
Journey Through Kingdoms

This story highlights the Daring adventures of two individuals as they traverse around the world, kingdom to kingdom for a single goal in mind. To topple the High Magic Council and stop their attempts at trying to kill them while also fleeing from an entire kingdom, a deadly bounty hunter, and a very deranged royal knight. Follow as the 2 would be heroes branded as criminals run from their pursuers while meeting a colorful cqast of people along the way as they form friendships that would last a lifetime. As well as confronting their past traumas to finally get the closure they need, hopefully before the villains close it for them. An Alchemist and a traveling Jester. What could be more exciting?

MysteGUI_Official · Fantasi
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49 Chs

New Arrival

The horse's feet gallop upon the ground as a sight beheld them up front. a kingdom, filled with bright, colorful sights peeking just about out of the outer walls. its windows glowed under the sunlight as it reflected the light. Derrick and the driver were the first to see the sight and Derrick was awestruck at it. For a boy who hadn't seen the sights he's seen up until now, it was simply breathtaking. "were coming up on the gate!" The driver would shout as their horses stopped just about a foot away from the gate where knights stood by on the side. guarding the entrance with their steel-tipped spears. a sight that Derrick had missed when he was still in the Virgin Kingdom. "The runaway carriage... are you friends of strangers?" the knight cautiously asks as he and their compatriot point their spears at the driver and his seat buddy.

"no worries, gents. the carriage has been taken back! we're all friends here." the noble stuck his head out of the window once more as he went and cleared up any misunderstanding they had. surely seeing a noble like him in good health would convince them to be let through. "Lord Edward, sorry for pausing your steed. you may pass!" the knight would apologize before standing back down to let the horse pass as the doors swing open to reveal the inner street. "thank you," the rider would also say before he let the horse gallop its way in. passing the two gate guards. "wow, I've never seen a sight like this before. Are all kingdoms like this?" Derrick asks. for frame of reference, he hadn't been out of the Viridian Kingdom during most of his life; this was definitely the first time he's seen another castle and city as grand as it was.

"Some of them, sure. Most, you just gotta be there to know," the rider tells Derrick as he goes and finds them a good spot to be left off. Once finding a vacant sidewalk, the carriage doors opened as the main trio inside got out, with Cherry exiting first along with the noble's daughter to wish her a good farewell. "Well, it's been nice knowing you, Cherry. I hope you enjoy your stay here," they say to her as they give her a warm smile. "You kidding? This place is known for its entertainment; I'm sure I'm going to find plenty of fun here!" Cherry replied as they waved goodbye to each other. Tetsuga, after sitting down for a couple hours, had to stretch his joints out as he hit some stretching poses as soon as he had keg space. "Man, what a ride. You reckon we'll find a tavern here?" Tetsuga would immediately ask as he placed his hands on his hips.

"I'm sure the kingdom will at least have one or two you'll find. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here, young lads," the noble would say with a bow before waving to the two. "Me and my daughter have to get going now. Bye-bye now!" the noble would say as he and his daughter entered the bicycle once more and made their way back home. wherever it is anyway. "Bye Edward! Bye Edward's daughter!" Pyxis would yell as he waved goodbye to the leaving carriage. As soon as it rang the counter, they were back to their lonesome again.

"Alright, lets go find that tavern, shall we?" Tetsuga would immediately suggest as he started walking in a certain direction. hoping that he would stumble across it. If he hasn't done so much before, then it won't stop him now. Luckily, Pyxis was there to accompany him as he stopped him midway in his tracks. "You're really gunning for that beer, aren't you?" Pyxis couldn't help but be taken aback by his persistence with booze. He'd even think he's straight up the real deal if he wasn't mistaken. "Aren't we supposed to escort her?" they would continue as they gestured towards Cherry. "Yeah, your escorting me back home, Yknow. Now's not the time for booze," they would say, which Tetsuga turned around to reply with his own rebuttal.

"Its always a time for booze. Besides, the escort mission can wait a second. Daddy needs him a refill!' he spoke while dangling his flask around to make his quite obvious point. "Right, you needed it refilled," Pyxis remembered as Tetsuga was pretty adamant about a refill. "Now, c'mon, days are wasting," Tetsuga would say as he ushers them along with him as he starts walking away. "I guess I'll join you. to keep you from getting lost. Are you two fine being with yourselves?" Pyxis would ask. Normally, Derrick would want to stick by Tetsuga's side for many of his daily tasks, but Cherry also wanted an opportunity with the boy., and she needed a little talk with him at the moment. "Oh, Derrick! You can come join me and eat at that bakery Julia recommended! "They say as they hold his hand, raring to drag him along.

"I guess I can join you for that. Maybe we can all meet back here after we're done?" Derrick would tell Pyxis, who kind of rubs the back of his neck while he replies. "Yeah, sure, kid," he would reply before making his way over to Tetsuga as he joined him on his hunt for a tavern to drink at. "C'mon, Derrick! Let's go have some fun while we still can!" Cherry would say to the boy as she pulled him along. Derrick had no qualms with it as he let her, but something in him felt like he needed to be with Tetsuga for this one.

and so they split, with Tetsuga and Pyxis on their search to find the local tavern and then Derrick and Cherry doing whatever they could at the moment while they were in the kingdom. Xeoason was regarded for its entertainment value, with different attractions and performers to the left and right of you and buildings colliding so vibrantly that you could even mistake it for a picture book. Derrick felt like we were in a sort of dream as Cherry pulled him through the streets, with him having no choice but to see the sights as they passed by. "Look, Evelyne Street! The bakery should be this way!" she would say as she continued to drag him along by his sleeve.

meanwhile, Tetsuga and Pyxis walk the streets on their own little adventure. "So how long are we getting there?" Tetsuga asked, checking in on how they were doing as Pyxis held a map of the kingdom in front of him, carefully marking down where they were heading. "Just about; it should be around some turns here," he says as he leads them through. After a few twists and turns, they eventually made it to the tavern as they stood in front of the tavern called 'Everlasting Brew'. "Huh, cute name. Let's see how it is inside," Tetsuga would comment before barging right in with Pyxis trailing right behind him.

the tavern was typical as one could expect. the normal bar and some tables to sit at set up. Then there was some stuff that was unique about it, which was a stage where a performer would come out and do whatever it was that they were paid to do. "A drink with a show. Now that's fancy," Tetsuga would comment as he clicked. "Maybe we can stay for a bit and see who comes on?" Pyxis would suggest, which he was well open to doing if it meant to be a fun time. he certainly needed more than just a refill here now that he's seen how fancy this set up was compared to other bars he's been in.

"Yo, bartender! Whip us some! 2 please!" Tetsuga would order as the two made their way over to the bar counter. The bartender was a slim young man, probably a little bit older than Tetsuga, but he was someone he didn't expect to be manning the counter. "Right away!" the bartender would happily say as he went to whip them up some beer. "Oh, sorry, but I'm not really a drinker." Pyxis would defend himself from drinking too much, as generous as the offer was. Plus, being blackout drunk would ruin his plans anyway, so he saw it fit to play it a bit safe.

"Oh, c'mon, you pansy, its a tavern; you gotta at least have a drink or two! C'mon!" he urges him as he slings his arm around them as he shakes them by the shoulder. "I don't know if I should really drink." Pyxis would continue to sneak out of the chance to drink. "Here you go, my special brew for the two! That'll be 4 gold, please." As soon as Tetsuga heard the price, his heart felt like it was about to jump ship and run away as fast as it could go. "4 gold!? Geez, that's a lot!" he would comment. You usually get beer for 5 silver's worth a pop. I guess he wasn't drinking much of that bougie stuff to really know.

"Maybe I'll pay for this one." Seeing the reaction, Pyxis couldn't help but offer up some money considering how expensive it was. "Oh, well, if you're paying for it, then you gotta take a swig!" Tetsuga would start to get more hands on as he forcefully gave his share as it almost spilled on Pyxis' shirt as he held it. He contemplated whether to or not, but seeing Tetsuga so adamant about him enjoying himself, I guess 1 small pint wouldn't hurt.

Pyxis goes to sip the beer, which Tetsuga takes as a sign for a major uproar as he reacts more than he should've. "Yeah! There you go! Now that's the spirit!" Tetsuga would compliment before immediately downing his share in one gulp. While he still had his head up to drink, Pyxis sneakily poured the beer out onto the floor before pretending to have drank it all with him. "Whoo! Yeah, it looks like you're just as eager as me!" Tetsuga would say with a jolly smile as he noticed the now empty mug. He then clinks it with his before swaying his body to the music that encompasses the tavern.

But right outside the window behind them, Pyxis would see someone peeking through with their green-tinted goggles before disappearing into the night. It wasn't too hard to figure out who. But some conflicting feelings on his part definitely went against what he wanted, that's for sure.