
Rebellion: Mikhael.

Narrator POV:

In a space full of darkness, where 4 beautiful women were standing there, evaluating each other.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, little goddess." The divinely beautiful white-haired woman stood there with a playful smile.

The mere presence of the woman radiated a majestic air full of power as if they were just a few fireflies in front of the sun.

"Hestia-sama, do you know this person?"

Ryuu was finally able to ask her questions, Alfia had ignored her and Kurma only told her to wait for the last one to arrive.

"Yes, you can think of her as an ally of Mikhael" Hestia had a more relaxed expression after seeing Kurma.

"Now that I think back, it seems that of all of us here, only you don't know, elf" Kurma's eyes shined with a playful light.

"Well, I don't mind explaining it to you in the place of my knight, tell me, what do you think is the thing in common between us?"

Ryuu thought deeply about the answer to that question, leaving aside obvious facts like that they were four beautiful women related to Mikhael.

The only thing she had in common with Hestia was...

"The binding Vow?" Ryuu had an uncertain expression.

"Exactly, Binding Vow, you should have already noticed that I am not a god and that the binding Vow method is too strange for your world."

"Therefore, even though you did not receive the information, you should have suspicions, right?"

Yes, Ryuu had suspicions about him in the past, Mikhael's existence screamed his irregularity.

adding to that the technique of the Vow binding, a form of pact she had never even seen among the gods or the information about time travel.

She had a suspicion that she had tried to ignore for years.

"It's more or less what you think, that assumption that seemed absurd to you, is close to the truth, Mikhael is not native to your world"

Kurma took out a card from the sleeve of her clotes. "But it would be easier to understand if you use this."

The Gift card flew toward the elf, who received it, while the card dissolved in a light show when it came into contact with Ryuu's hand.

At that moment, she received a lot of information, while she managed to understand more or less what kind of existence Kurma and Mikhael were.

"I see, to think this would be his secret" Ryuu had an unusually soft expression on her face.

"Oh? It doesn't impress or scare you?"

"Do not underestimate me, Kurma-sama, my love will not waver over small details like these." The Elf's eyes shone with determination.

"No matter what, I will accompany Mikhael, whether he is a traveler from another world or just an average man."

She would not hesitate or doubt, without doubt the information surprised her, but she was worried more about the dangers that Mikhael would face in the future.

"Kahahaha, it seems that my knight was not wrong to trust you then" Kurma showed a satisfied expression.

"And you, silent Human?"

"I don't care, I already knew about his origin and after our deal, my existence belongs to him, you don't need to prove me."

"I see, Two binding Vows about eternal love, one about giving your existence and... one about an alliance" Kurma kept her smile as she hid the slight irritation in her heart.

Somewhere in her heart, both her pride and her greed and possessiveness for her treasures, as part of the dragon race, felt dissatisfied with the difference.

"With that finished, I will now reveal the reason for our presence here, the truth is that I did not bring you here"

"You see, Binding Vow has a curious mechanism, if both parties give their consent, one of the parties can see the memories of the other."

Although this worked mainly to facilitate alliances and exchange of information, some used it to get to know other people better.

"That's why we are here, I already asked Mikhael for permission, and he accepted, normally I should have already seen his memories, but for some reason, I couldn't access to them before."

The access was unlocked just when Mikhael returned all the memories of him to his places, which is why Kurma was surprised when she suddenly felt a new connection and came here.

"I was sure that the other people who formed a binding vow with him would come, so I waited here for you"

"Mikhael's memories?" Both Hestia and Ryuu's eyes shined with a dazzling light, and even Alfia looked interested.

"Yes, although we won't see all of them, I set it up to watch it as if it were a "movie", after all, I don't think the elf and the human can bear to see more than 20 years of memories"

"Now without more things, it will begin, remain silent until the end"

Along with Kurma's words, the black space lit up with colors, as the group seemed to be transported to another place.

But in reality, they were just directly watching the "movie" in something like virtual reality, thanks to an exchange Kurma had made with The Oldest One.

She was able to get the information about the "events" of Mikhael's past life, and aggregate them to see a more complete "movie."

Then, they began to see Mikhael's story.


It all started when a woman found an abandoned baby.

That woman had been depressed and sad because of the recent reactions of people close to she.

After she and her husband found out that she was infertile, their relationship gradually cooled.

For a marriage arranged between Families to obtain benefits, something like the infertility of either the woman or the man was undoubtedly the worst possible occurrence.

Although the marriage remained, it was no longer the same as before, she could only watch helplessly as the relationship she dreamed of withered into pieces.

And she knew that the only reason the marriage held was because of her father's intervention.

Weeks after the incident, she found an abandoned baby while she was out for a walk.

He was a beautiful baby wrapped in a cloth, curiously, he didn't cry, he was there calmly.

Taking it, she noticed a card with a name engraved on it, it said "Mikhael."

The woman sensed that it was the only thing leftto him, besides a cloth, by whoever left him there, alone and helpless.

Out of pity or perhaps another emotion, she ended up adopting him, ignoring the opinions of her Family, after all, she was not a powerless puppet.

"From now on your name will be Mikhael, Mikhael Ascart."

Thus, the woman filled the void in her heart with the presence of the little one who little by little grew up.

He was a happy and innocent child, even more so than normal children, curiously, he had never gotten sick.

And as he grew older, the woman and others noticed his irregularity, the boy seemed to have unlimited talent, and he could do most of things with relative ease.

In addition to that overwhelming talent, the woman noticed that her son had a brilliant mind along with especially acute intuition.

Maybe he will be someone important in the future, the woman thought with pride and joy, looking at her son as she made fun of the fools who didn't want her to adopt him.

Don't you see? He is more adorable than anyone, fools like you wouldn't understand, the woman thought with disdain.

"Mother, can you read this book to me again?"

Although the 5-year-old boy had already learned to read fluently, thanks to a habit of his, he always asked her to read to him.

"This one again? Okay, once upon a time..."

The boy for some reason preferred fairy tales with happy endings, when she asked him the reason, the boy simply said with a bright smile:

"Because I like happy endings where everyone can smile happily because mother looks beautiful when she smiles"

The woman had been stunned by such a reason, feeling both happiness and concern for her son, after all, he was too "pure."

"And against all odds, the hero unleashed a blow that miraculously defeated the evil dragon, thus saving the princess, with whom he lived happily ever after."

Watching how he fell asleep before the end of the story she had already read to him several times, the woman smiled softly.

She remembered how once he had said to her with an extremely serious face:

"I want to be mother's hero"

That time she had just laughed, while she labeled it as childishness of his.

"Good night"

She covered him with the blanket and after leaving him a goodnight kiss, she turned off the light and went to rest.


"We couldn't save her, my most sincere condolences."

That's what a man heard.

He was the heir of a family with moderately great wealth.

Years ago he had met the fiancee they arranged for him.

It was a deal between both families to strengthen the ties between them and gain a stronger influence.

He didn't care about it, nor did he expect much from his fiancée, he had already grown up with the mentality that his marriage would be another tool.

And he didn't see the bad thing about that, to be able to obtain things you must sacrifice others.

He therefore agreed to the marriage, and unexpectedly they got along well for a few years until during tests her infertility was discovered.

His family tried to get the marriage to end, and he didn't care, he saw her more as a friend than her fiancee.

That was until his father-in-law came to visit his family, and after a "little conversation", the incident ended as if nothing had happened.

Of course, as the years went by there were small conflicts but nothing major.

His wife had adopted a child shortly after the scandal began.

And she raised him herself with all the effort she could.

Initially, he did not agree with her presence, but the little one somehow ended up integrating into their lives.

He and that sunny smile that seemed to have a strange force that warmed people's hearts.

He was still there, he survived the accident without serious injuries, but his smile was no longer there.

He didn't try to fool him, he knew that the boy was intelligent and mature enough to understand.

That his mother was gone and she wouldn't come back.

And unexpectedly he also felt deeply saddened by the loss of the only person who could understand him.

He who had grown up with an indifferent and calculating personality fully felt the weight of her death.

Then, both he and the boy returned home.

IT was irresponsible, but he didn't pay attention to him for a few days after that, he was extremely busy by all the implications of the accident.

And when he went to visit him after hearing a report from the maids.

He brought one of those fairy tales that he liked so much, thinking that maybe it would cheer him up.

"I'm sorry father, I don't feel like reading fairy tales, I'd rather watch a movie."

"Weren't they your favorites, the ones about the heroes?"

"Heroes...such a thing does not exist"

The sunny boy had been replaced by a more taciturn and mature boy.

And the pedestal that the heroes stood on in his heart... had been destroyed.

After no one came to help his mother, he rejected the existence of something like a hero, if they existed, why didn't they come?

Looking at the current child, the man could sense that his actions were useless, the small gap between them caused by the distance from him over the years.

It had become an abyss that separated them.

In the end, he was never able to fix his relationship with him, although he tried, either he didn't reach out to him or the man ran away like a coward at times.

So out of shame and as a commemoration of her only friend, he adopted him into his family, although the child would not have the right to inherit, he could still live a good life.

So while he watched him grow up, and do all kinds of things, at one point, he saw that his life was a little... hedonistic.

So he sent the daughter of the head maid, hoping that she would keep him company.

Later, he would regret his mistake of not knowing about the girl's illness, no one knew.


The boy had returned to his room, the one he had previously seen as so cozy with that presence.

Overwhelmed by the loneliness that seemed to squeeze him tightly, he went to sleep, ignoring the bookshelf full of children's books.

"Good night"

Containing the urge to cry, the child who felt for the first time the unreasonable weight of reality, covered himself with his blanket and fled towards the world of fantasies.

Thus, the boy lived in a gray world, trying to remain faithful to his mother's last wish.

Grow up strong and healthy, with a Big family and live a happy life.

That's why he grew up little by little, trying all kinds of things, the vast majority of them did not bring him any satisfaction or happiness thanks to the ease with which he did most things.

Thanks to his great freedom and wealth, he even tried to gamble, but he also quickly became boring, he always won somehow.

He tried extreme sports, and they fascinated him, although after a while he got bored and gave them up for a while.

He was in multiple relationships but the other parties were always easy to read stakeholders.

At the age of 14 he found a curious hobby, he began to watch all kinds of fiction, going from movies to series, from series to cartoons, from cartoons to anime, from anime to manga, and from manga to novels.

You could say that he lived a fairly full life up to that point, but he never managed to find the so-called "happiness" that his beloved mother had entrusted him to find.

That was until around 16 years old.

When the young man met a maid who was assigned to him.

The young man and the maid lived day by day, while they slowly filled the gaps in each other's hearts.

At some point, the young man realized what he felt and proposed to his maid.

The arrogant maid in turn accepted his feelings, since she felt the same.

They went through all kinds of silly incidents like the one with the wig and many others, the young man's frozen time resumed and his world filled with color again.

One day, she asked him to smile more often, and the young man who rarely received a request from her, did not mind complying.

And from then on he had a faint smile on his lips.

The young man felt that he had emerged from the shadow of his mother's death, that perhaps he could fulfill her last wish.

"My condolences"

Feeling the rain hitting his body, the young man ignored his father, while he stayed in front of the two graves.

It had been 2 years since he met her.

And a week ago she had fallen prey to a disease that manifested itself in her bloodline every few generations.

Facing such an incurable disease, neither of them could do anything.

And now he was here, in front of her and his mother's grave.

Feeling for the second time the cruel and icy weight of unreasonable reality.

As the hole in his chest opened wide, he remembered the warmth of her skin and how cold her grave felt now.

Remembering the words of her stepmother, whom her father had married.

At times, the young man, somewhere in himself, agreed with what she had told him.

While he looked at this completely gray world and and tried to carry the promises he made.


"Young man, I have an offer to make you, I want you to be my successor."

Looking at the old man, the father of his adoptive mother, the young man was about to ignore the old man until he left an envelope on the table.

"I don't think you will reject me after seeing this, I'll be waiting outside."

Intrigued by the contents, the young man opened it.

Later he would wonder, if at that moment he didn't open that Pandora's box, would things have changed?

But at this very moment, he couldn't do anything to stop the whirlwind of emotions throughout his body.

Not even with the technique he had developed playing.

The young man asked himself as he gritted his teeth.

Why? What had they done? They were just a boy and his mother, Was there any reason to do that? Were they guilty of something?

Looking at the evidence confirmed that the accident that took his mother from him had been planned and the identity of that old man.

The young man felt how all his pain, sorrow, sadness, promises, memories, everything was swallowed by a monstrous anger that devastated his mind.

And so while that purity and kindness that was in him became unnaturally twisted...

He forgot...

It wasn't because he wanted to escape suffering.

It was because he learned all the suffering up until now was unreasonable.

He also understood that it was okay to be angry.

So he forgot...


"He should be out soon."

The old man looked up at the sky as he remembered his past and why he was there.

He had been the best assassin in the world, the top 1 in that ranking that still existed, at one point in his life, he left that life behind.

He married a rich young woman and had a daughter.

That daughter in turn married another young man, the old man asked her if he wanted to do it, not willing to force her, and she said yes.

She had fallen in love with the young man, but although he tried to advise her, she did not listen.

She didn't see that the young man didn't feel the same as her.

Then they married, and in a test, her daughter turned out to be infertile.

And he intervened when they wanted to destroy his daughter's marriage, he was able to do it because he still had some influence.

After that, he found out that his daughter, who had distanced herself from him after learning about his previous life, had adopted a little boy.

He had only seen him from afar, but he noticed that the boy had immense potential, he was surely an "irregular."

Therefore, after the death of his daughter at the hands of his old enemies and failing to try to take revenge thanks to his old age.

The old man decided to look for that little boy who had become an young man.

And train him so that he will get revenge in his place after telling him the truth.

Therefore, he looked towards the room where the young man should come from.


And along with the sound of footsteps after a few minutes.

He realized that he was wrong, this young man's potential was not something so simple as that he could just overcome him in the future.

Looking at that expressionless face, indifferent look, and feeling an anger like a volcano beneath that peaceful appearance.

He realized that perhaps he had inadvertently created a monster beyond his comprehension.

"When will the training start?" The young man asked, looking indifferently at the old man.

The old man was wrong, what came out of that room was not the young man, but what he was after he "forgot."

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