
Chapter 8: Jujutsu Kaisen

Gojo led Nobara and Yuji to a towering building shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, indicating the presence of curses within. The surroundings echoed with faint whispers, and the air seemed charged with cursed energy.

"Welcome to our training ground," Gojo announced with a mischievous grin. "This building is infested with curses, a perfect place to assess your powers. Nobara, Yuji, show me what you've got."

Nobara, with a furrowed brow, couldn't help but voice her complaint as they delved deeper into the cursed-infested building.

"Gojo-sensei, you tricked us! I thought we were getting a tour of Tokyo, not diving into a cursed den," she exclaimed, her annoyance evident in her tone.

Gojo simply grinned, unfazed by her protest. "Well, what better way to understand your powers than facing them head-on in a real combat situation? Consider it an immersive Tokyo experience.

On the side, Yuji was looking at the cursed energy present in the air and looked at Nobara making a fuss.

Yuji, with a hint of amusement, added, "I guess this is one way to get to know the city, right, Nobara?"

Rolling her eyes, Nobara muttered, "I'd prefer a tour that doesn't involve getting attacked by curses, thank you very much."

"There is a grave as well as an abandoned building. That attracts curses." Megumi said as he looked at the abandoned building.

"So curses are attached to death." If so, they're like the undead, but Sukuna doesn't seem like an undead. But Yuji's assumption was soon cleared by Megumi.

Megumi shook his head, dispelling Yuji's assumption. "No, curses aren't attracted to death itself. Instead, they latch onto the negative emotions that humans harbour towards such places. It's the lingering resentment, fear, or sorrow that acts as a magnet for curses."

Yuji pondered Megumi's words, the gears in his mind turning. "So, it's not about the dead being cursed, but the living's feelings about death that attract curses."

Megumi nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Negative emotions can leave a lasting imprint, creating a breeding ground for curses. Understanding this is crucial in our line of work."

"It's not just the physical space; curses feed on the intangible—the emotions that linger in places tainted by tragedy or despair."

Yuji, still grappling with the concept, voiced his thoughts, "So, curses are born from the darkest corners of human emotions. But Sukuna doesn't seem like that. What's his deal?"

Megumi glanced at Yuji, a somber expression on his face. "Sukuna is a special case. He's not your typical curse. His power transcends that of ordinary curses, making him a formidable and unique entity."

"Sukuna's existence challenges the boundaries between human and curse. His powers are vast, and he possesses a malevolence that goes beyond the usual spectrum of curses we encounter."

Megumi's expression grew more serious. "But you don't have to worry Yuji, our priority is to prevent him from fully resurrecting and gaining control over his immense power."

Based on what Megumi explained Curses are much like a demon, who feeds on the negative emotions of humans. But the Curses seem to possess soul fragments or is Sukuna special due to his human past? Yuji thought.

Hearing Megumi explaining the basics of Jujutsu, Nobara couldn't help but ask.

"Hold on, Why doesn't he even know the basic principles of Jujutsu?"

"Well, He just shallow a Special grade cursed item, Sukuna's finger, So he is new to this field," Megumi replied.

"Gross! I can't believe he's learning the ropes by swallowing cursed fingers!" Nobara exclaimed, a mixture of disbelief and disgust on her face.

Megumi sighed, understanding her reaction. "It's not an ideal method, but those fingers contain Sukuna's cursed energy and memories. It's a risky way to gain power, but Yuji's determination to protect others drives him to take on these challenges."

Nobara raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. "Protecting others by consuming creepy fingers? That's a bizarre way to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer."

"I am with you on that," Megumi replied.

"Hey, are you on my side or hers?" Yuji said seeing Megumi switched sides.

"I am just stating the fact," Megumi said without changing his expression.

"Alright then, Yuji take this," Gojo said as he handed a knife with a black fur guard and a brown handle. It has a wide-edged blade with two holes and bandages at its base.

"The combat knife I gave you is called Slaughter Demon, a cursed weapon. As you are new to this field, this weapon will help you to hunt curses easily. And one more thing, Yuji. Don't let Sukuna out. Got it? If you use him, you will wipe out any curses in the perimeter, but the same thing would happen to any human in the vicinity."

"All the preparations are done, Yuji, Nobara, show me what you got. And welcome to the world of jujutsu sorcery. It's a realm where the lines between human and curse blur, and each encounter demands a balance of strength, strategy, and understanding."


As the duo navigated through the cursed-infested building, Megumi leaned towards Gojo and asked, "Sensei, is it alright to leave Yuji and Nobara alone to face curses on their own?"

As Megumi questioned the decision to leave Yuji and Nobara alone to face curses, Gojo, with a twinkle in his eye, responded in his typical playful manner, "Well, you see, Megumi, it's not just a test of their jujutsu skills. It's also a test of their ability to handle my impeccable sense of humour."

Megumi raised an eyebrow, clearly puzzled. "Sensei, how does their ability to handle curses relate to your sense of humour?"

Gojo chuckled, "Ah, Megumi, life is full of surprises, just like my jokes. If they can face curses and still appreciate my comedic genius, then they're truly ready for anything this world throws at them."

Megumi sighed, realizing that Gojo's eccentricity knew no bounds.

"And It's fun to sit back and eat these dumplings," Gojo said as he took a package and handed one dumbling to Megumi.


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