
Isekai Bus Battle Royale

Penulis: Alllude
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What is Isekai Bus Battle Royale

Baca novel Isekai Bus Battle Royale yang ditulis oleh penulis Alllude yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Thian Omnach | Qilarians' Legacy : Explorer era

Prologue In the vastness of space, nestled in the Andromeda galaxy, lies the colossal planet Gigaterra Prime, known as Giga or G-1. This monstrous world, 185,000 times the size of Imperial Earth, has always been shrouded in mystery and potential. Shielded by a mysterious energy barrier and natural atmospheric quirks, Giga stayed a well-kept secret until recent breakthroughs by human explorers. Years ago, a gang of space pirates stumbled upon Giga. Their attempts to breach its formidable energy barrier failed, but they discovered a temporary gap that allowed exploratory drones, called "Pathfinders," to break through. These Pathfinders sent back data revealing Giga's breathable atmosphere, stable climate, and abundance of unique minerals, flora, and wildlife. Massive trees with glowing leaves lit up the night, and rivers rich in unknown minerals flowed through lush valleys. Exotic creatures roamed freely. The sale of this information triggered a wild era of exploration, like a cosmic gold rush. Settlers, mercenaries, and corporations scrambled to stake their claim on the untamed new world. Amid this turmoil, ancient Qilarian ruins surfaced, revealing relics of immense power and wisdom. In the uncharted expanses of Gigaterra, humanity entered a new era of colonization, driven by extraordinary advancements in bioengineering and cybernetics. The Federation and Mars spearheaded these innovations, creating hybrids like the nimble nekomimi and robust reptilians, while seamlessly integrating cybernetic implants to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. These breakthroughs paved the way for humanity to explore and settle new frontiers, transforming the fabric of human existence. The Corporate Sector, with its affluence and technological prowess, dominated the landscape. Sky-High edifices and cutting-edge facilities showcased their influence, while the Settler Sector, with its improvised habitats and struggling populace, lagged far behind. This disparity created a distinct devide between the high-tech environments of the elite and the dirty, graffiti-covered lower levels where settlers fought for survival. In this era, bioengineered hybrids and cybernetically augmented individuals became commonplace among those who could afford them. On planets like Haven, where the lines between humanity and technology blurred, extreme modifications became a mark of status and power. At the heart of this transformative period stood the Explorer Committee, led by the formidable Zhen Wu Long. Operating independently but under the oversight of the governing Council, the Committee spearheaded the exploration and colonization of Gigaterra Prime. Their mission attracted support from the Federation, Mars, and major corporations, uniting them in a relentless pursuit of discovery and expansion. This MOD Era allowed humans to become anything they desired, combining biological and cybernetic enhancements. Zhen Wu Long, a seasoned mercenary with a knack for leadership, saw the need for order. Under his guidance, the newly formed Explorer Committee stepped in to regulate the chaos, ensuring fair access to Giga's resources. The Committee aimed to harness the planet's potential while maintaining peace between organizations, guiding humanity's expansion into this new frontier. Tihan Omnach, a thirty-year-old citizen of Haven from the first settlers wave and low-level corporate worker who had resigned to start a new life as a VR player. One day, while idly scrolling through news feeds, he stumbled upon an announcement about the Explorer Committee’s establishment and recruitment. This New Explorer Era on Gigaterra marks a defining chapter inhuman history. His heart raced as he read the details. Here was a real chance for change, a tangible escape from the digital confines of his four walls and money problems. Drawn by the promise of adventure and the chance to uncover the mysteries of Giga, Tihan seized the opportunity without hesitation.

Oni_9980 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Omega Evolves

Omegas are known as the weaklings of a pack, What if they are not? What if their purpose is more than that? What if they don’t make the park weak but make them a lot stronger when given the chance to? ______________________________________________ ° You’re nothing but a piece of trash, You do not deserve to live you weakling! ° You dare bring in a Human into our territory!? You’re a useless Omega who brings nothing but trouble! ° Hmm, Fresh Meat are we allowed to take a taste out of him? Ha-ha, I’m sure he’s still a virgin. ° NO one touches my friend, you say all humans and omegas are weak alike, yet you need us. Why don’t you all do us a favor and leave all weaklings alone! __________________________________________________ Running was all they could do, after all they’re said weak, they can’t fight back. Holding onto his best friends hands together they ran, running from the bullies who have tortured them since they could remember. Even when running, they were being taunted. ° Don’t trip boys or our fun will be reduced, we can’t let that happen right boys? Blue said. ° Fall flat on your face it would make the chase easier ha-ha ° Stop running and come to dad let me fill you with my pups ha-ha even though you can’t conceive I’ll like to try my luck ° Don’t look back, it’ll slow us down, and we’ll get distracted, we can’t afford to get distracted at a time like this. Not watching where they were going, they tripped making them fall down over a cliff. The cliff was said to have no end, it was called The Deep Liberty Cliff for a reason. Falling, there was only one thought running through the Omegas mind and that was to protect his Human friend who has always been by his side from the beginning. Someone who didn’t run when he found out that he was a Werewolf. Grabbing his friend, he held him to his chest making sure they were falling backwards with his back facing the unknown ground that lies below. A powerful Bang was heard around the woods the cause was none other than The Omegas back landing on the forest floor with the force of gravity. His eyes wide open, blood dripping from his lips, his eyes staring into the eyes of his friend who layed on top of him. His eyes closing out of reflex succumbing to the darkness. Leaving his human friend to fend for himself.

Beautiful_Mind · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


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