
Journey to the True Martial World

Dr. Frederick Alfheim, was your average lab Scientist. There was honestly nothing spectacular about him. He followed the same routine every day. Wake up, hygiene, leave for work, lunch, and then back home. Every once in a while, Frederick would find himself watching anime, reading a manga or some sort of web novel. That is until the Demons attacked his world. A decade long war ensued and brought humanity to the brink of extinction. When the sun was setting on humanity, that average joe doctor worked his ass off in an underground bunker for the military to create something, anything, that could turn the tides of war in humanity's favor. Dr. Fredrick Alfheim accomplished this feat during his death. His parents, family, lovers, and friends. Had all perished in the war against the demons. His serum was created to protect the reminisce of humanity from experiencing the same. Sometime after his death, that serum was found along with his body and notes. Recreated and distributed. Humanity eventually repelled the demonic horde and won the war. Years after his death and the people of his world were long gone. Fredrick was the last being going through the cycle of reincarnation. However, this time was different. Frederick was different. Learning the truth behind his existence and that his loved ones were created to be nothing more than a stepping stone to be toyed with. Fredrick made a decision that would send him on the journey of a lifetime. All in the name of revenge, to slay the Divine Emperor that created him and toyed with his life. Travelling through the Verses, Frederick will battle his way to the summit of every lifetime and ascend at any cost until he makes it to the True Martial World, to rip the heart from the chest of his creator. He will lose himself. Find himself. Love, mourn, kill, heal, and so much more as he navigates his way to the pinnacle of existence. In the End, after baring so many titles, answering to different names, experiencing a multitude of love and pain, and the climb to the top that is often accompanied by callousness and savagery. Will he still seek vengeance? Will he become better or worse than the creator, he seeks to destroy? Or will Fredrick be the one to find his chest void of heart and his body short of a head? Find out in the Journey to the True Martial World. Starting with the Naruto/Avatar world. -Foundation Black Clover xDanmachi xGrancrest Senki- Gain and train abilities/skills SAO/DxD/ Testament Sister New devil- Acquire Gear (Weapons and Armor) Soul Land- Evolve gear and abilities, acquiring and evolving Physiques TDG/CSG- Last stop before the Martial World Martial world/ True Martial World- Beginning of the end. Crossovers to be expected, canons obliterated, worlds expanded, and darker elements amplified. I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover photo, found it on Pinterest

Grand_Magus · Komik
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74 Chs

Surrender or Die

After Explaining the situation to Pac Lee. Seiichi left to send a team to the location of the Sage garden. While he went to the Myriad realm, Using a transportation seal. Seiichi appeared in the Capital City.

"Lord Seiichi, we weren't expecting you" A guard fumbled

"Always expect your Lords arrival. Call for Elder Saito" Seiichi ordered

Seiichi had a meeting with Saito and his organization commanders. "Tomorrow is the day. I want everyone ready. A moment like this isn't easy to come by. Are the courtesans in place?"

"Yes, my Lord" Replied the Capital city Madame

"The syndicate?"

"Awaiting the green light, my Lord" replied the Capital City Syndicate Commander

"Are the Uzu ready?"

"Yes, Lord Seiichi" Saito replied

Seiichi rested in his chair, waving his hand the commanders disappeared to carry out their duties and coordinate with the other teams in Iwa, Suna, Konoha, and tailing Taki Shinobi's. After a short while of rest, Seiichi bushed back his chair and rose.

Making his way to the Daimyo's place, Seiichi went straight for the Crowned Princess' room. Pushing open the door, Seiichi found Princess Niitabe resting on her back. During Saito's time in the capital. He focused entirely on infiltrating the palace guard. The courtesans had taken positions as concubines and maids. Seiichi entrance was swift and unnoticed.

"Princes Niitabe, it is a pleasure to meet you." Seiichi wore devious smirk and closed the door behind him.

The next day in Konoha, people from all over were arriving to watch the Chunin Exam Finals, Even Daimyos had shown them selves to place bets and scout young talent. The sun was high in the sky, the temperature was comfortably warm with a slight breeze. Everything seemed as peaceful as ever, like just another Chunin Exam.

Seiichi sat in the stadium with Yakumo, both under the guise of a transformation Jutsu.

"My Lord, why can't we end this now. Together, we could kill them all before they even know it."

Yakumo whispered to Seiichi as she kissed is neck and grabbed at his phallus. The people around them whispered with repulsed faces, but Seiichi and Yakumo paid no mind to them. Seiichi toyed with her when he could. No matter the time. It was sad that he planned to keep her a virgin until he ascended to a higher realm that he found suitable enough to devour her.

Seeing the changes in Yakumo's body, Seiichi was even contemplating turning Ino and Hinata into future caldrons as well. It honestly is the best thing for both parties. 'System is their anyway to create succubus?' Seiichi asked in a mental message

[Yes, however, not on this plane]

'Hmm, I know chakra is very weak compared to the essence energy of the martial world. But when Yakumo reaches the peak of the first layer. Will her body be able to handle it?'

[As long as you continue to train her body and follow your cultivation path. She should be fine. Though, like you, she will have to start over in the higher realm. But it shouldn't be difficult. The cultivation in the universe will become your foundation in the next. Knowledge and abilities will be retained. You just have to convert the energy, like you're doing here]

'Thank you, System, and how about you start calling me Seiichi. And I'll call you SkyNet'

[Name changes…registered.]

'Good, that will be all for now SkyNet'

When Seiichi returned , the Chunin exams had finally begun "Hinata Hyuga. Neji Hyuga"

Hinata Stood in front of Neji, confidant in her abilities to win. Her blow in the wind as she stared Neji down.

"Neji nii-san, it will all be over soon"

"Forgive me Lady Hinata, but I do not plan on losing today"

"Let the first match begin!" Neji shot forward after the proctor started the match. Hinata watched as he approached her position. All she could do was shake her head.


Hinata disappeared in a cloud smoke, shocking the audience

"Wait, isn't she a Hyuga princess?"

"Why is she running a from a member of a branch family?" The crowd muttered amongst them selves

Back on the field, Hinata sat in a tree watching Neji search for her. When he was about to strike, Hinata created four more shadow clones. And flickered away. Surrounding Neji, Hinata's clones created a dense mist. No one new the weak spots of the Byakugan better than a Hyuga.

"These tricks of yours a futile, Lady Hinata. We both know the Byakugan can see through anything and everything. Hinata simply smirked in response.

The real Hinata stood at the top of the stadium wall removing her gravity seals.

In the cloud of mist the Hinata clones spoke to Neji "Neji Nii-san, this isn't a test of the better Hyuga, this is test of the better shinobi." The four clones spoke in unison with a deadly tone.

"What's going on down there"

"I don't know, I can't see anything either." The crowd murmured

Next to the talkative audience. The Hyuga elders of the main and branch family sat quietly observing the match with their Byakugan. "Brother, my niece has grown into a splendid shinobi. I don't even think my genius of a son has noticed what she did."

"She has changed quite a bit, hasn't she?' Hiashi replied to his brother. The Hyuga elders that believed strongly in tradition were using the match between Neji and Hinata as way to brooch her strength as a Hyuga. But it seemed like they would only be able to evaluate her skill as shinobi

In the stadium. Hinata took a stance all to similar to the Hyuga elder. When Neji finally realized that even though there was great distance between Hinata's clones and himself, he feel in to an overlapping eight trigrams formations.

"eight trigrams..." her clones spoke in unison, then shot forward. Without a way to escaped. Neji performed a clan jutsu that shocked them all. Emitting a large amount of Chakra from all of his chakra points. Spinning at a high velocity, Neji created a defensive shield around his body and repelled Hinata's clones. One by One.

When the mist cloud dissipated. Clones began to hit the stadium floor and disappear. "Rotation!" Neji shouted when Hinata's ploy was successfully repelled, or so he thought.


A clone disappeared

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three more clones vanished, "Is that the best you've got, Lady Hinata?"

Behind Neji, Hinata shot off from the top of the stadium.


The last clone disappeared, and Neji's eyes went wide with shock. 'When did she create another clone'. 'Where is she?" Neji's mind was spinning. Something deep in his core started to shake 'Blindspot'. As Neji spun around to defend himself. Hinata flickered. Appearing behind him with two fingers pressed against the back of his head.

"Surrender or die" Hinata uttered in a cold indifferent tone

The stadium went mute. Even the infiltrating shinobi couldn't take their eyes away from the match.

"My sister still needs a Husband, and you aren't skilled enough to beat me yet. Surrender or die"