
Journey Through Kingdoms

This story highlights the Daring adventures of two individuals as they traverse around the world, kingdom to kingdom for a single goal in mind. To topple the High Magic Council and stop their attempts at trying to kill them while also fleeing from an entire kingdom, a deadly bounty hunter, and a very deranged royal knight. Follow as the 2 would be heroes branded as criminals run from their pursuers while meeting a colorful cqast of people along the way as they form friendships that would last a lifetime. As well as confronting their past traumas to finally get the closure they need, hopefully before the villains close it for them. An Alchemist and a traveling Jester. What could be more exciting?

MysteGUI_Official · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Bandit Brawl

"Alright. Bandit boss, bandit boss, where would a bandit boss want to stay in..." Tetsuga scours around in the shadows of the village as he searches for Yurie after gaining Intel from the girl in the prison. "Think tetsuga. What would a bandit boss do..." He starts to think long and hard about where it is before noticing a house in the distance. He gets to a better vantage point and sees the bandit that brought Derrick to Yurie, walk out of the house along with a slight glimpse of Derrick and Yurie inside before the door closes behind him. "Gotcha."

Tetsuga sneakily makes his way through as he makes sure he is not seen by anyone. Once he had reached the house, he climbed up to the roof where no one could walk in on him spying as he laid down on top of it, eavesdropping on the conversation between Derrick and Yurie. "Alright you two... Start spilling." He says as he listens in. "You're probably wondering why we've captured you." Yurie spoke as Tetsuga placed his ear on the tiles of the roof. "Well, some would have the thought, yes. But I assume it's because of a bounty on my head, right?" Derrick replied.

"A bounty eh? Heh... Been there kid." Tetsuga says before listening in again as he tries to follow along with their talk. "can I ask you one question, me Yurie?" Derrick asked which Yurie responded with snide. "Sure. You're going to get traded off as soon as the sun rises and when my contractor gets here so I'll bite. Go on boy." The bandit said as he let the boy ask. "So considering you are a bandit Mr Yurie, why do you steal or pillage? Is it for survival? Necessity?" Derrick asked which was replied to with a chuckle.

"Why do I steal and pillage? Look around you boy. This world is full of weak people that always settle for less. So I take it. Take every single thing they have just cause I can. Those who can't control their things are weak.... Especially those who give away their crops in exchange for worthless people" he explains. As the words left his mouth, Tetsuga felt a slight sensation of irritation as the words said reminded him of someone. "Y'know. I didn't have to kill their village Chief... I just did so because I wanted to show them that I'm in control now."

"Alright. Shows over." He said, not wasting a second as he dropped down from the roof, in front of the door where a bandit was standing guard. "What the!? Where the hell did you come from!?" The bandit yelled in surprise but Tetsuga was quick to shut him up as his forearm started to glow a blue hue before flying it towards the bandit's face. "AUGH!!" The bandit was then sent back flying right into and through the door. Busting it open into pieces and shards. "What the hell!!?" Yurie shouted as Tetsuga stared back.

"Oops, my hand slipped." He said as he prepares to take them on after now just revealing himself. "It's you! From the city earlier! Ha! Ha! How have you been?" Derrick on the other hand did not skip a beat to gleefully greet Tetsuga again after meeting him for the second time today. "Now is not the time for catching up, kid!" Tetsuga tells him before noticing Yurie behind the Alchemist. "Duck!" Tetsuga yells as Derrick ducks down to dodge a swipe from Yurie that was aimed at his head. "Woah! Wasn't that a close one!"

"I'll beat your skull in!!" Yurie shouts as he pushes Derrick to the side with his foot before rushing in to face Tetsuga with a saber. He swings the sword at him but gets evaded by Tetsuga as he weaves away from his flurry of strikes. After dodging a few of his attacks, Tetsuga kicks him away before uppercutting him away as he lands on top of the table he sat at earlier. Destroying it as he landed. "Alright kid, let's get out of here!" Tetsuga waves for Derrick to follow him out but the boy had noticed something behind him.

"Not to alarm you, but there are several blunderbusses pointed directly at us." He says as Tetsuga looks behind him as he saw several bandits have rallied around with their weapons trained at them. "Oh fuzz buckets!" Tetsuga yelped before hurrying inside to hide from the ensuing gunshots as their bangs rang out into the night with their smokes painted the air. "Looks like we're cornered!" Derrick exclaims as he hides behind the wall across from where Tetsuga was hiding to avoid the gunfire. "Yeah, I can see that kid!" Tetsuga responds back with a little snark in his tone.


With the loud gunshots and fighting happening, it was impossible for it to not be heard from across the village as the village people within the cells started to pick up on it. "Were those... Gunshots?" One of them spoke as they wondered what the sounds were. Taking the lead, the daughter of the previous village Chief went to a window to see what was happening. She then saw a bunch of Bandits rushing towards the direction where Yurie and Derrick were. "There's a fight happening! Someone's attacking the bandits!" She says, informing the rest of the situation.

"A fight!? Against all of those bandits!? Are they insane!?" One of them stated as they thought the plan to be bad. "Insane or not, they're all distracted by it! Quick! We gotta get out of here!" The girl says as she starts to frantically look around for stuff for them to use to escape. "But to escape now while there is a fight... Wouldn't we get into the crossfire? It's too dangerous!" One of them tries to warn her but she was not inclined to listen. "We've been held captive by the bandits for long enough. Someone is giving us a chance and we will take it! Dangerous or not!" She says as she approaches the window again, this time with a little more hesitancy.

"What are you doing?" They asked her as she responds by beginning to hit the window with her first in an attempt to break it. "Getting! Us! Out of here!!" She says her strikes gradually became stronger and stronger but the window still remained intact with every hit. The villagers look amongst themselves, Inspired by her determination. "Step back, I'll break the window." Said a big bodied villager among them as they stepped up to the plate. "Rah!!" He yells, throwing his fist at the window. Shattering it immediately. "It's open." He says as he stepped aside for everyone to see the broken window.

"Your hand! It's bleeding!" The girl was rightfully worried as she saw the blood trickle down the man's fist but he held it high in front of her with a content expression. "If you're determined to get.out of here, then we are too! This is only a scratch." The man says to reassure her which works as she backs off. "Well, what are we waiting for! We gotta get out of here! We need to make it to the woods!" She says as she signals everyone to climb through the broken window and escape together. The villagers, now filled with determination themselves, follow as they all one by one climb through the window.

"How are we gonna get through the bandits outside?" Derrick asks Tetsuga as they try to formulate such a plan. "You're not getting through shit!!" Their attention was then snatched by Yurie who had now recovered from Tetsuga's attack. "Looks like we got other problems to worry about!" Tetsuga says as he prepares to fight again. "I'll make sure to gut you like fish!!" Yurie shouts in anger as he rushes towards Tetsuga again. "Been there, done that you bum!" Tetsuga retaliates and attempts to kick him in the stomach but Yurie anticipates and jumps back to dodge.

"Rah!!" Yurie swung his sword as Tetsuga rolls away to dodge it. After he recovers, gunshots start to ring out again as bullets rip through the door opening where Tetsuga had now landed in the middle of after rolling away. "Wah! Woah! Watch it!" He tries his best to dodge the remaining gunfire, completely foregoing his attention on Yurie. "Mr. Tetsuga!" Derrick yelled for him but was too late to the punch as Yurie rushed 8n, shoulder bashing Tetsuga away as soon as the shooting stopped. "Argh!!" Tetsuga hits the wall but recovers as he watches Yurie going in to stab him.

Thinking quickly, he grabs the blade with both his palms. Preventing it from reaching his stomach. "Hah!" He laughs but regrets it as Yurie headbutts him, sending him into a daze. "Urgh!" Tetsuga's head recoils back as the hit connects. He then goes back in with a right hook but Yurie blocks it with his forearm. "Tough luck!!" Yurie yells before grabbing a hold of his arm then turns around to throw him across the room. Luckily Tetsuga recovers with a clean roll but was then met with a boot to the face. Sending him to the ground on his back.

"Argh! Always the face!" He complains as he tries to get up but Yurie was already making his way over. "Last words before I cut your head open like a watermelon!" Yurie threatens as he lifts his sword up to strike at him. "Watch your six!" Then from behind still with his wrists tied, Derrick comes in with a chair and bashes it over Yurie's head. "Argh!!" Yurie screams in pain. Taking this chance given by Derrick, Tetsuga gets up and delivers a gut punch. Making Yurie scrunch forward. "Ough!" Then Tetsuga finished it off by grabbing a hold of him from his back before throwing him through a window.

"Nice moves Mr. Tetsuga!" Derrick complements as Tetsuga gets back up after throwing Yurie out the house through the window. "No time! Through the other window!" Tetsuga exclaims as shots begin to fire once more, prompting them both to exit through the side window of the house to prevent themselves from being cornered by the bandits who have them at gunpoint still. "There's too many of them!, we're outnumbered!" Derrick assessed as they both started running behind the houses as The bandits followed suit.

"You don't say!?" Tetsuga returns with a snarky remark. "I do have one idea in mind but we need to find my things!" Derrick suggests as halts for a moment as Tetsuga did the same. "Well I'm not making any soon. I'll keep their attention on me, you go and find your stuff!" Tetsuga says as they both split up. Derrick on his way to find his stuff and Tetsuga who stayed behind to face the bandits as he walked out from behind the house they stopped behind. Revealing himself to them. "Alright, which one of you butt munches wants some?" He exclaims while cracking his fingers. In response, they all raised their blunderbusses and swords at him.

".... Oh. So all of you."