
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasi
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83 Chs


Joey landed on the ground and used his teeth to pull himself across the ground. I have to reach Duce! I have to! Joey thought as he moved slowly across the dirt.


Duce,Jinx, and Pepper followed the scaly jinn through the forest.

"How's it moving so damn fast!? Duce asked.

"That's a high-level for you." Jinx added.

"There!" Pepper yelled from above. Duce and Jinx halted when seeing the jinn stop. "Amazing!" The jinn laughed.

"Duce, don't waste any time. We kill it here and now". Jinx whispered to Duce. "Yes ma'am". Die scuffed.

Something's wrong. Why did it stop all of a sudden? Pepper asked herself as she floated towards everyone.

Jinx jumped at the jinn and sliced its head off. "That's it?"

Duce was shocked to see the Jinn split its head in half and grow another body. There were now three jinns.

"The more you guys slice me up…the more bodies I produce!" The jinn laughed.


"How am I weird? I'm just saying what's gonna happen". Ahana said as she put on shades.

"I guess. So about these angels…you think we can win?" Amber asked slowly. Ahana kept her eyes on the river and felt the heat from the sun. "To be honest…I can kill them on my own. I just want you here so you don't kill Joey. But I still don't even know…why this prophecy is even happening. Does it have something to do with Joey? Am I the cause? Or…is someone manipulating the angels above?"

"You think someone is behind this? A jinn couldn't-

"Not a jinn, Amber. I think it's something more sinister going on here. Kebushie has the orb of Satan. But…in the orb is a evil spirit. Kebushie needs a vessel to activate the orb. They want Jackson's demon sword so they can connect both worlds…spiritual and Physical." Ahana explained.

"So…you're saying?"

"I'm saying…that Kebushie is so busy with his little plan…that I believe, we have a insane-level jinn doing the work somewhere else. I say this…because I met with one of the low-rank angels. They were honest about what's going to happen with the four fallen angels. But there's another thing that's supposed to happen before this prophecy….and you know what that is?" Ahana asked Amber.

"Yes. Half of the angels switch sides….by sides, I mean team up with a powerful jinn. So you think we're being lied to?" Amber asked.

"No. I do think that the four angels under this river are coming out soon. But I also think that something is going on up there. A powerful jinn….we have two prophecy's that are coming. 1. The four fallen ones, 2. Half of the angels fall from the heavens and wage war on the world. If that's true…the leader will be a insane-level jinn, one that even the angels will follow. We have a lot on our hands, Amber". Ahana sighed.

"Ahana….look!" Amber said.

Ahana turned her head and was looking directly at a tall man in a red rob. The man was surrounded in powerful energy. Ahana almost felt intimidated.

The man had hundreds of warriors behind him and a little girl as his side. "It's a true honor to finally meet you, Ahana". The man said as he kneeled.

"Who are you?" Ahana asked smoothly. "My name is Xenon, leader of the Tojo clan. I came to talk".

"Your Xenon!? Heh, I thought you'd be bigger. I've been told that you're the strongest human on Earth. That true?" Ahana asked with a smile.

"I hear your the strongest slayer….is that true?" Xenon asked as he ignored Ahana's question. "Of course, I'd never lose to a woman though." Xenon scuffed.

Ahana elbowed Amber on the shoulder and laughed uncontrollably. "He's so cute. He's threatening to best me in combat all because I'm a woman!" Ahana laughed.

"Xenon, that was the woman who made my nose bleed! I won't forgive her!" Naomi said.

"I see. So you're the one who did that. It's amazing that you were able to counter Naomi's abilities like that. But I'm here for another purpose".

"Yeah? What's that?" Ahana asked as she stood up.

"The Joey kid, why is he breathing? You were sent to kill him a while ago, correct? Why didn't you kill him?" Xenon asked.

"Because…he did nothing wrong. Why should he die? I could care less what the angels want me to do, I speak for myself".

"Interesting. I know how you feel. You believe your above everyone else all because of your powers. What would you be without that eye? Hell, you were so weak that you couldn't even protect your brother." Xenon said with a wide smile.

Ahana kept a calm face and took a deep breath. "I know you feel as well. You believe since you rule over a so-called "powerful" clan, that your above every other human being. It's the same clan…that I took out myself. You couldn't even protect your own people. Don't talk to me about weakness!"Ahana snapped back. "You weren't even there to help your soldiers on the battlefield! So whatever it is you have to say, whether it's a threat or not…know that I'm gonna side with Joey!"

Xenon fell into silence as a burst of laughter erupted from Xenon. "Trust me, you'll side with me. Because if you don't…it'll get bad for you and your little slayers". Xenon said.

"W-what?" Amber asked.

"We, the Tojo clan will personally kill Joey ourselves. With or without your permission, we will kill the boy!" Xenon said.

Ahana slowly took a few steps forward and halted. "I can't let you do that".

"I figured…which is why…I here by declare war! War on the slayers! My army is being led to that little town to crush your pups and slayers that are on the way there! I even have three soldiers headed to that island where Joey is! It's over, Ahana. He'll be killed by one of my strongest fighters!" Xenon laughed.

To be honest…my vision didn't show any of this happening. So…in a few hours his army will attack Joeys home town. I don't know how…but he knows that Joeys on the island…so he's also sending half of his army there. "I see. You think I'll just sit here and let that happen?"

"You have no choice! You have to watch this river…your people are finished. You can cry at Joeys funeral". Xenon said as he turned his back.

"Your clan is in danger, Xenon".

Xenon stopped and turned his head. "A powerful warrior…one almost on pare with me, will be the one to slaughter your clan". Ahana said with a smile.

"I'll be looking forward to that. This is war, a spiritual war! I could care less about you or your man eye. Soon, it'll be mine". Xenon threatened as everyone disappeared.

"I can't wait". Ahana said.

"I'll tell the others! They need to prepare!" Amber said.

"Tell them. But don't worry about Xenon".

"Huh? Why?"

"I'll be the one to kill him." Ahana said.