

I can hear the roar of the hallways before I even step out of the office, the slams of lockers, the laughter and screams of teens and the constant squeaking of shoes. The smell of the building could drive a blood hound insane, I already miss the quietness of the atmosphere. I look around this office waiting room like area; three fish tanks each with their own corner; 5 other chairs with the same rough fabric; and three doors. One in front of me goes in the principals office, the one on the far right wall goes into the printer/storage room (I can see through the walls) and the closes one leads out into the hallway. An old lady sits at the receptionist desk but I can hear her gears creek and groan when she moves. That disguise is horribly put together, if they truly wanted to hide the fact that she is a robot they should have made her the lunch lady. But back to the point I am here to find the Viper's son. If his dad is a Meta like us then his son should have abilities too. I already set out two pulses and I felt no echo response yet.

Humans can't feel the pulse and they can't affect it, only Metas can feel it bounce off them. The file stated that he is hard to locate, what if he can walk through pulses? No, that's impossible! Stop thinking like this.

My sister's code name Rhodanthe, her abilities are nature manipulation, frying, shape shifting, and summoning her weapon. She normally summons throwing knives for everything but something she'll summon a curved sword. She is 5'11 and 17. She'll be inspecting the junior and senior classes, while I'm a freshman and I'll also be inspecting the sophomore class. I'm 5 foot and 15, me and my sister look kinda the same with our pale skin and face shape and skinny body type, but I have light brown hair with blonde highlights and red low lights. Rhodanthe hair is a deep red with even deeper red high lights. My code name is Asteria, and my abilities are talking/seeing spirits, becoming spirit like (includes flying, walking through anything, not needing air and becoming invisible), I can speak to anything and anyone, and I can summon my weapon which I normally a bow but in close combat I can summon swords.

The office door bangs open and a football player built boy runs in, his eyes dancing in the sunlight like fire. Interesting.

Boy: "Miss Jones I need to see the principal, now."

Miss Jones: "I'm sorry, Pyro, but he is talking to a parent at the moment, can you take a seat and you can see him when he is done."

He is jumpy, almost scared, he looks at me and I smile as innocent as a baby and he actually makes a growl sound. He glares daggers at the robot and sits as far as he can away from me.

A few weeks ago my sister and I was tasked to hunt down the earth's most wanted, the Viper. He was named that after he poisoned almost every country leaders, causing many wars in Europe and Asia. The United States of America already was working on making a command base in space. Our command center was the earth's largest satellite, Atlas. Atlas could hold up to 3,000 people comfortably, of course there are smaller "satellites" that are around the main base that can house people if needed. I visited there almost everyday before I was framed for a bombing in South Korea. Honestly, humans always blame people like me for all their problems. Atlas housed 1,382 Metas, not including me and my sister.

Will continue if someone asks)