
Jack sheppard The Devil's tower

Hey, I don't know if you can hear me but my name is Jack Sheppard and I'm trapped in a Virtual reality game that me and my mate's made, It's called The Devil's tower and trust me when I say this because I am not at all being vain when I say that I never thought that a game could be this dangerous, I mean resident evil and dead space both have nothing on this creation and I have to find the way out alone before one of these creature's kill me. oh shit did I not mention that all of my friend's are dead and I'm the last one left alive in here because the penalty for dying in this game is you die in real life.. About the author Name: Jack Sheppard Age: 21 he write's for the upbringing of his baby daughter and doesn't give up easily, he's got a talent for writing and is incredibly determined to succeed. I grew up moving around a lot as a kid and I am a child of devorce who never had a silver spoon in my mouth and was abused by my biological farther so growing up I had problem's with a mental illness's and writing was my only escape and way to control some of the symptom's. if you have enjoyed the story Thank you for coming by and giving it a read to all of us author's and creators that means a lot so THANK YOU!!

Jack_Sheppardreal · Seram
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Jack's Plan

When they woke up Jack put everything into a car and the drove to Jack's home town and childhood home in his search for answer's in order to progress in the game.

After arriving at Jack's childhood home, the place where everything in his childhood took place and the cause of Jack's anger, Jack decided to get out of the car and walked towards the drive way, the house was empty with no sign's of life and a family laying dead on the carpet with glass from the window that shattered, reflecting the room's light scattered across it with a slight lit ciggerette smell filling the air Jack sighed

"We'll ain't this all fucked up" Jack muttered "I always knew about the demon's that lurked here" he said as Jasmine approached him from behind

"What's the plan? why'd you want to come here?" She asked Jack curiously because she knew that this meant revenge, Jack thought for a second "Well I think that we are meant to go in here as this game is a game of fear" Jack said "It's a horror game, so let's go in" He told her as he opened up the door "Me, my fear is what happened here.

I'm going to face the room" Jack finished on as he pulled his gun out and walked into the room.

Jack looked around, The white wall's were completely covered in blood, the gray carpet drenched and now sat mostly crimson red with shards of glass laid scattered around the room from the glass slide door.

Jack looked at the corpse's on the floor and knelt down to the corpse of a 4 year old boy, it was him Jack spoke

"You didn't deserve this, I will avange you.."

Jasmine walked up as Jack noticed something, The mark of a ciggerette burn on the flesh what covered his right arm heating up as flame walked up from behind, with flame's flickering off of his jacket and clothes burning the floor with each step that he took on the carpet of Jack's childhood home

"Welcome home Jack, this is the place where it all started and where you sold your soul"

He spoke with a slight smile on his face "You look surprised Jack, PTSD was fun, and I'm here to help you"

"Crow? okay what the fuck is going on?" Jack asked crow knowing that crow would know the truth behind it all, crow looked at Jasmine and back at Jack "Who's that?" He asked "She's a game character, in the game she help's you untill the 'end' of the game" Jack said in response in a relaxed manner "So what do you know?" Jack asked Crow, Crow looked at Jack "Look your trapped in this game, and if you die in here you die outside and to be honest with you I want to take part in it too" He said to Jack "And I also know that the devil is in the Devil's tower and I like to die in your story's your mind is grousume lad" Crow said "And also we can't beat the devil but he should let us leave if you don't break by the end of it all" He finished with abruptly letting on that he knew more than he was letting on,

Jack looked down thoughtfully before looking back up

"Alright Crow, let's do this." He said as he loaded his gun and put on a teleportation wrist watch with the next stop's coordinates already put in place "Jasmine, are you coming too?" Crow asked as he chucked a watch to her

"Yeah I am, let's go kill this prick" Jasmine said as she put on the wrist watch

Jack and Crow nodded to one another and the trio teleported to a small military outpost which was on fire with dead soldier's laying on the concrete that laid soacked in their blood,

"Crow check over there, take all the weapons and ammo that you can carry, I'm going to do the same, there's some C4 here that I need to find" Jack said as he searched through the bag's of weaponry

"What's the C4 for?" Crow asked curiously

"Well I'm destroying The Devils tower ain't I?" Jack responded as he took as many pack's of C4 that he could hold

"Okay so what's the plan" Crow asked Jack who just grinned at the thought of his plan

"We get into the tower and to the top floor, as that's where the portal back home would be but we have to blow the entire tower up before we can leave the game and go home" Jack said nervously as crow raised his left eye brow arching it slightly,

"Wait let me get this straight you want to just march on through this? all of the demon's the danger and face death at the portal like you have something to prove to someone" Crow said

"I have to face each floor, it's a game of fear, so I'm going to play it" Jack said as he attached a flash light to his belt as he attached a flash light to his machine gun, Jack stood up and put the C4 in his back pack and put his bag back on "Right you got our gun's and amo?" Jack asked Crow who stood there with a douffle bag full of Gun's bullets and grenade's

"Yep, who's driving?" Crow asked Jack who walked towards the front door at the time

"hmm to be honest with you, I think that Jasmine should drive" Jack said as he cracked open his silver flask full of Jack Daniel's whisky and took a sip of it, "Jasmine are you okay with driving?" Jack asked Jasmine who started walking faster to keep up with Jack and Crow

"Yeah, I'll drive Jack" She responded as she accepted the car key's from Jack before him and Crow took a seat in the car's back seat

"So where are we going to Jack?" Crow asked Jack who looked at his pocket map

"The top of Scotland at the dock's, boat yard and we take a speed boat and head to the tower" Jack said as he pressed the island on his map which gave everyone a marker, showing the trio the best way to get to the island

"Okay Jack, let's move out" Jasmine said as she put the car into gear