
Jeff the killer x Summer Slender Part One

My name is jeff the killer and I live with the creepypasta Slenderman Jane the killer Ben Laughing Jack Laughing Jill lulu Sally Lazari Homicidal Liu Jason the toymaker Bloody painter and a lot more we have slenderman daughter's and Son Ben drowned Hayley Ariel Slender Summer Slender and Sky Slender My AU do not read if you do not like it

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Slender brother come and visit the Creepypasta

Slenderman p.o.v Okay everyone my brother's are coming to visit us today I said yay Hayley Summer and Sky said (Slenderman brother got here) Slenderman p.o.v everyone theses are my brother's this is Tenderman he is my older brother Hello Tenderman said this is Splendorman he is my younger brother hello SP said this is Trenderman my second older brother Hello Trenderman said and this is Offenderman he is my second younger brother hello Lady Offenderman said please girls stay away from Offenderman I said okay they said My p.o.v Uncle Tenderman uncle Splendorman uncle Trenderman I said hello Hayley Summer and Sky they said Hey what about me Offenderman said hi uncle we said hey he said hayley where is Jeff Summer ask up in his room I said same for Hoodie Sky I said okay they said and left