
Aggressive negotiations

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outplaying star systems in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy trade federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo. While the congress of the republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the supreme chancellor has secretly dispatched three Jedi knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle this conflict…



As we were arriving at the trade federation blockade master Qui-Gon got up and spoke through his communicator to the captain

Qui-Gon: Captain.

Captain: Yes, sir?

Qui-Gon: Tell them we wish to board at once.

Captain: Yes, sir.

The captain opens the channel to the mothership when the viceroy of the trade federation Nute Gunray received the message.

Captain: The ambassadors of the supreme chancellor wish to board immediately.

Nute Gunray: Yes, yes of course, ahhh…as you know our blockade is perfectly legal,and we'd be happy to receive the ambassadors…happy to.

Our space cruiser finally docks in the enormous main bay of the federation battleship.

As we were going down the ship a protocol droid was waiting for us.

Tc-14: I'm Tc-14 at your service, this way please.

We start moving through the hallways as I hear two droids speaking.

Eg-9: A republic cruiser! That's trouble…don't you think?

Pr-4: I'm not made to think.

I smirk at these droids, I didn't expect those machines to have such a peculiar sense of humor, we continue walking until we reach the entrance of the conference room. As a door opens leading us to the conference room the droid speaks to us again.

Tc-14: I hope you honored sirs will be most comfortable here, my master will be with you shortly.

The droid bows as we do the same, he backs out the room and the door closes right after it. The Jedis their hoods and looks out the large windows at the lush green planet of Naboo.

Obi-Wan: I have a bad feeling about this.

Qui-Gon: I don't sense anything.

Obi-Wan: It's not about the mission master, it's something…elsewhere…elusive.

Y/n: I must agree with Obi-Wan on this one, it feels strange.

Qui-Gon: Don't center on your anxiety Obi-Wan, Y/n. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs.

Obi-Wan: Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future.

Y/n: You dare use that card against your master Obi-Wan.

I said with amusement in my voice, as I see Qui-Gon flashing a quick smile at my comment before turning serious to answer his padawan.

Qui-Gon: Yes but not at the expense of the present, be mindful of the living force my young padawan.

Obi-Wan: yes master….how do you think this federation viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands.

Qui-Gon: These federation types are cowards, the negotiations will be short.

Y/n: We can always use the method of aggressive negotiations.

Obi-Wan turns to you and amused by your answer asks.

Obi-Wan: And how does this type of negotiations works?

You look at him with a smile on your face.

Y/n: The one where a lightsaber is involved.

Qui-Gon: Easy Y/n we don't want to scare the viceroy, not yet at least, the negotiations will be short.



Nute Gunray and Dofine stands stunned before Tc-14

Nute: (shaken) What? What did you say?

Tc-14: The ambassadors are Jedi knights, I believe.

Dofine: I knew it! They were sent to force a settlement, eh, blind me. We're done for!

Nute: Don't worry we shall deal with them immediately.



We were getting a little confused on why the viceroy was taking so long, so I decided to speak.

Y/n: This doesn't seem good, I believe Obi-Wan was right.

Qui-Gon: Patience young one, let's hope for the viceroy's safety he doesn't try anything reckless.

Suddenly a green smoke started coming out of the ventilation system.

Obi-Wan: Master this is poisonous gas.

Qui-Gon: Hold your breath.

Y/n: Well I guess the pacific negotiations are done for.

And with that I take a deep breath and start thinking of a way out of this poisonous situation.



A hologram of the viceroy appears, while the doors are surrounded by many battle droids.

Nute: They must be dead now, blast what's left of them!

The hologram fades off as the droids cautiously opens the doors. As the green clouds billows out of the room, the battle droids draw their weapons as they see a figure stumbling out of the smoke. It's Tc-14 carrying a tray of drinks.

Tc-14: Oh excuse me, sorry

The protocol droid passes the armed camp just as three laser swords flies out of the deadly fog, cutting down the droids before they could react.


the bridge is muted by the alarms. Nute and Rune watch as one of the battle droids speaks on the view screen.

Droid: Not sure exactly wha…

The droid couldn't finish because it was suddenly cut in half mid-sentence. As Rune gives Nute a worried look.

Nute: What in blazes is going on down there?

Rune: Have you ever encountered a Jedi knight before, sir?

Nute: Well not exactly but I don't…(panicked) Seal off the bridge!

Rune: That won't be enough, sir.

The doors of the bridge are closed and sealed from the inside

Nute: I want destroyer droids up here at once!

Rune: We won't survive this.


Qui-Gon and Y/n cuts several battle droids in half, creating sparks and metal parts.

Obi-Wan raises his hand sending several droids crashing to the wall.

Qui-Gon makes his way towards the bridge doors and started cutting through it.

The crew of the ship became nervous as the three Jedis made their way to the bridge, Qui-Gon tries to open the door with his lightsaber. Seeing this the viceroy starts to shout in panic.

Nute: Close the blast doors!

The huge, and thick blast door slams shut, followed by a second door, then a third. There is a hissing sound as the doors seal shut. Qui-Gon taps the door with his blade, inside the crew saw a red mark appear on the doors.

Rune: They're still coming through!

As the red color expands through the doors.

Nute: Impossible! That's impossible!

Rune: Where are those destroyer droids?

As the three Jedi were about to pass through the door, ten destroyer droids came rolling down the hallway at full speed. Just before they got to the bridge area, they stop and transformed into their battle configuration. Qui-Gon can't see them but sensed their presence.

Qui-Gon: Destroyer droids.

Oui-Wan: Offhandedly, I'd say this mission is past the negotiations stage.

Y/n: I thought that was clear since the poisonous gas.

The droids led by P-59, rush to the entrance area from three different hallways, blasting away with their blaster guns. They stop firing and stop in a semi-circle waiting for the smoke to dissipate. The three Jedi are nowhere to be seen.

P-59: Switch to bio…There they are!

The Jedi materialized at the end of the hallway and dash through the doors that slams shut. The droid blasts at the Jedi that deflected their shot with their lightsabers.

Obi-Wan: They have shield generators.

Y/n: It's a stand-off, let's go.

Qui-Gon: Agreed.


Nute and Rune stand on the bridge, watching the screen as the droids speeds to the doorway.

Rune: We have them on the run sir, they're no match for the destroyer droids.

Droid: Sir, they've gone through the ventilation shaft.


Qui-Gon Y/n and Obi-Wan arrived at a giant hangar bay via the ventilation system. They are careful not to be seen, as they see thousands of battle droids loading onto landing crafts.

Qui-Gon: Battle droids.

Y/n: It looks like an invasion army.

Qui-Gon: It's an odd play for the trade federation. We've got to warn Naboo and contact the chancellor Valorum. Let's split up aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet.

Obi-Wan: You were right about one thing master, the negotiations were short.

Y/n pov

I can't help but smile at Obi-wans comment. It is true that I wasn't expecting my first mission in this era to be like this, but I can't say that humor was missing.


Droid: Sir, a transmission from the planet.

Rune: It's queen Amidala herself.

Nute: At last we're getting results.

On the screen, queen Amidala appears, surrounded by the governor's council and four handmaidens.

Nute: Again, you come before me, your highness, the federation is pleased.

Amidala: You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say, viceroy…your trade federations boycott of our planet has ended.

Nute smirks at Rune

Nute: I was not aware of such a failure.

Amidala: I have word that the senate is finally voting on this blockade of yours.

Nute: I take it you know the outcome. I wonder why they bother voting.

Amidala: Enough of this pretense viceroy! I know the chancellor's ambassadors are with you now, and that you have been commanded to reach a settlement.

Nute: I know nothing about ambassadors… you must be mistaken.

The queen was surprised of his reaction, she studies him carefully.

Amidala: Beware viceroy…. The federation is going too far this time.

Nute: Your highness, we will never do anything without the approval of the senate, you assume too much.

Amidala: We will see.

The queen fades off and the screen turns dark.

Rune: She is right, the senate will never….

Nute: It's too late now.

Rune: Do you think she suspects an attack?

Nute: I don't know, but we must move quickly to disrupt all communications down there.


The queen and her governor, Sio Bibble. Stands before a hologram of senator Palpatine.

Palpatine: How is that possible? I have confirmation that the chancellor's ambassadors have arrived. It must be the…get…negotia….

The hologram of Palpatine sputters and fades away.

Amidala: Senator Palpatine?(turns to Panaka) what happened?

Captain Panaka turned to his sergeant.

Panaka: Check the transmission generator…

Bibble: A malfunction?

Panaka: It could be the federation jamming us, your highness.

Bibble: A communication disruption could only mean one thing, an invasion.

Amidala: Don't jump to conclusions, the federation would not dare go that far.

Panaka: The senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished.

Amidala: We must continue to relay on negotiations.

Bibble: Negotiations? We've lost all communications…and where are the chancellor's ambassadors? How can we negotiate? We must prepare to defend ourselves.

Panaka: This is a dangerous situation, your highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle hardened federation army.

Amidala: I will not condone a course of actions that will lead us to war.


And done.

I'll see you tomorrow.

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