
Chapter 2: My First Summon

"I know I just met you Ddraig, but please tell me I didn't do anything last night!" I said I really want to if I screwed up.

(No, you did not. You just layed there giggling.) said the dragon. "Sweet I didn't do anything stupid!" I said as I pumped my fist.

(By the way I sense a bit dragonic blood inside of you and oddly it seems to be divine as well. Are you the descendant of one the Dragon Gods?)

"Can I speak to you in my mind?"


'No Ddraig I'm not, this is due to, something else.' I replied with a sigh. But suddenly a small flame was released.

"What the hell!" I shouted.

(You are part dragon. Is this new to you?) asked the dragon.

'Yes very.' I said. And so I began to explain my situation.

"I know it's hard to-!"

(I believe you. This world has beings that can erase entire continents. Of course something like this isn't too hard to deny.)

'Huh? I guess your right.' I sat on my bed and willed away the gear. It was surprisingly easy.

(So what are your plans?) asked the Dragon.

"Simple travel the multiverse, get strong, collect a harem and just live, I guess. No offense dude but I don't really care about the dick measuring contest you have with Albion." I said to dragon who huffed.

(To call our battles something like that. Whatever I do guess your right. You do have more important beings to battle. As long as they hear the name Red Dragon Emperor spread throughout these worlds, I don't give a damn!)

"Issei wake up breakfast is ready!" said the voice of a woman specifically my new mother. Miki Hyoudou.

Fun fact this world is an Au. As my dad is working overseas while, Kiba Yuuto or Kiba Yuno is a blond short haired tomboy.

"I'm up!" I say as I got up.

A bit later and I'm seated around the dinner table. Another difference with the timeline is.

My Mom Miki Hyoudou should not be this hot. She was the definition of fucking thick ass milf! Sure the wrinkles are their but it just adds to her milfy charm.

Biting into my breakfast I couldn't help but moan slightly. Her food was just that good.

Even my Grandmother's cooking from my past life couldn't compare.

Seeing my reaction she smiled.

After a delicious meal she began to do the dishes. And I couldn't help but stare at plump ass!

Seriously I might turn into the Ass dragon Emperor at this point.

By the way Issei don't you have plans with Matsuda and Motohama today." she says with a bit of scrutinizing tone.

"Nah! But I am going out though." I responded. Hearing this she became surprised.

Like normal the Issei in this timeline was a massive perv, so no change there.

"Your still going out where?" she asked. "To the store, I want some hair dye."

"Okay." was her only reply as I got up and went into my room. I made sure to close the door.

I then picked out all of my porn and hid it into my inventory. Good work done. I think it's now time summon something.

I opened the summoning system and the summon tab.

[Free Daily Summon - Free

Normal Summon - 10 Summon

Silver Summon - 15

Gold Summon - 20

Diamond Summon - 50

Ultimate Summon - 100]

Another window then showed up.

[Summon Grades go from

Trash, Normal, Unique, Rare, Very Rare, Super Rare, Epic, Legendary, Divine]

[Please enjoy your summoning!]

Huh? I guess I'll do, one free summon, one normal summon and one gold.

Soon a blue magic circle appeared on the floor.

Out of floated two small blue orbs, soon the small orbs floated up, spun around as they fused in the air and out came.

[Free Summon - You've gained the Unique Summon - Spell Sword! - From Summon Night Sword Craft]

What appeared was a small floating sword with a small purple aura and purple cracks.

I know that sword it was an enemy from the Summon Night game the Swordcraft Story from the gba.

[To check the status for your summons, enter the status menu]

Ignoring the window Issei felt a connection with the floating sword.

"Are you conscious?" he asked it. The sword bobbed up and down as if understanding him.

But with the connection he knew it's answer. The sword then turned into a purple orb and flew into his chest.

[Summon went into the summon home. Host is able to freely Summon said creature whenever you wish.]

Soon another blue magic circle appeared again and out popped a bag of trash.

[Normal Summon - You've gained the trash summon - Trash!]

"What the fuck?" said Issei who after a couple of seconds just stored it he'll throw it out later.

Soon a golden magic circle appeared.

[Gold Summon - You've Gained Divine Summon - Harem/Lust/Love God Eromancer Manual]

Now this, this is interesting! I actually gained a divine summon! "Can I get a description of this?" I asked.

[A manual containing many perverted psychic powers. This book give an introduction on how to unlock psionic energy, then as you increase your proficiency with the perverted abilities, the book will reward the host with more perverted skills.]

[Would host like to integrate?]

"Of course!" I said the book in my hand disappeared into motes of light and went into my head.

Unlocking psionic energy is incredibly easy if you know how. Honestly it was just like breathing.

With a breath I focus on a certain area of my brain where multicoloured energy shot out of my body.

The first skill I got was touch of pleasure and charm. Using the power I unlocked I used touch of pleasure on my hand.

I then touched my cheek, and it felt good. "I wonder if I can use it anywhere else?" I thought as I used on tongue, my entire mouth felt good.

"It seems I can." Once I full master these skills, I'll get even more abilities. With a smile on my face I decided to take a shower.

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