
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasi
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83 Chs

Ahana’s reunion

Ahana took a seat in the chair and looked at the man with amazement. "The last time we spoke…was when Adrienne was alive…" Ahana said in a dry tone.

The man put a finger on his Chin and looked up at the ceiling. "It's been that long?Find that hard to believe!" He said in his smooth voice.

"Kebushie…you haven't changed it seems." Ahana said.

Kebushie wore a well-dressed suite. It was grey,along with his beautiful grey hair. His earring hung low around his neck and he had a what looked to be a cross.

"Your as beautiful as always, Ahana." He said.

He sat back down and poured him a glass of wine. "So…what is it you wanted to talk about?" He asked.

Ahana also poured herself a glass and relaxed. "I got intel from a mission I was on earlier last week or so. From what I know, I think someone among our group is working with the high-level jinns." Ahana explained.

Kebushie almost spit his drink out in disbelief, he had a worried look on his face. "If someone were to work with the high-levels then…that means the jinns would have info about our missions,our weaknesses,who to watch out for, and much more!" He explained.

Ahana took a sip. "You don't think I know that?" Ahana asked.

Kebushie said nothing, he just looked out the broken window. "Can't you use your eye?" He asked.

"Yep. So far, everyone,including you has been clean. Which doesn't make sense…right?" Ahana asked.

"But…I know among the three of us…can manipulate fate itself, only for an instant! And your one of them, Kebushie!" Ahana explained.

"True. I can see why you suspect me, Ahana. You truly are amazing and strong." He complimented.

"So what now?" Kebushie asked.

"I'm about to go check up on my pups. See how they're doing at that museum." She said as she stretched out.

"Oh…your headed to the museum?" Kebushie asked hesitatingly.

"Yep and how do you know about the museum in Town Heaven?" Ahana asked.

Kebushie had confused look in his eyes.

"You know I can read your thoughts! Is there something be your not telling me?" She asked

Ahana turned her back and was getting ready to leave, until she heard Kebushie's voice.

"What are your thoughts about humans and cursed humans? You think one is more superior or do you think we're the same?" He asked in a serious tone.

With her body facing forward, Ahana replied. "I never thought about it. But people who have jinn energy or is cursed…goes through so much in this world. I feel bad for them. But for a normal human who's living the life, I could care less about them. What makes you ask?" Ahana asked.

Kebushie stared at the floor and rubbed his finger's through his grey hair.

"When me,you, and your brother were all alive…I spent a lot of the time in the dark…I was the shadow of the group! An outcast! Everyone loved you and your brother's power, but didn't even notice my own!" Kebushie explained.

Ahana turned her body to face him as he kept on talking.

"Even now…I stand as the weakest among the slayers! At least…that's what you all think."

"Just get to the point. Are you the guy I'm looking for or not, Kebushie!?" Ahana asked in a demanding tone.

"You don't understand! When you have power in this world, people respect you and know your name! But if your in the shadows of other then your heart becomes dark…kinda like mine, Ahana." Kebushie explained.

Ahana slowly put her hand behind her back and made a gun sign with it.

"We jinn slayers and jinn energy users are at the peak of humanity at the moment! But we all have to hide in the shadows from the real world! Ahana, I've found people that know my powers and know how powerful I really am!"

"What do you mean by "people", Kebushie?"

"All I'm saying is…let the normal humans experience this blessing also!" Kebushie said as he vanished.

Ahana felt a sharp pain in her stomach as she looked down to see a long sword piercing threw her stomach.

She coughed up blood and collapsed to the ground.

(Kebushie!? You- after all the years-) Ahana stopped in thought and stared Kebushie down with anger in her eye.

"I already know I can't defeat you in battle! I needed to catch you off guard! You should die with a sword like that in your body, it's a sword from a jinn killed long ago! Has poison in it…you should enjoy it for a while!" Kebushie laughed.

Ahana said nothing as Kebushie stood at the doorway.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna seal you away now! I don't want anyone to find you. Tell your brother I said hello in hell!"

Kebushie clapped his hands and spawned what looked to be a small ball.

"Jinn item: Ball of suffering!"

He threw the ball at Ahana's head and watched as she was sucked into it. "That's the end of that! Sorry we couldn't come to an agreement, Ahana. But me and my pup, Sho, will take the demon blade! All of us and our jinn friends!"

Kebushie walked out of the house and left the jinn item alone.

(Kebushie…he's going after Jackson's sword! Not even Jodi is strong enough to take down Kebushie. It feels like I'm losing myself in this damn place.) Ahana was thinking.

(Joey and Jodi. Hold him off for me! I didn't expect a life-long best friend to be the enemy. That means he wants Jackson and Joey dead. Everyone fears Them…for what?)

Kebushie walked into the Forrest and laughed in a uncomfortable way. "Step one is complete! I killed Ahana, now it's time to join my comrades at the museum!" He laughed.

Kebushie pressed his hands tightly against each other and started a prayer.

"Now…the fun can really begin!"

Next chapter: Breaking Limits

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