

what if our ‘Good looser’ gets unbounded from”The Author’s” plot because of the stupidity of an ‘old god’. well that only means one thing ,that all the other verses are going to be in quite some chaos ……. No Harem,No smut .... AU.Multiverse

KafeFate · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Kumagawa speech....[ ]

JinWoo..." "


[[The boundary of 'Medaka Box' universe ]]


'Aahhh' .. In the middle of numerous stars and galaxies you can see a' being' that seems to be much larger than the same stars and galaxies. The 'being ' seems to be just wake up from a long slumber. With only a yawn the nearest galaxies have been evaporated.


'haaaah feels good after a long sleep . hmm I seem to have been sleeping at a universes boundary' .

You can see the 'being' mumbling something.

'This is for the best since it's been a long time that I last toyed with some worlds " kekekeke...let's have some fun..huhuhuhu.".

After saying that he started to cut the fabric of the said 'universe '. Well atleast he tried to because he couldn't even make a scratch on it.

'WHY THE HELL CAN'T I ENTER THIS DAMNED 'LITTLE UNIVERSE' ', he wildly started thrashing the 'boundary' in anger ,but even so he couldn't put a scratch on it .

After some time of wild thrashing did he calm down .

'Tch.. so what if I can't do it myself'. Saying that he took out an 'omonious' looking pitch black stone.

'kekekeke...those old fools sacrificed so many lives for this stone , idiots didn't even use it after gaining it , this is the 'boundary breaking stone' after all '.

After saying that he used a little bit of his energy to activate the stone . The stone released a strong energy wave towards the boundary and the boundary started cracking ,but even afterexhausting almost all the of the stone energy, there was only a small crack ,but that was enough for the being to go through.

And it didn't even think before diving straight into it.

What the 'being' didn't knew was that ,by underestimating that small universe not only was he destined to be doomed ,but was also going to release one of the darkest but "Reformed" creature to the outside of its own reality.

This was not just a normal universe but the "Abnormal Universe" filled with 'abnormals' , that were further divided into "Minus(-)" , "Plus(+)" and finally the "Not Equals(≠)". They usually don't follow any set cosmic rules ,so it's really dangerous for any outsider to face such bizarre entities.

Well the 'being' Is doomed either way .


'beings' pov...

'I finally got in, now I be fully enjoying myself ..kekekekeke..khahaha-'thinking that he started laughing madly.

But his laugh was cut short by what seems to be two people voices .

[Oya-oya...what do we have here?]

"Ara-Ara.... what indeed?"

[Think we should call 'Iihiko' ?, this seems to be interesting]


short chapter