, 14 grade 2 curse users, 7 grade 1 curse users, 9 helicopters, 8 tanks, several armoured vehicles, as well as countless ordinary gunmen all found dead. The lack of remains from the opposition seems to suggest that this could be the work of an extremely powerful organization or an unidentified sorcerer, on the level of a special grade." 

As the radio got too deep into the battle from the other day Urushi quickly turned it off. As he did, he saw a man similar to him in age walk over to him and sit in one of the free garden chairs.

He wore a plain white unbuttoned research coat, that had visible red stains from hours of being unwashed. His face was wrinkly his exhaustion was apparent with the eye bags that sat under his murky grey eyes, in contrast to his muddy brown hair.

"Are you doing good Hasashi?", Urushi asked.

The man responded, "Don't worry, I just pulled an all-nighter with that research data that you were able to steal. Thank god this is the last time we are doing this, babysitting your son is a chore."

Urushi laughed casually while handing Hasashi a drink.

The two cheered as they chugged it down while absorbing the sun's beautiful light.

Hasashi then asked Urushi, "So this is it huh? You're going to be retiring at the age of 22. Don't you have a couple more years left in you?"

Urushi responded while laughing, "This business is exhausting ya know. Killing people all the time is just not me I guess. Plus I have a son too so staying in this business is a danger for him." 

Hasashi asked him, "Then what are you going to do now?"

"I will open up a convenience store somewhere I guess. I could attract customers with all my weapons, and tempt them to do business with me!", Urushi said excitedly.

Hasashi then said, "What will you do when people ask about them?"

He struggled to think but then answered, "I could tell people that I came from a family of warriors!"

Hasashi began to burst out laughing from his response as he shouted, "I guess that isn't completely wrong."

"Oi oi, don't laugh. Anywhere out of this business is good enough for me.", Urushi said as he took a sip of his refreshment.

As the two calmed down Urushi then said, "Once you finish that project smidgen or whatever, you should quit too. You have a wife, don't you? You're going to have to settle down with her eventually."

Hasashi responded, "It's called EDEN. And you are probably right. With this contribution, I could definitely get a pardon from the organization. Once I leave I will settle down with Tsubaki somewhere. That probably won't be for another 4 years though, maybe 3 if im lucky."

Urushi then asked, "Doesn't she work as a maid for Botan? I don't think he will let her go that easily..."

He quickly replied, "Ehh it will be fine. Botan got a new girl from overseas. I think her name was Ling Xiaoyu?? All I know is that she is a refugee from China, but I heard that she's incredibly strong."

"Isn't that the same name as the girl that fought in the Cursed battle tournament?", Hasashi asked.

Urushi simply said that he was too busy to be watching stuff like that.

As the two finished all of the drinks, Hasashi stood up while preparing to leave. As he did he said, "Im going off now, you might wanna speak to Botan before disappearing though."

Urushi responded with a cheerful smile, "It will be fine. There is no one in the organization that he could send to kill me anyway. The only people that come to my mind, are that Chinese emperor and potentially that Gojo kid."

Little did he know that would be the last time he would share a happy conversation with his one and only friend.

1 day later

Urushi once again wearing his assassin outfit entered a lavish decorated room. It was a room where the Monarch and leader of the Daihatsu resided, which was naturally fit for a king to rule from.

On the golden throne before Urushi, sat Botan .II Daihatsu, and next to him was the new hire, Ling Xiaoyu.

Rudely Urushi shouted at him, "Im here for the last time Old man."

As he said that Botan stood up from his seat while emitting powerful cursed energy. He slowly walked towards, Urushi never releasing the pressure that he put on the man, all the way up until the two stood apart from each other just face to face from each other.

Suddenly, the two swung at each other with heavy force, causing a great shockwave to emit in the room. Instantly destroying the faraway windows, as they collided fists.



Their powerful fist bump then turned into a dap as the shock wave grew even louder. As they finished their greetings Botan.II asked him, "Since you're leaving us, how about I give you a goodbye gift?? I heard that you were going to open a convenience store, how about I give you one of the buildings nearby?? I can even have some men remodel the place in your design."

Urushi bowed his head while shouting, "THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE FOR ME!"

As Botan turned around to go sit on his chair he waved goodbye as he said, "I heard that you adopted a son from one of those slums. Trust me when I say this, don't raise him like I have raised my own. If he grows up in the world of assassins then I know that without a doubt one of you two will kill the other. This is a fact that is still true about my family long before the Daihatsu was even founded."

As he said that Urushis cheerful smile saddened a little. Botan was like a grandfather to Urushi. He was always there when he was needed, so the two had grown a bond that surpassed even that of what, Botan had with his own son.

Despite his best attempts to hide it with his Cursed Energy, Urushi could sense that Botan was dying. And it wasn't from old age... It was in fact poison. This was a fact that the two were well aware of.

As Urushi left the Royal Palace the red doors slammed behind him for the last time.

Waiting in that dark corridor he saw Botan the third laying his back against the wall.

As Urushi saw him, his mood quickly turned sour as the two had a rocky relationship.

Upon seeing him, Botan said, "I heard news that you were quitting. Figures that someone like you didn't have the guts to stay in the assassin world."

Urushi said to him, "Watch what you say, buddy. Just because I left doesn't mean that I can't add another body to my kill count."

As he said that, Botan smirked, "Are you forgetting about that binding vow that he made with all the Daihatsu members? Anyone in the Daihatsu cannot harm me."

As he said Urushis' Cursed Energy as well as Killing intent began to leak, "The only reason why I haven't killed you yet is because of that vow. But if you piss me off any more than you already have then I won't care about the consequences."

"Sure pal. Most people in the organization already know that it's been me poisoning my father. At this point I should just kill him openly, however, that wouldn't be dramatic enough would it?", Botan said.

The moment he said that he grabbed him by the neck while shouting, "You're really pushing it."

As his anger seeped an alarm on his smart watch suddenly went off. That's when he remembered that he needed to pick up his son from nursery.

Before he disappeared for good however he left Botan with the message, "I won't hesitate to demolish this whole organisation one day if you try something against my family."

Changed the name of Takeshi to Hasashi

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts