
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

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40 Chs

The Long Night

(Sera POV)

Somewhere on the upper floor of the dungeon, I and Artemis Familia joined hands to train ourselves before we left Orario after Denatus and gathered some money for our goddess. Currently, Sera has reached mid-level four, and Rethusa is close to approaching the level three threshold.

"Sera, there is another one coming… It's an Orc."

Rethusa was a level two adventurer, but she was not like other adventurers that you can call amateur because her fight sense and experience are comparable to those of a veteran adventurer, thanks to her goddess teachings on how to hunt and fight a monster.

"Yes, I could feel it."

Sera was the same as Rethusa, but her level was already at mid-level four. Thanks to Oberon's magic item, she could gain more Excelia to raise her status. It has been a month since Oberon, and she went separate ways since Sera never skipped her training schedule.

As Rathusa predicts, there is one orc that walks out of the deep mist. It was not their first encounter with Orc; they were all already well-prepared for the fight. Rethusa and Sera were the vanguards of the group, with Sera's agility and Rethusa's spear being perfect for the main attack team.

{Void Step}

Void Step was one Sera skill that she gained when she reached level four. The ability gave its user a drastic increase in their agility, and critical hit, and evaded most incoming hits. Rathusa could see that Sera had already activated her skill from a dark aura that engulfed her body. Her step becomes soundless, almost like she walks without touching the ground.


((Thud! Thud!))

The orc starts sprinting forward toward the group, but Sera and Rethusa do not move an inch because they are waiting for Argi, a half-elf with white hair, to shoot the orc's legs. Without order, Argi already aimed her bow at the Orc as her goddess taught her how to fire a bow—all she needed to calm her mind and concentrate.

"*Inhale*.. *Exhale*."



The arrow shot by Argi managed to pierce the skin of the orc's legs and bring the monster down to its knees, which queued for Sera Rathusa and others to head forward. The monster tried to recover and stood up, using his rusted weapon to crush his enemy, but before he could stand, Sera had already cut his arm, making the orc drop his weapon in desperation. The Orc tried to grab Sera's body, but her reflex made Sera spin her body to avoid the mother's arm, and then she stabbed right into the neck of the Orc.

Rathusa, who was always close behind Sera, always knew where to land a death blow thanks to her rare skill that could see any monster's weakness when she killed the same type of monster before. Just as the Orc was paying attention to Sera Rathusa, she sprinted as fast as possible and aimed right into the monitor's left chest, where the heart was found.


The Orc just screams its last breath before it turns into dust. Just before they celebrate, Rethusa tries to look around the mist to make sure that there is no monster left.

"Good job everyone, and as always, Argi, good job."

"It's all thanks to Artemis-sama's guidance, captain."

Argi was still a teenager when the goddess Artemis recruited her from an orphan's church in a village they visited. Since then, she had been trained to be an archer by the goddess Artemis with a bow, and as her captain, she acknowledged her as the best archer in Artemis Familia other than the goddess Artemis herself.

"Now, that room is clear. I think we should come back to the surface."

"I did agree, Captain-san."

"Come on, Sera, stop teasing me. I am sorry. All right, it's because of our sacred rule to not let any man join."

"Fufufufu, I understand Rathusa. I was just hoping one day that rule would be nullified."

"I doubt that will ever happen, Sera."

Rathusa indeed told her when the goddess Artemis was not nearby that she had a bad impression of males because of something Zeus was doing in heaven and the time of his reign in Orario. Sera was the only member of the Iduun Familia because most of the powerful adventurers in her Familia were male, so they stayed in Tein.

'If I never met Oberon, I probably would not be so bothered by the rule.'

"Then Lola, please lead us home."

"Sure, Sera I will do my best."

Lola was one of the Loki Familia that took part in the party for safety reasons because neither Sera nor Rethusa had any way of knowing how to explore the dungeon labyrinth, so Finn landed one of their groups, and her hearing ability was so useful to track any monster surrounding the mist without needing to spot the monster visually.

"This way, everyone, it should take four hours if we follow a safe route toward the surface and make sure to watch any crack sound in the ground as always."

There are four of us within the group, made up of three Familia, it was one Loki, one Una, and three Artemis. According to Lola, the way back to the dungeon is much safer because fewer monsters are roaming around to slow our way back to the surface. While we are on the way back, we meet some other adventurers from other Familia which makes the whole group less tense.

When we arrived at the fourth floor, I felt it was safer to start the conversation with Lola because she was at the same party with Oberon days ago. Lola told her that Oberon was still a mysterious person, but she believed that Oberon could be the strongest adventurer in the future; his magic ability and sword skill were something that she had never seen anywhere, and according to Alicia, Oberon is still holding back.

'Hm, his habit has still not changed, I suppose.'

Sera understands why Oberon wants to hide his true strength because of her experience watching Oberon fight with Apophis a month ago to destroy a mountain, and the landscape is close to the fight between a god, according to her goddess.

"Sera, why were you so interested in this man named Oberon? Was he your acquaintance or something?"

"Well, maybe you did not notice this when we arrived at Orario. We can't stop hearing that name, so why not try to know him a bit more?"

"Hm, now you mention that we have indeed heard that name since we arrived at the front gate of Orario."


After an hour of walking, we finally arrived at the staircase that led toward the surface. From the look of it, we were not alone; many adventurers came back from the dungeon. When we went outside, the day had already gone dark, and Lola advised all of us to go to the guild and go back to the safehouse because Orario at night was not a safe place.

When we arrived at the guild, there was already a gym pack with adventurers who had just come back from the dungeon to exchange their materials. The queue for their turn to exchange their material was long, and while Sera waited in line, she heard the adventurer talking about a familiar name.

"Hey, did you know that high elf just reached the middle and defeated the floor boss, Goliath?"

"Yes, I did hear that rumor that hours ago he did bring the Goliath magic crystal to the guild."

Sera can't help but smile a bit to know that Oberon has already reached the middle floor, just days after he arrived.

"Did he just join days ago? How did he do that?"

"How can I know that? That elf is just days old in Orario; no one knows too much about him; all we had was a rumor, but there is a new rumor that has been circulated lately about him."

"What rumor?"

"That he is the one responsible for the killing of the g-"

"Wow, wow, I am going to stop you there. You don't want Freya and Loki Familia to declare war on our god, right?"

Hearing that, Sera can't help but feel the fear that people have already discovered that Oberon is responsible for killing Apophis. Goddess Iduun already predicted this because, most likely, someone from Apophis Familia survived and spread this rumor. To be honest, she and her goddess don't know what kind of punishment will fall on him if Oberon is discovered to be the main culprit, but Serra does not want to know.

"Hm, Lola? What are yo-"

Sera looks at Lola that heading toward two adventurers.

"Excuse me?"

"Who are you? Don't tell me you want to cut the line."

"Ah, I just heard you talking about one of our Familia members, so I asked, where did you hear that rumor?"

Sera could hear a cold tone being used in Lola's voice. Rathusa and the others were a bit confused about what happened, but they all stayed close and prepared for what happened.

"Our Familia you mean..."

Both start sweating nervously.

"I am sorry, okay, I just heard someone mention it in the bar."


"At the bar in Daedalus Street."

'Daedalus Street Finn did warn us not to get close to that street because that is the place where most outlaws and bandits are thriving.'

"Okay, I will look away from this. If you start again spreading those rumors, our goddess wrath will fall on you, Familia."

They both nodded nervously, knowing that it was not an empty threat.

"Lola I never knew that you had such a cold character."

"I am sorry, everyone. I just can't help getting angry when some badmouth Oberon-sama."

I felt a bit surprised that she was already attached to him in a matter of days.

"It's okay, Lola. If some badmouth my Familia members, I will probably do the same as you."

"Thank you. Now I think it's time for us to exchange the material."

It took us less time to exchange the item, but we managed to obtain a hundred thousand valis. At least with this amount of money, we could buy a better weapon and supply it. The safe house where we live is close to Loki Familia Manor because, for safety reasons, we took the main way that is populated with people and Ganesha Familia guard patrolling.

"We would take the same route as before, but please don't let your guard down."

It should take us half an hour to arrive at the safehouse north of Orario. After walking for more than an hour, I realized that the number of people passing by was decreasing; the others seemed to have had the same realization as I did. My hand stayed close to my dagger, while Rethusa, Argi, and Lola stayed close to each other.

Just as we take more steps forward, Lola's ears point in the direction of an alley on the left of us. Because of how dark it is, I can't see clearly.

"We are surrounded."

'... Now what should I do?

I tried to look around us, and thankfully there were no civilians caught up in the fight, but she didn't know how there were none close by; it should be Ganesha Familia guard patrolling close by. Then I looked at Argi; she was still too young to deal with human Rethusa. I patted her head to ease her fear.

Just as everything was too silent, I heard a footstep. As I lay my eyes toward the source, I saw three people wearing dark hoods hiding their faces.

"Rethusa I will face them. I need you to stay and watch the people that are watching from the roof."

"Are you stupid? You can face them alone."

"You may be able to deal with them, but I am not sure Argi could do the same. So, Lola, could you fight?"

"I can at least punch them in close combat, Sera-san."

"That's good enough."

"Are you finished with the talking, Sera?"

'Hm, a woman's voice, and somehow I did remember hearing that voice before, but where?'

Just before I asked them, one of them revealed their face. It was a familiar woman that I had met many times, and that brought back many bad memories. It was a middle-aged woman with dark blue hair and dark skin who reminisced about her race as an Amazoness. Since the fall of Apophis, they have tried to hunt the remnants of Apophis Familia members; we did manage to capture most of them, but their vice captains are still missing.

"Vita, I wonder where you were; I never guessed that you came to Orario."


"He brings it to himself. You don't know how much suffering you bring to my people."

'From the look at the situation, we must fight her, but... I must make an opening for them to call for help.'

Then I look at the bracelet that Oberon gave me when he left town. Since then, I have always worn it; not only does it help me with my training, but it can at least give back some of the memories I had with him. Then I started pulling up both my daggers and started chanting my skill.

{Void Step}

I darted my body toward her, but before I managed to close the distance between us, both men behind her tried to flank me from the right and left sides. They both held a one-handed sword that had a weird color on it.

'It coated with poison... classic Vita.'

With my ability, I could evade their attack from both sides easily by jumping to evade the sword they swung on both sides. When my hand touched the ground, I started to push upward and create momentum to kick both with my legs.


I managed to break their necks with the kick, killing both instantly and sending them flying.

'They are much weaker than I thought... hm?'

I sense an incoming projectile flying toward me from the top. Then I reach into my back pocket as fast as I can and throw a small knife.


While my attention was full on my blind spot, I did realize that Rathusa and others were attacked by an archer on top of the roof, but thankfully Rathusa and Lola could block all the incoming projectiles. I tried to stay close to them just in case they needed my help. When I laid my gaze toward Vita, she did not move an inch from the place where she was standing.

'Why did she not attack?'

"Is everyone okay?"

"Somehow, we did. They coated their arrow with poison, and according to Lola, it was paralyzed poison."

'I see they tried to capture us.'

I tried to guess why Vita didn't move an inch from where he stood; there was a guess in my mind that she couldn't fight toe to toe with me because of our difference in level.

"I see you are waiting for more friends."

Without answering, Vita just smiled at me, making me more nervous about what their plan was. Then I felt a cold wind brush toward us, and at the same time, I heard someone falling behind me. It was Rethusa, followed by others who lost consciousness. Realizing what happened, I closed my nose and held my breath.

"Oh, it finally worked; it took them long enough... Hahaha, it's no use; you already smell that poison."

My eyesight started to get blurred, and my legs started to feel too weak to stand. In the final attempt to kill her, I threw my remaining knives in my pocket, but she managed to deflect most of them, which did give him a nice scratch on her face.

"Ob-eron *Thud*"


(Oberon POV)



"Guah! Haaa, haaa."

The voice that called in my dream made my brain and body feel like I had been electrocuted, making me fully awake. When I woke, I felt a familiar feeling that I had when there was a terrible thing about to happen. As I opened my eyes, I could feel a warmth on my right arm.

"Oberon? Did you have a nightmare?"

It was Riveria; she looked so worried. I tried to remember exactly what had happened, and then I remembered that I passed out after using my prototype of Magic Armor because of my carelessness.

'What is this feeling? something terrible was happening.'

"Yeah, I am sorry to scare you, Riveria-san."

("Oberon-sama, Loki-sama wants to meet you.")

("This voice, Siv, sure you both can come in.")

As I gave permission, Siv opened the door for Loki, as always, with her usual careful and mischievous smile.

"Ho, you finally awakened, you maid. It's really amazing to know... Hm, what happened to you?"

"I don't know, but I have had terrible feelings since I opened my eyes. Did something bad happen while I was sleeping?"

"No, as far as I am concerned, but I am not well aware of what happens on the surface."

I knew that it was impossible to reach Orstrid with my telepathic ability if our proximity was not close enough, so then I left my bed and wore the green robe that King Larfal gave me and both blades that I always carried.

"The last time I felt this feeling, a terrible thing really did fall toward one of the people I care about. I am sorry, Lady Loki. I will head to the surface."

They both don't object to my decision. Then we head toward the teleportation room, which is connected to the Twilight Manor. As I walked past the gate, I felt Orstrid connected to my telepathy.

("Master, I am sorry to come, but there are two goddesses who want to meet goddess Loki.")

("Did they say their name?")

("According to Captain Finn, it was goddess Idun and Artemis.")

("I see, thank you, Orstrid. You can go back to Manor; we are heading back right now.")


Just as I turned my back, a familiar girl with white hair and wearing rounded glasses and a white hat ran toward me while carrying a bag.


"*huf**huf**huf* Please drink this before you come back... It will help speed up master mana recovery."

"I see. Thank you, Flora. *glup**glup**glup* Thank you for the food and the healing scroll to Flora."

She then bowed and spoke.

"Have a safe trip, Oberon-sama, and Riveria-san, I hope we can meet again."


As I stepped into the teleport circle, we arrived at the Twilight Manor, and as I looked around, Orstrid was already expecting me, but she was not alone. Sitting on the sofa with two beautiful women, one was a goddess that I had met before; it was goddess Iduun, and sitting beside her had beautiful green eyes and long blue hair.

"What happened?"

The first one asking the question was the goddess Loki. I did know that something was happening from the heavy atmosphere in the room, and goddess Una had sadness and fear written all over her face.

"Loki-sama, one of the children of Artemis and Iduun, and one of us went missing for more than an hour."

'Iduun means one of... Don't tell me that.'


"It was Lola, Rethusa, Argi, and Sera."

When Sera's name was spoken, the atmosphere around Oberon became heavy. Loki, Riveria, and others were surprised that they could feel something like this kind of anger from Oberon.

'I must calm myself.'

When I tried to calm my mind, I took a deep breath and tried to think more clearly. There was one solution to find Sera and everyone.

"Iduun-sama, did Sera wear that bracelet?"

"Yes, she always wears it wherever she goes."

That statement alone was enough to brush most of my fear away from my mind.

"That's good to hear. With that, I could pinpoint Sera's location."

Hearing that everyone breathes more easily for knowing that.

"Orstrid, use that spell... It will be much quicker if me and Orstrid go alone."

Leobalka is one of the spells that I created after learning Dordia tribe magic. The Dordia tribe had a specialty and understanding of sound magic more than other races. I tried to learn their magic, but it was not possible because of human anatomy, and Beastman instead created a spell to mimic it, but for a different use.

"Okay, so what can we do to help?"

"After Orstrid pinpoints Sera's location Loki-sama, I hope you can dispatch a rescue party there because there are five of them and I can't carry them all by myself."

"Um, I understand, but are you sure you are not going to pass out again? You just suffer from Mind Zero, you know."

"With Orstrid on my side, I don't need to be worried about using magic too much, plus I did drink some potion to help me."

Loki was frustrated because she could find another way to ensure their safety without letting me go alone. Iduun, who knew Oberon's power, didn't feel the slightest doubt that he couldn't save Sera and others, but she was worried about Artemis's well-being.

Since hearing the news, she has never stopped shaking in fear because she couldn't imagine her children getting killed because of her carelessness in letting them venture into the Dungeon.

"Oberon isn't?"

"You are?"

"My name was Artemis, the goddess of hunting and nature... Can you really save my children?"

"As long as they are alive, I will save them, and I will bring them without any injury; that is a promise I made goddess Artemis."

In her experience, most men were always lying and never kept their promises, and yet Artemis couldn't sense any lie in his words.

"I found her master; she was moving slowly to the southeast; the distance from here was three and a half kilometers."

Hearing that, Finn headed toward the book himself and brought a piece of paper to the table.

"Hm, if I followed what Orstrid said, they should be around here, and they are heading toward the Daedalus district. Orstrid, how fast is her movement?"

"It was thirty kilometers per hour, Captain."

"That's an average speed of horse carriage; they probably tried to blend in with the civilians. They must be circling around to avoid patrol."

"I see. Thank you, Captain, for helping us a lot. I will bring them here as fast as I can."

Just before I walked out of the room, someone was grabbing Sleeve.

"Oberon, please be careful."

"I promise to be careful, Riveria-san."

Then I tried to let go of her hand, but I could feel that she was hesitant to let go of me. After Oberon leaves the room, Loki just smashes the table, surprising everyone. Finn and Riveria, watching her goddess, are furious.

"They have really done it! I thought they would behave more quietly after the blow, and yet... Finn, did you read the document that Oberon gave to us?"

"Yes, I did Loki-sama; it helped us find who Familia was and had a high probability of affiliating with the Evilus group. Two people who were spying on Oberon were hired by someone from Alecto Familia, and there is another name."

"They must be the ones that kidnapped my children, right? Why don't we just head there and punish the gods for letting their children do such an act !?"

"*sigh* Artemis, if that's easy, me and Freya already wiped them out a long time ago. Even if we confronted them with the evidence, they just said, 'I give my children free will; whatever they did was not in my interest' or something like that. All we could do was deal with the criminals, not the god who gave them power. The guild rule was clear: if we broke it, we could be expelled from Orario and make their organization flourish and people in Orario suffer."

Artemis could only grip her hand in frustration and regret letting her children go to the dungeon.

"It's okay, Artemis; our children will be saved. It may be a good start to put trust in that mortal. You know yourself; he wasn't lying, right?"

"I understand, Iduun. I will trust him."


It was the first time Oberon was flown high above Orario City. The more he looked at it, the more amazed he was at how well-designed the main road was. It was impossible to lose track when there was a tall tower in the center of Orario as the main landmark.

"Master, they are right below us."

Just as Orstrid says, it was indeed a horse carriage; it was only one person alone that was steering the carriage, and the goods he carried must be Sera and others.

"Orstrid, did anyone follow that horse carriage?"

"No master."

'I see they are avoiding making any suspicious of the civilian.'

Then, just descending from above, I dropped to the ground, right in front of the driver, and spooked the horses. After dusk settled finally, the driver could see a man with a green robe with two blades on his wrist, then he started drawing his weapon, pointing at him.

"Go down from your horses now; I will not say it twice."

It does not take his genius to realize I am not bluffing, and then he starts disarming the horse. He did step as fast as he could behind him and handcuff him.

"Orstrid, did you find her?"

"Yes, master it, Sera, but she was poisoned to make her unconscious. With detoxification magic, she should awaken, master."

"Please treat her, Orstrid, but did you find the other?"

"No, master, only Sera was here."

I stepped in front of the driver while he was kneeling.

"Explain why I found one of my friend's unconscious bodies in your carriage."

He tried to avoid looking into my eyes. Oberon knows there is a chance that he is being forced by the Evilus to transport her to their base. Then grab one of his legs and fly high above Orario. He starts screaming, but I just ignore his desperate plea and fly much higher.

"Now, are you ready to talk? My hand will feel tired after a minute."


"No, no, what's wrong with you? Bring one of my friends to Evilus Liar; you know what her fate awaits her there, right?"

"I know, but I had no choice but to obey them if I wanted to bring my product outside of Orario."

"That does not give an excuse for what you did; now tell me, where is the other? She was not alone; four of them went missing. I warn you; I was from Lokin Familia. If my goddess knows that you are helping kidnap her children, you know what will happen, right?"

"You, I know you look familiar; you are that high elf that people are talking about."

Then I release that man's legs from my arm and let him fall. I just let him fall for a few minutes, then grabbed his leg again before touching the ground.

"OKAY! OKAY! I will speak. They will be sold to the slave trade; that's all I heard!"

'This is much worse than I thought.'

("Master Sera is awake.")

Knowing that he most likely doesn't have any more information, we descended, and I saw Sera already awake.

"Oberon! *Thud*"

She hugged me tightly while her whole body was shaken, and she cried in relief. Orstrid found her hiding inside a chest that was stacked with haystacks, and her eyes were blinded by cloth.

"I am glad you are okay, Sera."


"I know we had much to talk about, but we must save the others."

Then Sera broke free for our hug and wiped her tiers because she knew every wasted moment would bring more danger to the remaining captive.

"I understand, let's go. We must save them... Woah Oberon!"

I carried her with both arms in reflex, and Sera warped her hand around my neck.

"Hold me tight, okay? It will be a bit scary, but I will not let go."

Sera then warped her body, which was much closer to mine.

"Hey! How about me? You have not released my handcuff yet!"

"Ah, just wait there; Loki Familia came to help you."

I just ignore his complaint and head toward the Twilight Manor while carrying Sera. I thought she would be scared, but it was the opposite because it was probably her first time flying freely above ground.


"Hm, what is Sera?"

"Did something happen? You look so different."

"It's just been a month since we last met. I am not sure there is any notable change."

Then she shook her head while looking closely into my face.

"No, never mind. Maybe it's just my feeling."



The first one welcoming us was goddess Iduun, who sprinted forward to hug her Sera tightly, but behind her Artemis and Loki looked at me, and I could only shake my head. They had all already gathered in front of the gate of the Twilight Manor, and Finn and Riveria gathered and dispatched a searching party. Only left at the front gate were Loki, Iduun, and Artemis; beside her was an unfamiliar cat girl, probably the other Artemis Familia members.

"I am sorry, goddess Artemis, Loki-sama; they only find Sera alone, not the other. I did learn worse information that they tried to sell them to the slave market."

Oberon knew there was no way to hide or advertise the truth because of the gods and goddesses' abilities. Artemis then dropped to her knees, and a catgirl beside her tried to hug and comfort her.

"We just learned what they want from this letter."

After reading that, I learned that their target was Sera for forcing the goddess Iduun not to take part in the incoming Denatus.

'I know that the reason goddess Iduun came here is to help clear my name after my battle with Apophis. So, I am the main cause of all of this. There is no time for blame games. I need to find the rest of them, but how?'

"Master, I suggest we ask Hilda for help."

"Hilda, now that you mention it, she indeed had that trait to track someone, but she needed their blood to do so."

'Wait, if indeed Sera was kidnapped, that means she must have had some fights with them.'

"Orstrid, please call Hilda the teleport circle; I believe it still has not yet been broken."

"As command master."

Then Orstrid ran as fast as she could toward the room where the teleport circle was still activated.

"Hilda, is that the maid with dark hair you introduced to us? Could she help with the situation?"

"Yes, she could track anyone and anywhere in this world, assuming they were alive."

From what I learned, the demon race does not exist in this world, but Hilda, for some reason, a spirit that I summoned had the same looks and traits as a vampire that I categorized as a demon race in the previous world.

"Hm, but I am not sure that Artemis had her children's blood stored somewhere, right? right, Artemis?"

Artemis, who was still crying, started to wipe her tier and felt angry because of Loki's accusation. Everyone knows that Loki just wants to cheer her up a bit.

"I know that Sera and others get captured without a fight. So, all I need to do is head to where Sera and others are fighting, should there be blood we need, but I still can't warp my head. How did they manage to defeat you, Sera? Can you tell us more details?"

"After we left the guild to exchange the material we gathered, we got ambushed in all directions and believe they are mostly the remnants of Apophis Familia…"


"The ambushed party was led by the former Vice Captain of Apophis Familia, and her name was Vita. While I fight Vita behind me, Rathusa does her best to protect the group from incoming projectiles, but it is no use; they have already prepared a trap for us. I know from the weird smell in the air that they use some kind of gas. When I realized what happened, it was too late."

"I see. That answers my question a lot about how they managed to attack after what happened on the middle floor... Ahhhh, they had more rats inside our circle than I thought—damn Ouranos, what stupid old man is doing!"

After half a minute of waiting, Orstrid came back with Hilda. She was not wearing her maid's outfit; instead, she was wearing dark kimono clothing that I bought through merchants that, according to them, had some attribute of magic resistance.

"My apologies, Oberon-sama, for the wait. I need to prepare myself."

"It's okay, Hilda; I am the one who should apologize for summoning you so suddenly. The reason I called you is because I need your ability to track someone."

"I will guide you to the place we class with them, Oberon."

"Good, just point where it is when we are flying and Orstrid helps Hilda carry Hilda; she couldn't fly like us. Loki-sama, please keep others on high alert; there is a chance I need reinforcement later."

"I understand. I will inform Finn and Riveria when they come back."


At the same time, Oberon flies around Orario, one goddess who, watching all the commotion, is already aware of most of what happened, thanks to her Devine mirror, who could watch everything, and her informant on the ground.

"Oh~ dear, my Oberon looks so desperate. It may be a good time to show kindness to my Odr… Ottar~."

"Yes, my lady."

"I want Allen, Anya, and Heiden to stay close to the Ishtar Familia base. In case my dear Oberon needs some help."

"As your command, lady Freya."

"And one more, don't show any mercy to the one who attacks my dear Oberon, okay?"

Ottar just bowed and left the room, while Freya's attention came toward the mirror.

"Let's see how my dear Odr closes this long-night battle."