
Ch1 Ends and Beginnings


'The universe must hate me.'

'I have stuck here for weeks or maybe much longer. I don't know anymore.'

'The only thing that makes it worse is, I think that "here", is purgatory. It has to be, or else there would at least be something here.'

There is no sights, sounds, touch, or even light. I was slowly losing my mind with having to deal with none of my senses.

There was nothing but me and my accursed memory.

It was not that I was forgetful. It was that with my idetic memory, I was kept accompanied by my own thoughts and memories.

I had already rewatched my entire life countless times like a shitty TV show that you couldn't put down...

Oh, did I mention that I'm dead?...


My name was Robert Michaelson.

I was born on September 7th, to what one would assume to be a enjoyable life... This couldn't be further from the truth.

Like a TV series, my life started off happy and entertaining. My mother was Hispanic and my father was even more white than a flashbang. I was the youngest of 4 kids, but I was the most intelligent. And as if I was the main character, "season six" would be the plot twist.

I never saw my family after that. Though, it wasn't as if I was an orphan, it was that I discovered that the world wasn't so black and white. Whatever those people who were birth family could even fathom, I would later come to learn that they were extremely greedy, selfish and jealous. Whether it was my intelligence, or my looks, I don't know.

How anyone could be jealous of a six year old with brown hair and hazel eyes, the world may never know. Except I learned something that day... The day the Hag that was my birth giver told me (screamed/shouted) how she felt about me...


(WARNING: Very dark moment for a child)

"YOU F****** WASTE OF SPACE!!!!"




As a six year old...

What kind of monster does that to a child?? I couldn't even understand why it happened, but I left...

Whether in shock, or afraid, or just wanting attention for obediently listening to "mother", I left.

I never did see any of them again, nor did I want to... I learned that I could never trust someone like those monsters who were supposed to "love" their child unconditionally...

Never again.


For the next 13 years, my life was different and extremely difficult...

I lived in the middle of nowhere, in the forest. I learned to be self-sufficient. I learned to hunt, fish, farm, taught myself how to swim in the nearby river.

Even growing up, I knew that knowledge could make someone successful and happy. So I put myself through public school.

It was difficult to get enrolled by myself, but somehow I managed to do it all without having to need the help from my so called relatives.

I soon found that I loved to learn. From elementary to college level subjects.

However, the one thing that enthralled me the most...


(POV MC: Age 10)

I was in my sanctuary of knowledge that most would seem musty and useless; the library. I was reading about the periodic table of elements and the matter of the world around me...

I heard something.

It was lovely, rhythmic and full of the one thing I closed myself off of, emotion.

The librarian was singing a song called [Piano Man].

I then discovered music, and it soon became my outlet for emotions.


By the time I got into highschool I learned to play every single instrument I could learn about, but my favorite was guitar.

There was something so exotic, raw and powerful about the sounds someone could make with one. I loved it and I practiced guitar as often as I could.

And after years of scrounging around and doing what ever I could to earn enough money, I bought one. A beautiful amber cherry wood Taylor guitar.

However much I loved music, I knew I was never going to make a life out of it. It was my own release from reality. I kept working and learning to be successful.


Throughout highschool and college no one would ever see me without at least a headphone in, but soon everything changed when the fire nation atta.... wrong story, lol.

The world was just starting its 3rd World War and the government instituted a draft.

l guess I won't be finishing college any time soon.


Because of my intelligence, I quickly rose through the ranks and was soon in charge of my own unit.

Even though the military was difficult and stressful. I soon found some people I could trust. My soldiers and I relied on each other like a family...

But like the same bad TV show, I wasn't allowed a family.


(POV MC: AGE 26)


I heard the blasts...

I could smell the the ash and the burning flesh of my unit...

I felt deep withing my bones the pulse of each bomb that dropped...

There was nothing I could do, except to experience the chaotic symphony of war...

The last thing I saw was the bomb that landed a few feet from me....

Then nothing....


'So here I am floating in the void or purgatory or hell to suffer with the agonizing scream of silence.'

"Have you finally finished to trip down memory lane?"

The first sound in what could be eons of time, was a voice that came from behind me.

'Great, now I've gone crazy enough that I'm hearing voices in my head.'

"Hohohoho, oh you poor child, I'm not just a voice in your head."

'!?!?!?! If I turn around and find out that someone has been here this whole time, who could've been amazing company, I'm gonna f******* lose my shit!'

I somehow turnaround and see him.

'Albus Dumbledore?!?' I was beyond confused. 'This doesn't make any sense?!? He's just a character in a book, but why does he look like the actor from the movies??'

"The reason you see me as this, is because, deep down, you view Dumbledore as the one person who has all the the answers, even the answers that everyone didn't know they needed yet." He said calmly, while smiling.

'Now I'm starting to get the feeling that Dumbledore really was the true dark lord like all of those fanfictions.'

"He very well could've been. However, my boy I am truly sorry for your first life cycle." He then said while looking so full of regret and guilt. "The truth is, that you were never meant to be in that universe."

'?!?!?! The Fuck? is that the reason my life always went to shit?!'

"Yes, the very will of that world soon discovered that you did not belong there. Your soul couldn't synchronize with the flow of the universe, so it kept trying to get rid of you."


"is there somethi-"




"My boy, I'm truly sorry you had to suffer such an existence. I would like to make it up to you if I can?"


'First of all, who are you? Where are we? And how can you possibly begin to make it up to me?'

"To answer your questions, in order: the One Above All, this place is the Void between universes, and I was going to reincarnate you you wish some wishes."


'Fucking Isekai?!?'

(A/N- he practically lived and breathed in a library, of course he discovered manga)

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