
going to the airport

ms.chan are ready to go to the airport said Midori yes let's go after half an hour later they reach at the airport Ms.chan we have arrived ok can you please take my bag to the airport door Midori said emirl no problem ms.chan you can call me by my first name Emirl ok.

now help me carry my bags and suitcase Midori ok Emirl. After they carry the bags Emirl saw her grandfather send her she readed it "hey Emirl I have to go do something if am not home there's a key under the mat love nehemiya Chan" after Emirl parents dead from a bomb grandfather worked at the company he was so busy,I replied with ok grandfather I told Midori she can leave and I thank her she said ok bye I waved bye as I went inside the airport.

~p.s Jon is a Japanese name for john~ ~ p.s Emirl is a Japanese name for Emily~

~p.s nemhemiya is a Japanese name for Nehemiah I hope y'all in joy my story btw I post short chapter and I might not post anymore

Kitcathearcreators' thoughts