
It's never late to love you

" My Fiancee is a flithy loose woman with no character", he announced it infront of the public which left me with nothing but humiliation. " Did you really took me as your Sister. How funny you are. I killed that old man of yours. I came to destroy your family for Liam." A face that look exactly like me said to me. I am pregnant My family is no more The one who said he loves me betrayed me I am hanging between life and death.... My World is falling apart... I am loosing my consciousness... Suddenly, " No, You can't die like that. Don't lose hope. Atleast for me... For my love... you can't give up like this... I know it's late to say this,but I loved you. I Will love you.... I only heard a voice and saw a blurred face. Love.... It's too late for me to fall for this word. And if we are meant to be together, then why you came to my life this late. moreover who are you.... A love that came too late in my life, Is it worth giving it a try

kate_23 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


'What have you gone through? I promised I won't let you suffer like me. I am glad that you are strong unlike me back then. And I don't know why I chose such an environment for you to grow up. How the hell they thought children stuff like that. I guess, I have to transfer you to another school', Katina's thought began to wander.

As Dolunay brought her face closer, Katina broke from her thoughts. She pulled Dolunay into her embrace and hugged her tightly.

"Moonshine, Don't worry, Mommy won't let you lose your face. Just wait for sometime so that you can grow old enough to understand certain things. I will tell you a secret on that day. You have to be good till then. Promise mommy that you will tell and talk about these things with me in future if anything like this happens again."

"Ok, I will wait. But Mommy, Didn't you go to work? By this time you should be in your studio right. How come you are here? you are not going to work today", asked breaking the hug.

After giving it a thought, Katina decided to skip her work for today.

"No. I will be with you today. I am bunking work to day to be with my Sunshine."

"heyaa", Dolunay began to jump as she clap her hands with excitement. She was bouncing like a ball while Katina looks her smiling face and felt like her world is complete. When she calm down, "Then let's call Cat aunty and Juice uncle to play with us. It's been a long time we all played together."

Calming her down, Katina continued, "They are busy with their work. So we can't disturb them. Don't you like being with mommy, Let's do something Baby wants. Hmmm.... I will take you to the dreamland today."

"If you guys go to dreamland then who will eat it.", a familiar voice suddenly broke in the room where the air is filled with the smell of love of the mother and daughter.

"Cat aunt you came.", Dolunay broke her hug with Katina and rushed to Hecate's embrace. As she stated, Hecate was carrying a transparent box having a chocolate brownie cake, which is visible in one hand as the other holds a few boxes with Something inside them.

"Hecate you are here", Katina's eyes too glitter at the moment she saw Hecate there. It's been long and she began to miss her. Not really her.. but Yeah,one way around, She missed Hecate.

"Yeah. My precious baby. Come. You got delicious cake and cookies this time", Hecate only paid attention to her little Niece who is now lingering around her legs like a baby penguin that just hatched.

"I can see that... Hurry hurry and give me them."

She literally snatched the boxes and opened them and ate a few bites from it. She know is a box in Hecate or Deuce's hand have a yellow colour ribbon with a moon draw in it, that that is meant for her. While the one with a red colour ribbon,or red coloured package,then that's for Her mother.

"Hmmmm.Yummy.", she added a few more scoop of cake in her mouth which let it have no space for an another scoop and that made her words mumble while her cheeks are blown up like a ballon Because of the cake on both the sides.

" Slowly, No one is gonna snatch it from you. Don't choke on it.", Katina let out her concerned words while Hecate playfully pinching Dolunay's cheeks and try to add another scoop of cake into her inflated mouth.

While making a teasing face, "The cake that Aunty being is the best. I am not going to share it with Mommy. You are not kind like Cat Aunty. Don't try snatching it from me." she made a face again teasing Katina and began to run with the cake and Cookies in her little hand while she shout in a loud voice, "Mary, Steve... I saved some for you guys come. If not, Don't blame me for my mom snatching it."

While All these were going on inside the villa, outside the villa, in the backyard, Steve was in phone talking to someone in really low voice, "This is what happened sir. Though I don't clearly heard anything, I am sure of this."

The voice over the phone replied, "Ok I got it. You done a good work. Always keep an eye on it.", And the line got diconnected.