
One of eight

Beep Beep Beep

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm wishing that I could just ignore it and sleep in.. But I couldn’t. I get out of bed and head downstairs to make some sandwiches for my siblings’ lunch for school. I know what you’re probably wondering: why get up at 5am just to make lunch for your siblings? Well I’m one of 8 kids. I’m the second child down. This has been my routine for the past year. I wake up at 5 then start making lunch for the kids. Then when I’ve packed all their food into their lunch boxes I’ll head back upstairs and start waking them up to get ready for school.

I go to the bathroom and get myself ready first before the rest are fully awake and start fighting to use the toilet. I brush my teeth and wash my face then I change into my school uniform. I get out of the bathroom and right away my little brother Mikey runs in. I go back to my room and get my bag from my chair. I make my way downstairs for breakfast. I see my other 2 brothers Gabe and my twin, Finn at the table still looking sleepy.

“Good morning you two”, I said.

“Morning”, Finn replied. “Did you do the Physics homework?”

“Nope. Did you?”

“Kinda but I didn’t finish it.”

Just then I hear my little sister Bella call me.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t find my school jumper”, she whined.

“Hold on let me check the dryer”.

I went to the laundry room and looked in the dryer for Bella’s jumper and found it. I went back to the dining table and gave it to her. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 8:15 and that meant that there was only 15 minutes left to get to school. Me, Finn and Gabe go to the same secondary school so we usually go together. I tell my twin and younger brother that it’s time to go and say bye to the rest.

“Guys we gotta hurry up or we’d get into detention again”, said Gabe.

“We’ll get there on time”, I tell him.

“That’s what you say all the time Hera”, says Finn.

“Well it’s not my fault our form is so far from the gate and we have to go through the one way system. Technically we’re not ever late, it's the one way system that makes us get to form late.” I argue.

“True”, Finn answers while typing something on his phone.

Just as we stepped into school the first bell rang and Gabe sprinted to his form room. I couldn’t even bother anymore. I just walk through the hall with Finn and we go up the stairs then into the science corridor and knock on the room door. Mr. Hughes opens the door with a disappointed look on his face.

“Good morning twins and why are you late this time?”

“Sorry Sir but we tried to get here on time”, Finn says while smiling and trying to act innocent.

“Guys this is the third time you’re late this week and you know what that means”.

“Yep. It means we’re in detention after school Mr. Hughes. Again”, I answer.

“Just get in and don't be late for any other classes today”, Mr. Hughes shuts the door after we enter and goes back to his desk to sign me and Finn in.

Finn walks to his table in front of me, where he sits with his friends Chase, Cole and Oli. I go to my seat next to my friend Alicia.

“How are you today?”, Alicia asks me.

Alicia is one of my closest friends in form. We’ve known each other since year 8 and have been friends ever since. She’s such a great person to talk to and never judges people. She is such an easy person to get along with.

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m great. So you have detention after school?”


“You don’t even care anymore do you?”

“Nah this happens every week and honestly detention isn’t even that bad. I just have to sit in a room where I can just have some time to think.”

“Think about what exactly?”

“About whether I want to actually start doing my Maths homework or not.”


The bell rings signaling that it’s time for our first lesson so I get up and start making my way to art. Art is the only class that I actually look forward to apart from Sports. That’s why I decided to take it for my GCSEs. I took Art, Triple Science and Sports. I have no idea why I chose to do Triple Science and I regret ever choosing it.


It was now lunchtime and I was walking to my group’s usually spot in the basketball field. Suddenly someone jumped on my back and covered my eyes.

“Guess who”, the person said in a fake deep voice.

“I know it’s you Mary”, I say.

“My deep voice still needs some work”.

“It really does”, I tell her while smiling.

Mary is one of my bestest friends and I am forever eternally grateful to have her in my life. I met Mary the same year I met Alicia which was in year 8. Mary wasn’t in my form like Alicia was. She was in my Maths and P.E. class. I never thought that I would become this close to her because when I first met Mary I hated her. I didn’t really have a reason but I just did. You know when you see someone and don’t even know them but already hate them. It was something like that. This girl made it hard for me to hate her when she would always come up to me and ask so many questions. She wouldn’t leave me alone and I guess that’s how our friendship started. Two years later here we are.

The rest of the group came later and we all talked about our usual meet up every 2 weeks on Sunday.

“So the usual place right?”, asked Dylan.

“Yep. McRon’s for food then we go to the arcade for some air hockey and after that wherever else", Amy replies

“Can you guys believe that we’ve had this tradition for like more than a year now”, says Kellen.

“That’s crazy right. And to think that it all started with these three.” Aya says pointing at Me, Mary and Amy.

Amy is another one of my best friends who I am so grateful to have in my life. I met her on our first day of secondary. She ran into me and I fell and scraped my knee. Since I wore a skirt my tights were ruined and my knee was bleeding. Amy apologized and offered to take me to the nurse and so we did. I found out that Amy was from England and had just moved here. From that day we just started hanging out and she actually lives like 10 minutes away from my house. Her sisters also went to the same school as mine.

“I know right. You guys are the best”, Ryan says.

Just then the bell rings which means it’s time for the last lesson of the day. For me that was Maths so Mary and I made our way to the Maths block.

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