

This was the 3rd day since I was sucked inside a game that I played a lot.

I've read stories before about being sucked in games and tried to use the skills from when I played but that! was a big lie!

In this game, It was just like real life but the mobs from the game are monsters in real life!

I am Paul and I will start the story of my journey in a game world.

When I was sucked inside the game I played a lot, I was excited and couldn't wait to try my skills! but in a little while...

I was almost killed by the goblins! There were no hp, no mp, no skills... nothing! In this world you can do nothing like it is in the game. You have to learn to survive in this world!

oh! there was one thing in this world like it was in the game. the status window is still on and the level system is also on.

I'm currently level 10, my previous level was reduced by 90 and I found out that I was the only player in this world.

My status was also on reset.

Name: Paul

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10

Str: 7

Agi: 5

Vit: 3

Int: 20

Points:30(3 per level)

As it was in the game I would have my class advancement by level 15, 45, and 80.

I should level up in a while from killing mobs. The level system is on but the exp isn't shown so I wont know when I'll level up.

"I'll increase my stats so I wont get a near death experience again!" he said with a scared voice. *goosebumps*


Name: Paul

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10

Str: 7

Agi: 5

Vit: 3

Int: 20

Points:30(3 per level)


Name: Paul

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10

Str: 12

Agi: 20

Vit: 13

Int: 20

Points:0(3 per level)


"Since I'm a mage, I might as well figure out how to use magic in this world."

As a level 10 mage in the game they only know body strengthening skills to reinforce their body for offensive and defensive.

Paul said "According to the game, mage can use their magic force in order to use body strengthening skills"

Paul closed his eyes and tried to feel the magic flow in his body.

Paul felt something like water was flowing inside his skin that was contained beside the bone, he also felt that there was a big circle in the center of his body containing a lot of those flowing in his body.

"so this is the magic force huh?" paul said with astounished voice.

"I'll try activating boost skills like in the game."

Paul tried to focus the magic force on his legs to have a super jump.

As magic force was building on his legs, he opened his eyes and jumped.

but he jumped only as high as a stool.

he was bewildered then he realized that he lost focus when he was trying to jump.

"I see... I need to multitask and focus on what to do and building magic force."

he tried again and jumped as high as a tree.

"Yes! I've succeeded this time."

He let his guard down and when he fell to the ground, his feet was wobbling because of the impact.

He said while laughing with tears in his eyes "I see... I have to focus on the impact too, to be able to use this continually."

He then realized something he didn't try yet.


A window was shown in his view. there were 30 slots and a beginner dagger was contained within it.

"So this existed huh..." said while laughing dumbfoundedly....

he then started to look for a lone goblin to try what he just learned.

he saw a Scorpion Tiger 20 meters away, the scorpion tiger was about to kill a human child.

he knew that he had to act fast to be able to save the child. he thought of a lot of ways to save the child in a second.

he then reinforced his legs with magic force

he dashed forward, it was as if he disappeared from the spot he was standing in and immediately appeared in the back of the scorpion tiger.

he kicked the scorpion tiger in the head with a roundhouse kick


the scorpion tiger was sent flying to hit a tree


the scorpion lost his life to that one kick reinforced with 100% of paul's power.

"so that's how powerful I am when I use magic huh? goblins would probably die with just reinforcing my body a little bit."

he then felt intense pain on his legs, "ahh!!!!"

he shouted painfully.

"I see now. my body isn't strong enough to be using that kind of force... it seems that status only gives me the strength in ability but not the body to contain that ability."

he said with a sigh "It looks like I have to train my body more from scratch to contain that power. that ability is sealed unless I train my body stronger"

He then walked slowly towards the child, he saw that the child fainted from being so scared so he woke him up.

"kid... kid... kid... wake up" he said as he woke the kid up

the kid slowly woke up and said after remembering what happened "Please help me! The scorpion tiger is trying to kill me!!" and hugged paul

paul said as he pointed at the scorpion tiger that was stuck in the tree created by the strong kick's impact "hey kid, look there..."

as the kid saw that and was dumbfounded by the sight.

he said thankfully "thank you for saving me, my name is John William and I'm 8 years old."

"No problem kid, I'm Paul Garcia"

John said to paul after that "I have a request for you, sir paul..."

"What is it? kid?"

"Please be my master! I want to be strong!"

"You want me as your master?" Paul didn't know whether to laugh or cry because of what the kid said.

"Yes! you are very strong! In our household, even among the top guards, no one is as strong as you!"

"Household? Top guards? It seems like you're a noble." "You want me as your master? but will your father agree on this matter?" Paul asked

"Yes! he will definitely agree! I can see that you are a master!"

Paul said with a mocking smile "kid, I'm not a master, I've just began my journey."

The kid's eyes lit up as he heard that "That's even better, because you are strong when you began and will definitely become even stronger! I want to see that sight and be proud that I was a student of such a master!"

Paul said with a laugh "Kid, you're smart! but... Im a close combat mage. Do you have the aptitude to become a mage?"

The kid said with a strange tone. "Yes! I have the aptitude to become a mage and I even know a few spells, Im nicknamed as the favored one because of me being able to learn fire and wind spells. but... what is a close combat mage?"

"Oh? you have the aptitude to be a mage? since that's the case... if you want to be a close combat mage, you have to learn how to fight without wands and you will have to learn to fight like swordsmen and such."

The kid said with a questioning tone "Is that possible? to be able to be a close combat mage? I haven't heard of that before."

Paul then pointed at the tiger and said while lightly laughing "Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean, it doesn't exist, right?"

John's eyes lit up as he looked at paul

"Now kneel down and kowtow to pay respect to your master!"

"Yes! Master!" John immediately did what he was told.