
Journey Through Kingdoms

This story highlights the Daring adventures of two individuals as they traverse around the world, kingdom to kingdom for a single goal in mind. To topple the High Magic Council and stop their attempts at trying to kill them while also fleeing from an entire kingdom, a deadly bounty hunter, and a very deranged royal knight. Follow as the 2 would be heroes branded as criminals run from their pursuers while meeting a colorful cqast of people along the way as they form friendships that would last a lifetime. As well as confronting their past traumas to finally get the closure they need, hopefully before the villains close it for them. An Alchemist and a traveling Jester. What could be more exciting?

MysteGUI_Official · Fantasi
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49 Chs


"keep moving!" The knights shout as they lead the slaves through the courtyard in the darkness of night. "Please, we didn't do anything wrong!" One of them pleads for them to stop but a knight backhands them down to shit them up. "Quiet!" They exclaim as they stood over them. But before the knights could continue with their unfair treatment of them, Derrick spoke up from behind the knights. Causing them to turn around and see the boy standing confidently in front of them. "What? An intruder!" One of the knights exclaims as they didn't recognize Derrick to be someone that was supposed to be in their premises. "Stay right there you-" one of the knights would attempt to seize him but they suddenly get hit by falling crates from the side of him. Knocking him down. They looked to the side and saw Cherry who had tipped over a stack of crates to crush the knight that unknowingly stepped right under its trajectory.

"Hey!" A remaining knight shouts as he goes to apprehends Cherry. But then Derrick comes in and pushes the knight away before they could do so as they hot the ground with their backs near the slaves. "Your going to regret that!" The last remaining knight would say as he swings his sword at Derrick who dodges just at the knick of time as he ducks down. Derrick then saw that the knight had a wide stance. Seeing this, he took the opportunity to roll through the legs as they come back up right behind them. Quickly, they grabbed out his spare insomnia relief solution and uncorked it. Once the knight turns around to look at Derrick, the boy throws the vial right at the Knight's helmet as it shatters upont he steel. "What was-" the knight was going to question what had been thrown at him, but the potion took effect as he instantly fell down onto his back, asleep. "Ha ha! Works everytime!" The boy says as he congratulates himself on his small victory. He would go and look over to the knight he had pushed over but saw no worry in it as the slaves took this chance to beat the everlovong heck out of the knight while he was down.

After the beating, all three knights were gagged and tied up to prevent them from calling reinforcements and alerting everyone of their trespassing. "Thank you, you two. We're forever in your debt." One of the slaves would say with gratitude as they bow to them. "It's alright. It's disgusting what they're subjecting you all to." Cherry would say as she makes them raise their heads since she didn't really need them to thank them much. "Though, if you want to thank us. There's something we need from you all. If that's alright." Derrick would then pop the question as he proceeds to ask them a favor. "After saving us, tell us what you need." One of them says as they listen in for his request. "Great. So we're looking to break out a friend of ours from here and we need to make a big enough distraction for that to happen." Derrick would start explaining to them as they all listened in. He then takes out the sack full of pyrocitite and shows it to them before continuing. "We need to spread these rocks all around but with just us two, we'd have a bit of trouble detonating them all at once." He says which they understood quick.

"So you need us to help you plant these around?" They asked for confirmation as the two nod for a yes. "Just leave it to us!" They say with determination. They all then took each a pyrocitite stone so that they could go separate and plant them on different parts in the vicinity. "Alright. Everyone, split!" Derrick exclaimed as they proceeded to make their way to their chosen spots with cherry sticking with Derrick to where he was going. One by one, each of them planted a stone in different parts of the place. Each one they were ready to detonate. Derrick found it necessary to plant his inside the mines that the slaves were forced to work at. "Alright. The stone is set. Now to wait for the first one to go off and we can set ours off right after" Derrick would say as he and Cherry waited for it.

Meanwhile, Pyxis and the cocky knight were having a bit of a stare off as either one waited for the other to make a move. The air was tense. So tense that one could even feel it on their skin. A bead of sweat rolls down Pyxis' face as he stands. That bead of sweat then falls down his chin and onto the ground. And as soon as it splashes down, the knight unsheathes their sword and rushes him. Pyxis would unsheathe his own sword and block a strike with it. After the swords bounce off from eachotherz they collide again as the two stand in a stalemate. Their eyes glaring at one another, one out of pure hatred, and the other out of foolish confidence. "You really expect to earn their freedom? You do realize that no matter where you are, you'll still be a prisoner here... 0070." They would say while a twisted, malicious smile would creep up on their face.

"My name... Is pyxis!" Pyxis would shout. As he did so, an explosion rang out. Shaking the whole place from its blast. "An explosion!?" The knight would question. But this split second of distraction was all a pyxis needed as he broke away before using the sword to bash him away to the side. "Agh!... You little!" The knight would respond with anger as he goes and tries to grapple them but Pyxis would step aside and reveal Tetsuga about to kick the cell door wide open. "Open sesame!" Tetsuga shouts as he shoots his foot forward and breaks the lock outward, causing the door to fling out and hit the knight on the side of his face as he gets flung to the side where the door had opened towards. They then laid on the floor knocked out, giving the three a chance to escape and release the other prisoners with them while the knights were in a frenzy as more and more explosions happened. "Were you always able to do that?" 0121 would ask as he was a bit perplexed to know that Tetsuga could've broken out himself whenever he wanted to considering how easy it was for him to kick the cell door open.

"It's my little parlor trick. Now let's get moving!" Tetsuga would instruct them as the three make their way out while freeing all the prisoners that they could after snatching the keys from the knocked out knight. After a bit, they finally make their way out with a lot more company following behind them. "Alright, where to now Pyxis?" 0121 would ask as they make their way through the place. "We need to make it to the outside so we can meet up with the other two!" He says as they ran. But once they turned the corner, they were then met by a surprise attack as the big knight from before would come barreling in and body bashes all three of them through the wall and into the courtyard area as they each sprawl out onto the floor like Ragdolls. "Ugh.... That's one way to do it." Tetsuga was the first one to recover as he stands back up. He looked to the big knight who stared back at him with a stoic yet bloodlusted gaze. It was clear that the big man was out to get him. "Oh boy... You two ought to get going. I'll deal with him!" Tetsuga would tell the two as he strikes up a fighting stance. Challenging the knight to fight.

"You want us to leave you with him? Are you mad!?" 0121 would exclaim as he and Pyxis would get back up as well. "Trust me. I've got a score to settle with him. This is going to be the last time I get manhandled by someone twenty times my size." Tetsuga would say as the knight would respond with an exhale as their gruff voice would sound out with a grunt as he did. Without hesitation, the knight would proceed to charge at him right after. "Go! Go now! Now!!" Tetsuga would scream in a panic as he watches the big guy barrel towards him at high speeds. Before they could even get a step in to flee, Tetsuga gets body bashes again, this time, Into the fountain that was in the middle of the courtyard. Luckily for the other two, the knight was focused on the man to even acknowledge them which was perfect for their escape. "Should we help him?" 0121 would ask as he wasn't sure if they should leave just yet after seeing the guy get bashed away.

"Tetsuga will be fine, we just need everyone out of here! C'mon!" Pyxis would gesture for him and the other slaves with them to follow him as he goes and tries to find wherever Derrick and Cherry are.