
Chapter 9: Pride's Technique.

Throw some stones~


After that event all of the students of Tokyo have accepted that Kumagawa is a weird but strong student. Not all of them saw the true strength of Kumagawa because they mostly fought with the Curse, however the fact that he managed to tame a special grade is enough qualifications. Maki and the senior grades are already considering him the second Yuta Okkotsu. He has an endless amount of curse energy while having a curse spirit on his side, aren't they similar?

While the students were still coping with the defeat, the student who caused them the pain was traveling with his teacher. [Sensei, where are we going? Are we going to terrorize some country? Or maybe I should just erase all cursed spirits in the world? Ohh, now that I mentioned it, it sounds tempting] Kumagawa asked first before he delved into his imagination thinking the best way to gain reaction from others.

As a villain, it is normal for him to cause chaos but considering that he can't win, it almost seemed useless. "Hey, hey, that's some dangerous thoughts you have~ But hey, can you really do that? Erase all cursed spirits?" Gojo asked, treating it as Kumagawa's good humor. From his experience, he learned that Kumagawa loved to lie and bluff so Gojo has no idea when to treat his words seriously or not. He is in the process of learning about him though.

[Yes… or maybe not? I don't know, never tried it! Either way, I will still fail in the end] Kumagawa shrugged it off not really caring whether the world is shrouded with cursed spirits. He has no qualms about what will happen in this world because he considers this just a vacation. He will eventually return to his original world. This world is only lucky since it managed to amuse Kumagawa, if it didn't then it would have been erased from the map.

"Hnn, that's too bad… Kumagawa, would you disclose your ability to me?" Gojo turned serious as he asked Kumagawa. Silence dropped on the car leaving the only normal human pressured. Ijichi was having a hard time breathing from the insane pressure the two are emitting. Especially the young man that has negative energy soaring out of him.

Kumagawa's smile became more eerie as Ijichi started sweating buckets. [Of course~! It is not like I am trying to hide it either! My ability is All-Fiction, I can erase anything I want in the world!!] Kumagawa's answer was out of Ijichi's expectation but it seems like Gojo expected him to answer. "Hahahaha! You're really a handful. Is there any weakness to that?" Gojo continued, chuckling loudly.

Although he knows that Kumagawa's ability is connected to altering things, he didn't expect it to be so absurd. Even his Limitless and Six Eyes looks pathetic in comparison! This is a huge blow to the Strongest's pride however not something he could not swallow. Even before, when Kumagawa erased his eyesight and he could not use his RCT to heal it, he already concluded that he would lose. The fact is not hard to swallow anymore.

[As for weakness, I could not erase anything that has emotional value to it but… it appears that my weakness was just 'erased'] Kumagawa smiled innocently as if what he did was nothing important. He literally erased his own weakness! That is crazy shit. Gojo heard enough so he started laughing hard. "Yes, this is for the best. I would like it though if you stop causing ruckus, the higher ups would know more about you" Gojo felt irritated thinking about those geezers.

[Higher ups? I would like to see what they can do. Maybe I should just erase the concept of superiority? Nah, that's too much hassle] Kumagawa muttered under his breath. Ijichi who heard their conversation is now frightened to death. These two are insane!

Gojo seemed to sense something as he spoke, "Ijichi, stop the car" This stiffened Ijichi as he slowly looked at Gojo. He opened the lock of the car as Gojo and Kumagawa went out. "You can go ahead now," Gojo said, making Ijichi concerned. "Uh, is this some kind of prank? Like you will slap me if I really go..?" He asked unsure how to act.

[Don't worry. This is for your own good, or perhaps do you want me to let Pride-chan guard you?] Kumagawa suggested smiling brightly to Ijichi who just got spooked."I-I'll refrain. Thank you" He immediately started the car and went away already knowing that an enemy was close. After Ijichi left, Gojo and Kumagawa looked at each other, "So? Are you in for some action?" Gojo asked, showing his teeth.

Kumagawa giggled before a screw appeared on his hand. [I never back down from any challenge even though I always lost] the two finished speaking as the ground in front of them shattered. In the dust revealed Jogo, the nature based special grade cursed spirit. Jogo grinned widely as a volcano appeared besides Kumagawa and Gojo. This alerted the two but it was too late because the volcano already erupted burning everything on its way.

Jogo tilted his head in disappointment, "Is that it? He was nothing much after all, Sukuna's vessel was also pathetic" he spoke. "Hey, hey, who're you saying is nothing much…?" Gojo appeared fully unscathed from the explosion. He didn't even appear to be bothered by it. Kumagawa on the other hand was missing, it is already assumed that he was burned and flew somewhere.

Jogo's face turned displeased, "Rascal" he said. "Who are you?" Gojo asked, noticing how this curse spirit is communicating clearly and the amount of cursed energy it possesses. He is definitely stronger than the current Sukuna, Gojo concluded unbothered. "Haha, where is Sukuna's vessel? I thought that he was pretty tough, I heard he managed to subdue a special grade?" Jogo didn't forget to mock ignoring Gojo's question.

"Nah, you really shouldn't have done that. His pet is quite protective you see? It doesn't like watching his master suffer" as soon as Gojo spoke that, a creature appeared besides Jogo staring menacingly at him. "Uh-oh, he's really pissed now" Gojo said amused.


A loud crack was heard then Jogo was sent flying by Pride's attack. "Am I even needed here? Oh wait, Kumagawa mentioned Pride having a skill right? I'd love to see that~!" Gojo remembered something as he backed down and decided to watch. The fight is not really close since Pride only has the strength equivalent to 4-5 Sukuna Fingers while Jogo amounted to 9.

Jogo was immediately angered by the fact that a similar curse spirit attacked him. "You bastard!! Know your place!" Jogo exclaimed, busting Pride's body with his fist that was coated with dense fire. Pride experienced being burned as he was dropped to the ground. The pain didn't hinder his thoughts though, he still needed to punish the sinner who attacked his master.

Pride pushed his fingers to the ground, ripping a whole lot as he tossed it towards Jogo. Jogo didn't really like that so he punched the thrown block, shattering it to several pieces. Jogo quickly widened his eyes when Pride took this chance to hide among the debris and did a surprise attack to Jogo's back. Jogo was sent flying again but this time he took care of his landing, easily jumping back to do a payback.

Jogo converted the place where Pride was standing into an active volcano that erupted within a blank point. Pride was engulfed in the eruption causing him to scream in pain. The smoke subsided as Pride escaped the fire trying to heal his injuries. He was already covered with burns throughout his whole body.

"Pathetic. You can't even handle a single attack from me. Is this the length of your power? It seems that 'guy' was too cautious, he really thought that Sukuna's vessel would be powerful" Jogo stated his disappointment in a blunt manner. Pride clearly heard that making him huff in anger. He is literally seething with anger and his curse energy is rising slowly.

"Interesting, are you not willing to join us? We will create a world where curses can replace humans! A literal utopia!" Jogo's curiosity was instantly piqued. He has never seen a curse spirit growing at an insane pace like this guy, it would be a loss if they can't recruit him. "Right.. you obviously can't speak. You are a low class forced to be a special grade curse after all. What did I expect" Jogo sighed in annoyance.

That was it. Pride has enough. He snapped and raised his single finger in the air before doing a simple action. That action was slashing.


And the result of the action was…


Jogo was caught off guard. He slowly looked at the bottom of his body only to see it slowly separating. It only meant one simple thing and an irreversible fact he could not deny.

He, a Special-Grade Curse, has been cut in half.

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