
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 47: A Real Sweep Through the Enemy Forces Like Rolling Up a Carpet!

Journalling In Marvel

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Chapter 47

A series of faint screams erupted, but as the terrorists were swallowed up by the blast wave from the explosion, the cries abruptly stopped as if a giant hand had choked off their throats.

Only the earth-shaking blasts remained, only the smoke-filled air remained.

The curling black smoke, the scorched corpses, the pungent scent of blood—it was a shocking sight to behold.

"Monster, this man is a monster!"

"No, he's a devil!"

"He's the devil sent by God!"

Fear began to spread among the terrorists, and their gazes toward Zhou Cheng were no longer composed. They started to panic.

Heaven pity them, they were genuinely shaken by Zhou Cheng's overpowered display.

Not just them, even the small leader with the big beard and Raza, the top leader, were completely agitated.

They were startled and furious and couldn't believe their own eyes.

Who was this person in front of them? Bullets don't hurt him, fine, he can shoot feathers from his wings, fine, but he can even repel missiles?

That's just ridiculous!

However, compared to the other terrorists who were clearly stunned, these two had a slightly better reaction.

After a brief shock, they quickly snapped back to reality.

"Fire, keep firing!"

"Use the strongest weapons we have!"

Raza continued to shout at the terrorists.

He didn't believe it.

You can reflect rockets, but what about missiles, other stronger firepower?

You can reflect it once, but can you do it every time?


"This guy?"

"He's the leader!"

As Raza gave orders repeatedly, he stood out from the immense crowd.

Finally, Zhou Cheng took notice of him.

Although Zhou Cheng couldn't understand the language Raza was using or what he was saying, as someone who had seen the movies, he recognized Raza's identity.

If that's the case.

Buddy, then don't blame me for not being polite!

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

Zhou Cheng began to concentrate his firepower, specifically shooting in Raza's direction.

The haphazard group damage from the feather shots started to target Raza specifically.


"Not good!"

Several angry shouts rang out.

The terrorists around Raza immediately began to protect him and started to retreat.

Some even quickly stepped forward to shield Raza with their bodies, protecting him with their own lives as they retreated.

Unexpectedly, these terrorists were quite loyal to Raza.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

The sound of blades slicing through flesh continued, and one body after another fell to the ground.

In this situation, Raza and the bearded leader eventually managed to retreat behind a large truck, evading Zhou Cheng's lethal barrage.


Both Raza and the bearded leader unconsciously let out a long sigh of relief.

Heaven knows, it had been too dangerous just now.

They had almost died!

But well...

A cruel and ruthless expression quickly appeared on Raza's face.

Since they hadn't died, it meant the one in the sky was going to!

Even if that guy was powerful, a freak, they had so many weapons and so many people that they could snatch Tony Stark from the military's hands.

Couldn't they deal with just one "Birdman"?

Alas, Raza could never have imagined the extent of the abilities that "Birdman" possessed.What he had shown was not all there was to see.

"Really think hiding will do you any good?"

Zhou Cheng remained calm as he saw Raza and the bearded man take cover behind a large truck. A mocking smile even crept up on his lips.

He then gently raised his hand with a slight gesture.

Unleashing the power of Shinra Tensei—an invisible force acted upon the large truck.

The vehicle, which served as Raza and the bearded man's cover, suddenly took flight.

"What's happening?!"

"My God!"

At this moment, neither Raza nor the bearded man could remain calm.

Instinctively, they both looked up to see the truck rising beside them, eyes wide with disbelief and horror, murmuring exclamations of shock.

If Zhou Cheng's immunity to bullets and his ability to deflect missiles had been marginally understandable before, this scene was truly fantastical.

Boom! The next moment, the truck that had flown up into the air started to crash down violently.


Boom! The ground shook violently.

Raza and the bearded man weren't so lucky this time. They didn't even have a chance to react before they were crushed into a pulp. Death was instantaneous.

Boom! Having just dealt with Raza and the bearded man, Zhou Cheng was about to focus his attention on eliminating the other terrorists when the barrel of a tank aimed at him, firing a shell directly at Zhou Cheng.

In the blink of an eye, it exploded right before him.

Yet Zhou Cheng, unperturbed, casually deflected the tank shell with his wings.

Then, with another flap of his wings, he lifted himself higher and adjusted his angle.

Finally, Zhou Cheng slowly raised his hand, aiming at the secret base of the Ten Rings Gang below.

"Shinra Tensei."

Hum! An enormous repulsive force spread, covering almost the entire secret base of the Ten Rings Gang.

Boom! Like a colossal fist pounding the ground, the base shook violently! It wasn't an exaggeration but a literal description.

The sky and earth truly quaked.

In that instant, all the makeshift buildings, tents, various vehicles, tanks, and more at the base were mercilessly destroyed by the invisible force, flattened into ruins and rubble.

Crack, crack, crack! The ground fractured as well.

A large crater appeared in the center of the base, with cracks spreading in every direction.

It was a sight to behold.

And the terrorists who had launched ferocious attacks on Zhou Cheng? They were swept away like leaves in the autumn wind, completely taken down by this move from Zhou Cheng.

The majority were crushed into a paste or killed by the shockwave.

Only a very few lucky ones, tucked away in nooks and crannies, managed to cling to life.

But as they looked around at the base, now reduced to debris in an instant, they were completely shocked and stupefied.

Their will to fight had vanished.

Swoosh! Before their eyes, Zhou Cheng, who had been flying, gently descended.

He presented a majestic and commanding figure, but to the surviving terrorists, he might as well have been a demon!

Zhou Cheng paid no mind to what these people might be thinking.

Instead, he continued mercilessly swinging his wings...