
Is it possible that the end will be happy?

I came to live in the palace, meaning that a new life for me will begin. How, I wonder, will I face this life, will I fall in love ?? Oh I always dreamed of a love story, will I get it ?? is it possible that the end will be happy ??

nargas_abbas2005 · Sejarah
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46 Chs

It's a Mermaid's Story

Chapter Twelve: It's a Mermaid's Story

Emma: So your stepfather caused you this scar, of course you hate him so much

Yeon: Yes, I hate him

Emma: Where is your father?

Yeon: I don't even know his name

Emma: It's hard for you, haha

Yeon: All I know is that I hate so much because of him I lived this life

Emma: It's okay, the important thing is that you are fine now

Yeon: I'm fine

Emma: Then I will go and you get a rest

Yeon: ok

Emma came out of Yeon's room

Emma: I want to do something that makes him happy

Emma: What would make him happy mmm I found it

Emma ran to the library

Emma: This is the book

Emma returns to Yeon's room

Emma: I'm back

Yeon: why?

Emma: Why haven't you slept yet?

Yeon: I don't feel i want sleeping

Emma: lie down

Yeon: what?

Emma: I'm going to read to you a story. Come on, lie in your bed

Yeon: I'm not a kid

Emma: come on

Yeon lay in his bed

Emma: It's a mermaid story

Emma started telling him the story

Yeon: So she gave her voice in exchange for becoming a human

Emma: Yes because she loves him so she did it

Emma completed the story

Yeon: So she died for him?

Emma: Yes she couldn't kill him so she gave up her life

Yeon hold Emma's hand

Yeon: It's a sad ending

Emma: It is, but it's okay, the important thing is that the prince is fine, right

Emma: yeon

Yeon fell asleep

Emma: He looks like an angel while he's sleeping, sweet dreams

Then Emma quietly walked out of his room

Emma went and sat in the garden

Emma: What's wrong with me, I just imagine his face in front of me and I just want to spend time with him and think about him all the time. What does this mean? Is it possible that I love him??

How will Emma accept the idea that she is in love?