
Nonstop Training

[Kung Fu: Lvl 10]

[Karate Lvl: 10]

[Sprinting: Lvl 5

Increase sprinting speed by 25%

Decrease stamina used by 25% while running.]

Issei was exhausted for the second time today. He was laying down on the tatami mat while breathing heavily. Master Gyatsu had him run on a treadmill and perform a bunch of attacks at a sandbag.

"Here, some water." Gyatsu handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks, Master Gyatsu." Issei thanked him and gulped down the water gratefully. Gyatsu sat down beside him.

"You know, Issei. Your drive to improve reminds me of a student I had years ago." Gyatsu told him. Issei sat up and looked at him.

"Who is he?" Issei asked. Gyatsu chuckled at his curiosity.

"His name is Kurosaki Ichigo. You might know him as the Demon from Karakura Town. He is reckless but disciplined. He is hardworking and most of all, he is a super genius who

has a passion to learn everything. " Gyatsu explained with a nostalgic look on him. Issei widened his eyes as he explained who his student was.

" The Demon of Karakura Town? That Ichigo Kurosaki!? I didn't know you trained him! " Issei was surprised that this old man was the one who taught the Demon.

'That guy beats gangsters up for fun! He's superhuman!' Issei thought to himself. Gyatsu rubbed his long beard.

"He was my secret apprentice. I saw potential in him and I immediately took my chances." Gyatsu replied.

"Where is he now?" Issei asked curiously. Gyatsu frowned.

" He told me he got a high paying job in America. I guess he's over there now." Gyatsu sighed and looked at Issei.

" Enough of the sad stories. Will you return tomorrow?" Gyatsu asked. Issei was confused.

"Why ask that question, Master Gyatsu? Of course I'm gonna return!" Issei answered determinedly. He had improved so much with Master Gyatsu's teachings, why wouldn't he return for more? Plus Master Gyatsu is a great teacher with interesting philosophies.

"It's just that some students who come in here all arrogantly and say that they're gonna become a master in no time. But once they experience real hard work, they cry like a baby and never return for more again. " Gyatsu answered.

" Well, you don't need them anyways! They're not fit for this kind of exercise! You have me as your student now! I'll prove my worth to you and show you that people can change! " Issei grinned broadly at him. Gyatsu laughed and patted Issei's back.

" That's the spirit. I'm interested to see how things will go. See you tomorrow, my student! " Gyatsu bid him farewell and disappeared in one swift motion from Issei's sight.

" What the fuck! " Issei cursed as he saw Gyatsu disappear from thin air. He shook his head and sighed.

"I'll get to that level one day. Now what should I do?" Issei whispered to himself as he exited the dojo.

"It's not even six o'clock yet. Maybe I could train more in the nearby forest. Yeah, that's a great idea. " Issei immediately changed course from his house to the nearby forest.



A few hours later....

[[Kung Fu: Lvl 15]

[Karate: Lvl 15]

[Cooking: Lvl 2]

It is now nine o'clock at night, Issei was looking at the floating screen while he was eating a bowl of instant ramen.

He sighed and the screen disappeared. "I really should start eating healthy. Instant ramen won't do." He whispered.



The next day...

[Kung Fu: Lvl 25]

[Karate: Lvl 25]

[Sprinting Lvl 7

Increase sprinting speed by 35%

Decrease stamina used by 35% while running.]

" Do you have those uh..... what's it called again? Porno magazines? Do you have those, Issei? " Gyatsu asked after they finished training.

"Yeah, I do." Issei answered truthfully. Gyatsu nodded.

"Do you also have those uh..... lewd manga I think it's called? Do you have those as well? " Gyatsu asked another question. Issei nodded as a response.

" Okay. I want you to run home and gather all of those magazines and manga. Then I want you to run back here with those books." Gyatsu ordered.

" What are you going to do to them? " Issei couldn't help but ask.

"I'm going to burn them."





" You have a furnace? " Issei asked as they entered a large grey room.

"Yes, I do. Here it is. I'll light it up." Gyatsu replied. Issei blinked.

"So what do you want me to do, Master?" Issei asked Gyatsu.

"Throw those books in one by one. I want you to take in the moment. This will be the start of your journey of change and betterment of your life.". Gyatsu replied. Issei looked at his hentai manga.

" I'm gonna miss you guys. But real life pussy is better." Issei whispered and threw one of the books in the furnace. The fire poofed to life and started burning the books.

"Will you help or is this a me thing?" Issei ask Gyatsu.

"It's your books, so it should be your responsibility to dispose of them. " Gyatsu answered. Issei nodded.

" Got it."



[Cooking: Lvl 5]

"Apparently more complex dishes level up this skill faster. That's good to know." Issei whispered as he was eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

"It feels like a large weight has been taken off my shoulders after I burnt all of those books. But why am I still talking out loud?" Issei asked himself. He shrugged.

"My parents aren't home so that's probably why." Issei finished up his grilled cheese sandwiches and quickly washed the plate.

'What should I do now? ' Issei thought to himself.

'Meditating? Drawing? Those sound nice. ' Issei decided and entered his bedroom. He sat down on the ground and got into a meditative position.

It was silent for a while, Issei didn't try to move no matter how hard he wanted to. He just focused on the silence. He felt like he was in peace.


Untill this notification disturbed him. Issei opened his eyes and looked at the floating screen in front of him.

[Skill gained!

Mediation Lvl 1

Regenerate 10% of your energy in ten minutes. Non stackable.]

Issei blinked and read the description of the skill again. He was surprised. "Damn." Issei whispered feeling impressed with himself. He felt like he could go exercise for a little more. But he's not going to do that.

Issei sat on the seat that was near his study desk. He took out a piece of paper. "If anything could become a skill. Then this should work." Issei whispered and started sketching a body of a woman. He couldn't resist doing that.

While he was halfway done with the sketch, a notification disturbed him.


Sketching: Lvl 1

Traditionally a rough drawing or painting in which an artist notes down his preliminary ideas for a work that will eventually be realized with greater precision and detail.]

When Issei looked back at his rough sketch, he felt like there was some corrections he could do, and so he did exactly that.

Issei felt very good. He felt like he had a new purpose. And so he kept sketching and sketching until he got this notification.

[Sketching: Lvl 10]

"Wow. How much time has passed?" Issei asked as he looked at the tsundere alarm clock.


"Shit! I have school tomorrow." Issei put back the pencil in his pencil case and quickly put the sketch papers in an orange file.

Issei laid onto the bed. He smiled as he stared at the ceiling. He had done so much in just one day. Why wouldn't he be proud of himself.

"If I keep this up, maybe one day girls will actually like me.....

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