
Journey Towards Freedom

This Novel is a just-for-fun experiment! I will not write in a set frequency! This is my very first novel ever! And English isn’t my native language! This is a story of boy who strives to become more. In his first journey he finds himself broken and without anyone left. So he travels trough time and space to finally find something that gives him back a reason to life on. Come join me and follow Logan on his Journey towards full and utter Freedom, from all the restraints that still bind him, even after the end.

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The begin of my Journey

<p>Sooo... my name is Logan. Just that you know it my name may be like Wolverines, but sadly I don´t have such cool claws, besides I came to really like that name. It is somewhat original and I haven´t come agross many people who shared my name. That´s why I like this name and even more when I think about the fact that my parents gave him to me.<br/><br/>Ok... anyway everything began, of course, on earth.<br/>Like in every good start of a good story I lived a relatively normal life. I have to say I´m more or less quite easy going, that´s why I would have considered myself, at least, a bit popular. I had a nice place to life, a cute little sister, a good family and parents who cared a lot about me. In school I had decent Grades, I wasn´t overly intelligent or something, just good. I don't remember even one person having something against me . I was going out to parties with my friends, drank a little bit and enjoyed myself. I was even relatively good in the matter of girls, to be honest I didn't have a girldfriend until I was 18 years old. But just <br/>I swear! Don´t look at me like that!<br/>I liked to play video games, reading novels and I even learned guitar, not that I was very good, but I still played since I was in elementary school.<br/>You can say I had a really good live, some would even say it was the paradise, like me currently.... But of course, everything has an end and my came a bit too soon.<br/>I wanted to go to school with my little sister, because since she got to my school after she graduated, one year ago, from elementary school we were going there together. By the way in my first life I was a German and basically you can say middle school and high school were in one building most of the time. Not that it matters where I originally come from.<br/>Currently it was early summer in 2019.<br/>To go out of our house, the most convenient method, was to use the elevator. And that was where it all started.<br/>We were on the 15th floor of our building and stepped into the elevator. That was when it started to rumble as we drove down. I was a little bit concerned, because this never happened before, but my sister had a even more concerned look with a tinge of fear in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile and patted her long, brown hair.<br/>I said: "Don´t worry nothing will happen and if I will protect you, I promise!"<br/>"Mhm" replied my little sister with a small smile.<br/>By the way, the name of my little sister was Linda, but to be honest I didn´t thought I really had to protect her. The building was seven years old and the elevator was maintained every few years. But it seems like fate wanted to prove me wrong as a long squeaking sound came as we reached the 8th floor with something that seemed to rip.<br/><br/>*Squeeeeaaaaak*<br/><br/>*Splack*<br/><br/>Now even I felt fear, but was doing my best to not show it on my face to not scare my sister even more. That was when we began to accalerate down faster and faster. We were currently on the 8th floor, at least that showed the still working panel. I knew what was about to happen and looked towards my sister who was paralysed from fear. What happened next was ouf of reflex and my will to protect her. I mean what would I be for a big brother when I couldn´t even protect my sisters life. Especially when I already said I would protect her if something happened. What she didn´t know was that i would do it even when it concerned my own life.<br/><br/>I grabbed her hand, pulled her to me and held her tightly.<br/><br/>*5th floor*<br/><br/>Then we began to fly in the air and were about to bang on the ceiling.<br/><br/>I twisted myself and protected her little Body with my own, as we clashed against the ceiling. It really hurt but I knew this wasn´t the end, I ignored the pain, as we accelerated down even faster. Then out of instinct I assume and a speed I didn´t know I could afford I twisted my Body again, as we were about to reach the ground. At that time I didn´t realise how inhuman that really was.<br/><br/><br/>*2th floor*<br/><br/>I put as much of my body as I could around her and was going to absorb most of the impact that was about to happen. We were lucky that we still had our backpacks on which would act like a bit of defense.<br/><br/>*1th floor*<br/><br/>I made myself ready for the impact that was about to occur and steeled my heart.<br/>*Ground floor*<br/><br/>Then it happened... I closed my eyes and was holding my little sister even tighter.<br/>*BAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!*</p>

It is the first novel I have ever written, so please be kind with me.

You should also know that english isn´t my mother tongue, so excuse me when I should have a few hiccups. This is the start of our journey so be prepared (I hope there would even be someone who reads this crap) until then bye...

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