
It begins with a nightmare

life is full of lies but sometimes the liar himself don't even know that he or she is lying. Zack is going to take revenge for his father but what if his father turn out to be alive!!!

nadeem_ahmed · Fantasi
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7 Chs

CH#7 Fancy mask party

"Come let's get ready", he said while getting up.

He opened his cupboard to choose an outfit for the party.

"This blue one", he said while picking up the blue suit with red tie.

He put his suit on his bed.

"This blue suit is going to be perfect with my blue shiny mask", he was thinking while going downstairs.

He entered the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning mom", he said to his mother happily.

"Good morning", she replied softly.

"Give me breakfast then I have to get ready for the party", he said excitedly while sitting on his chair.

"Here you go", His mother said softly while putting the tray of breakfast in front of him and smiled at him.

After having breakfast Zack went upstairs to get ready for the party.

After he dressed up in his blue suit he opened the box to put out the mask. He was really happy and excited.

Suddenly he realize about his nightmare.

"Let's see this time", he said while thinking about his nightmare.

He put his mask on his face and went downstairs happily.

"Good bye mommy", he said while going outside the house.

He was in a hurry. He went to the bus station and then he went to the school.

He was really excited. When he entered the class it was like his nightmare. Everyone was dancing in the party. He became so nervous after realizing that reality is resembling with his nightmare. He decided to have a drink. He went to the table to have drink.

"Hello", a soft voice raised very similar to his nightmare.

He turned around and that was strange. It was Mikasa. She was wearing the same dress just like in his nightmare. The same mask in pink color. The same wand in her hand. She was looking heavenly gorgeous just like his nightmare. This pleased him.

"Hello", he replied.

Then Mikasa went with her friends.

As everything was happening according to his nightmare, Zack was probably sure that the guy with red mask is also going to appear. His eyes was on the door. It seems like he was waiting for that guy.

And the exact thing happen someone in a black suit with a red tie and red mask went out of the class.

Zack followed him without thinking anything. That guy went into the lab.

Zack know that he is going to make a port hole. He was waiting for that moment.

And finally, that guy with red mask made a port hole in the wall.

He went inside the port hole. This time Zack decided to follow him.

Zack went inside the port hole.

He was inside a hut. It looks like a hut owned by the witch. There was a huge pot on fire. The fire was of red color. There are spider webs are everywhere on the wall. There were shelves on the walls. Flasks made of glass having different color of portions in it are on the shelves.

That was really magical. He was really surprised.

"WOAH", he said in a surprising voice.

Suddenly he fell off and a ball of light went out from his hand and it destroy the wall. His mask fell off.

"What was that", he said surprisingly while sitting on the floor and looked at his hands.

He again join his hands together and threw his hands away to see if that light form again but nothing happened.

Then he decided to put his mask on. After putting his mask on.

"Let's try again", he said after wearing his mask.

He again join his hands and threw his hands away and BOOM! A ball of blue colored light form and again destroyed the wall.

It was all cleared that this was just because his blue mask.

Suddenly he noticed that someone is coming. He immediately began to run and went out of the port hole.

He hid himself behind the table in the lab. That guy came out from the port hole.

"It seems like someone has known about my power that I can travel into nightmares using my port hole", that guy with red mask whispered to himself.

"POWER", Zack was thinking.

"Someone with powers has followed me because the wall was destroyed using some kind of power", that guy whispered.

The port hole got disappeared and that guy went out of the lab.

"I have powers", Zack whispered to himself.

He again tried to form that light ball but this time he failed.

It was cleared to Zack that his powers only work in nightmares with his mask on.

"Let's go", he said to himself.

"AH", he said.

It seems like he had stepped on something.

"A keychain", he said while holding that thing.

It was a red colored guitar shaped keychain.

He put that keychain in his pocket and went outside the lab and went to the party again.

"I have to find about that guy", he whispered to himself.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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