

With BTS's boy with luv playing on repeat through my Bluetooth earphones in my ears, I make my way to the reception, squeezing in between the throng of students too excited to be here on the first day of school. Panting and trying to breathe normally again, I finally reach my destination.

Looking at me panting and out of breathe, the receptionist, Lily,as her name tag suggests, raises one brow at my current state. "You see...I...am not...the most athletic person so...." I trail off, offended as she gives me my schedule as well as a form to fill without even looking at me again.

Huh. Ignorance.

As I place my schedule in my backpack, I look at the form in question and clear my throat to gain her attention. Looks like I succeeded. Yay me! I think as she, again , raises a questioning brow at me. "What's this for?" I ask her.

"There is going to be a carnival of some sorts. So this is being given to every senior so that they can participate in whatever they like." She says in a bored tone. Offended again by her tone, I snatch the form off of the desk and placing it in my bag, I begin storming out of there when she calls out,"Don't forget to submit it here by the end of the day. That is, if you don't run out of oxygen and faint." To angry to look back at her, I resist the urge to give her the finger.

Huh. Attitude alert!

Reaching my locker, I begin taking my books out for the day that were needed as per my schedule when I realise that the song had stopped playing sometime during my conversation with Lily the receptionist. Taking out my phone from the front pocket of my shirt, I see that the battery has died. Great, I think, is I place my phone in my backpack.

Shutting my locker, I make my way to homeroom while checking my watch and see that I still have 25 minutes before the bell rings for the first period. Might as well fill the form and submit it, I think, as I take a seat at the back near the window and take the form out and place it on the desk.

Pen in hand, I begin.

1) NAME - Ka-

No!, I think as I immediate cross it out, its already been 3 years...still...

Starting again, I write

1) NAME - Marie Johnson

2) AGE - 18 years

3) Participation-

A) song

B) dance

C) acting for plays

D) anchoring the programme

E) helping in the backstage

F) preparing props for the plays

Now, 3 years ago, I could've chosen song or dance, but not now. I think as I don't choose any option and read ahead.

4) Any suggestions-

Once again, I was going to write, keep the atmosphere light,

Use LED lights instead of bulbs..... But at right time I remembered who I was, or rather, who I had to be.

So instead of all that, I wrote

Give that day free. Don't make us do something we are not interested in. Believe me, we are more happy with an off on a school day than participating in a carnival.

Through with that, I look up to see that it was almost time for the first period. Keeping the form and the pen back in the bag, I make my way out if homeroom and towards the first period, all the whole reminding myself who the hell I was now.

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