
Chapter 2 Part 2

- Azazel -

Azazel let out a sigh as he slumped down on his couch.

This fiasco was taking more effort than he thought to solve. Then again, someone went and cast a spell which covered the entire country and not only that, it wiped out only those of the Utsusemi Organization and the Wizards of Oz, which meant that the attack was targeted. Just what kind of monster did those people provoke?

Destroying a country is something that several beings can do. Even destroying the world is not impossible for those in the Top 5 and the Dragon of Dreams but this…

Selectively destroying each and every life throughout a country. He shuddered when thinking about it.

And he was sure that he was not the only one.

The other two of the Three Factions were even worse.

That attack… it was a wave of… black light. That was his power. None of his descendants had inherited it. He looked at the sleeping Vali and let out another sigh.

A feat like that was impossible for even Lucifer. So it must have been one of his descendants that he didn't know about.

He had already received calls from Serafall and Michael both regarding the attack. They must be shitting their pants knowing there was someone who could wipe out their entire faction within a country without them being able to do anything.

The Church was shaking in their boots while shouting about finding and punishing whoever was responsible but neither dared to even step out from their buildings.

The infamy of his elder brother was really something.

Still… he knew that something was different, this time.

Whoever this person was, hadn't revealed himself all these years and he knew for a fact that it was the Utsusemi Organization and the Wizards of the Oz leading the attack this time. He was on his way there but was deviated because of some traitors inside Grigori. Another problem he had to solve.

Although, he did get some clues about the personality of this guy.

He was sure that Natsume and Tobio had encountered them. While they didn't answer any of his questions, Lavinia's absence was a glaring problem which they couldn't explain. From what he understood, they were under some kind of magical contract to not speak. Normal modus operandi for such cases was to wipe out the memories or just silence the witnesses if that wasn't the option. There was a chance that their Sacred Gears could have helped them resist mental interference and thus the contract was indeed a better option. It's just that, it was the last thing he would expect from a Lucifer.

It meant that whoever he was, wasn't as bloodthirsty as his family.

The part that they missed however was that their Sacred Gears could in fact communicate and give out clues because they were not under any contracts and neither could their minds be wiped.

Something to work on later.

The only conjunctions he could make was that whoever this guy is was attacked and knowing Augusta's Sacred Gear, he went all out and sent the entire organisation to hell.

Literally everyone, from the common footmen to Ultimate Class top fighters were all dead.

The incident shook half the world.

They were working under the cover that it was a terrorist attack which failed. It was the truth too, technically because the two organisations which were destroyed, were indeed terrorist organisations.

Thankfully, the attack was so fast that normal people didn't even register it.

Despite the anger, no one dared to move, too afraid to make the madman move again.

The situation in Japan will be tense for a while at least.

- Silas -

I woke up as a goblin ran out of the room, informing others about me.

I got up in the meanwhile and checked my body.

I had grown a few inches, my body looked the same, only much more toned and stronger than before.

It reminded me of the scene from Captain America where Steve Rogers transforms into the superhero form. I mean, I was fucking ripped.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My looks were practically the same, only more defined. I had a slightly baby face, black hair and purple eyes. None of that changed, except now, I looked much sharper. I basically went from the cute type to the cool type.

The thing which had changed the most was the Demonic Power inside me. It was raging around in my body.

Overall, it was several times what I had earlier.

I raised a hand and as if I already knew what I wanted, with a swirl of air, droplets of water coalased together forming a ball of water. I could control the power as if controlling my own limb, changing its shape and speed.

And then with another thought, the ball froze into a solid ball of ice. The process was almost instant.

I will not lie but the entire thing fascinated me to no end.

"Silas, you are up. How do you feel?" Rimuru's voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see him in his slime form followed by another Goblin whose name was Gobuta maybe, I think?

"Yes. I feel amazing. There are no abnormal changes in my body. I somehow know I got new powers and now I can even use magic." I showed him the water ball and ice spell.

Rimuru then went on to explain to me my Skills and powers.

"So all I need to do is practise my Skills?"

"Umu. Work it like a muscle. The best and easiest way would be fighting things but first, I want to eat something." The guy drooled, even as a slime.

I shook my head and went out. They had prepared ingredients for me and I got to cooking.

In doing so I tried my Chef Skill.

This thing was… cheating. Yeah, it was cheating.

It gave me information about anything I touched and used the Skill on which was convenient. The actual cheating part was where I could make tree bark taste like chicken soup without even trying.

It did help to provide a variety of tastes to the goblins who only had a select variety of ingredients.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked Rimuru who was chowing down a piece of monster meat.

"We fight. The more Skills and Magic you see and use, the more you can learn how to use your powers.I will stay behind and protect you. We can invite Ainz and the others too when we go out to hunt stronger monsters."

"Sounds good."

Over the next two days, I continuously used magic and my Skills with some suggestions from Rimuru.

My Chef and Sage Skills made learning stuff stupidly easy so we called Ainz and moved on to hunting.

Lavinia had awakened in the meanwhile and decided to sign the contract. She was surprisingly taken by a guy called August who was Zeref's subordinate because he thought she had potential.

She too wanted some time away from the world and decided to follow.

She did say that she will return soon enough.

On a side note, since Augusta was killed while possessing Lavinia's body, she now gained that purple fire Sacred Gear as well. It was called Incinerate Anthem if I remember correctly.

The problem came when Rimuru tried to name Ainz. Turns out that Ainz was too strong for the current Rimuru to name.

Thus we decided to wait till Rimuru became stronger before he named Ainz. There were in fact Undead in this world so his presence was not unknown.

"So, where are we going now?" I asked Rimuru, who was very excited.

"On an adventure obviously. We already have a party of three. Too bad Saitama wasn't at home or we could have had a perfect party of four. We are going to power level you."


The adventure consisted of us going in a random straight line, killing any monsters we encountered in the way. I was the one in front.

If I ever got in a dangerous position, Ainz nuked them with a Tier 9 spell or Rimuru just glomped their bodies.

We settled down in a camp after two weeks of adventuring.

During these past weeks alone, my body had grown accustomed to my new power and was growing steadily.

My Demonic Power had grown and was still growing at a ridiculous pace due to the food we had been eating.

According to Rimuru, I was near the level of a Greater Demon now and would soon reach that level if I kept on my current training.

"So you can just eat anything and you gain their abilities?" I asked Rimuru, intrigued.

If that was true, then I could make him overpowered considering the things I saw in the Shop's list. Provided they had enough money though.

I remember there being the corpse of an animal called Dragon King Derous or something which can shoot a beam strong enough to destroy multiple planets.


"That's cheating, you know." Ainz commented while picking a piece of monster meat and taking a bite.

"I had to evolve from a Slime, you know. From literally the lowest of the mobs. Even the level one goblins are stronger than those."

"I guess you have a point."

"Still, this world is so wonderful. I never imagined being able to walk around without a mask, let alone eat natural food ever." Ainz commented, shaking his head.

Yeah, his world was depressing.

"Human greed has no limits." Rimuru said slumping back with a full stomach too while looking at the night sky.

"It was the reason why all members of Nazarick were non-humans. We had perhaps lost our faith."

"But hey, there are good humans too. Saitama is one example." Rimuru offered.

"He is? I thought he was secretly becoming a cyborg."


And with that all of us burst into laughter.

They might make fun of Saitama all the time but I knew that it was to get him to express more emotions. Anger or even irritation was an emotion after all.

Saitama knew of this as well.

The guy acted dumb but he was quite smart where it mattered.

Suddenly a wolf under Rimuru jumped out of the shadows. "My lord, there is a fight going on in the distance. Several thousand orcs are attacking an ogre village with a few hundred ogres.."

"Orcs and ogres? Also, several thousand?" Rimuru asked, surprised.

The wolf nodded.

We looked at each other before Ainz suggested. "It is a good opportunity to get some new subordinates, Rimuru. Save them and ask them to join you. Monsters respect power. Show overwhelming power and you can gain their allegiance. These Ogres must be strong to be able to hold on even against so many orcs."

"But several thousand, do we even stand a chance?" He asked and I agreed. Our chances didn't look good.

"Their numbers will just act as fodder for my undead." Ainz replied proudly.

Rimuru looked pensive for a moment and then as if he remembered something, he stood up. "Okay, let's go then. Ranga, show us the way."

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