
Is it worth going to hell for someone that’s already dead ?

A story about a broke 17 year old boy from Neokyo called Saito Katsumi. A lot of strange things have been happening in this city, people are missing, corpses are found in almost every alley,.. rumors are saying this city is cursed, and that hell has come down to earth. After meeting a suspicious maid called Mikami Chizu, Katsumi’s story as an exorcist begins. Saito Katsumi fights against evil spirits inspired by beings like grim reapers, fallen angels, and even demons from Japanese folklore.

Jaimiez · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

- Underground Shopping

Going to training together with Mikami-san, I realized I didn't know this part of the city, "Is this Neokyo?" I asked. "Yes, we're in the underground of Neokyo." Walking around in this somber-looking place, I kept my guard up. It's only normal not to feel safe in a place like this.

Looking around, I noticed that there's a lot of illegal businesses going on here, I was surrounded by guns and drugs.

I saw Hirano-sensei waving at us from a distance, seeing him made me feel much more comfortable. We picked up our pace and quickly went to sensei. "Hey kids, you finally made it here."

"Sensei, what are we doing in a place like this?" I asked

Sensei reached for his katana and showed it off to me and Mikami-san

"Today, the two of you are getting your own weapons." He said with his sword in his hand.

"Every exorcist needs a weapon, weapons are the extension to your soul so getting your own weapon, is making yourself stronger." He added while putting his sword back in his sheath.

"But sensei, I don't have the money to buy a weapon."

"Don't worry about the money, kid. Just get what you like, I'll handle the rest." He said with a proud look on his face.

"Y-you'll handle the rest?" I stuttered.

"Hirano-sensei is an important figure here in the underground." Mikami replied.

Sensei must be the real deal to be acknowledged as an important figure here in this place filled with strong-looking people.

"What kind of weapon are you getting, Mikami-san?" I said, trying to change the subject of the conversation.

I was genuinely curious to what kind of weapon she's going to get, she's my partner so i thought i should know what kind of fighting style she will have in battle.

"I'm very agile, but I'm not strong enough to wield a heavy weapon so i think i'm going for something small and effective." She admitted

Sensei leaned forward with a smile on his face "what about a sword like mine? It's very light for a sword." He said

"No I was actually thinking about getting 2 pistols, i don't want to get too close in the faces of those ugly monsters so pistols should do the job, right ?"

"That's a very good choice, Mikami-chan! 2 Mid-ranged weapons which aren't heavy, guns aren't as effective against evil spirits as swords, but it's a safer choice." He said.

"You can master it in about 6 months." He added, with his index finger pointing up trying to look smart."

The three of us went to a gun store together to find the perfect pistols for Mikami-san to use.

Mikami-san told me I didn't have to help her and I should go look for a weapon for myself, So I also started looking around to see if there was anything i'd want as my weapon.

Hirano-sensei was with Mikami-san, it looked like they were talking about something important because Hirano-sensei had a surprised look on his face, well they're family so it's probably just some family business.

Guns aren't really my thing.

I decided to think about my strengths and weaknesses, to see if there's a perfect type of weapon for me.

I have decent agility, i'm not that strong and i have bad stamina. *wait, I only have weaknesses? * I thought, with a sulking expression.

Sensei noticed my troubled face. " i know what you're thinking, kid. Don't worry, the reason I accepted you as my disciple is because i saw potential in you, so I'll make sure you become as strong as possible." He said

His words did manage to calm me, but. "But Sensei, I really don't know what kind of weapon I want." I replied

"You're good at hiding your presence, you're actually that good at it that you're not just hiding your presence, but you completely erase it, you should make use of this ability you have."

That's true, I was reminded that I do actually have a strength, I just never realized it. I should choose a weapon complimenting the ability to hide my presence, so I should go for a a weapon that's light and doesn't stand out much.

"Sensei, I think I know what I want!" I said enthusiastically.

"Oh? What kind of weapon do you want, " he answered.

"I want a katana like yours, but shorter."

He smiled. "Great choice, Katsumi-kun." He said

He picked a pen and wrote an address on a piece of paper. "You don't have to look for a weapon today, come to this address tomorrow, you can come after school if you want."

Sensei looked so serious that I didn't want to question his decision. " Yes Hirano-sensei!" I said

Meanwhile, Mikami-san had her eyes glued to a pair of pistols "I want these, Sensei."

Mikami-san had 2 beautiful silver pistols with golden edges in her hands with a tight grip.

"They're special pistols made specifically for killing evil spirits." She said

"That's a good choice Chizu-chan, take good care of them." Sensei said.

"Yes sensei! Thank you very much!" She said while bowing.

"Okay, we have everything we need, let's go home now!" Sensei said

"What about Katsumi's weapon, sensei?"

"He'll be getting his weapon tomorrow." Sensei said happily.

And so, we left the underground of Neokyo City.