
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

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50 Chs

Chapter 40 Jordan

The Continent of Avdira is ruled by Emperor Averoff. He rules the entire continent and it has been prosperous, it is one of the most prosperous and powerful continent, hosting some of the best warriors this world has ever seen. Under the Continent of Avdira are seven cities. Seven kindoms ruled by seven kings under the jurisdiction of emperor Averoff. One of these such cities is Jordan, a prosperous land, considered the 3rd most powerful city within the continent of Avdira, in terms of military prowess. 

The city, Jordan has three powerful families running it;

The Gavras family led by Georgatou Gavras,

The Georgalis family led by Georgatos Georgalis, and,

The Galanis family led by George Galanis, who is the king of Jordan.

The city of Jordan is known for it's amazing blacksmithing, it has lots of humans in it but there seem to be a lot of dwarves too, which contributes to its prosperity. The dwarves are known for many things but it is blacksmithing that gives them their reputation. Dwarves are so much in tune with their Qi that if they trained they would make deadly warriors, but they chose not to for reasons unknown. The dwarves are able to make weapons with special skill sets and abilities, even without the use of beast cores. They'd put even the best human blacksmith to shame. They are also well versed in space manipulation which is is evident from certain pouches and rings that they created. One such rings is on the finger of Iris Wit as he arrives at the docks of Jordan after two months at sea. He looked to have a few unkept facial hair that made him look rugged. At least he looked better than Levi Samson whose face is covered with beards that he didn't bother to trim. Kara Dawn looked like.. ..... A mess as she should, it's been two months and I highly doubt it that they'd had a good bath. They look skinnier, they had lost some weight, they were dirty and hungry. They needed a place to stay.

The docks of Jordan was filled with several other boats, people were either boarding or getting off board. There were stalls set up by various people that sold a variety of things. There were . They needed to get to a public bathhouse. Not long after they got down from the ship like other passengers, they were approached by a man in robes who looked to be in his mid 40s. He had no bags, all he had was a gold ring on his finger and the dark blue robes he wore, and.. He was bald.

He stood a few feet away from them and bowed slightly.

" Good afternoon young and weary travelers, my name is Josh and i am a street agent. And I am here to help you get settled in the city of Jordan."

The trio looked at the man a little bit confused. Levi moved closer to the man,

" What makes you think we aren't Citizens of Jordan, Mr Josh?" Levi asked, stretching the man's name a bit. Josh smiled, " what makes you think I know you're not citizens of Jordan?" Josh asked with a smirk. 

As the trio exchanged wary glances, Josh's smirk widened, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth against his bald head. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as he leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Let's just say, I have a knack for spotting newcomers," Josh replied cryptically, his gaze shifting between the three travelers. "But fear not, for I am here to offer my services in aiding you to find accommodations, sustenance, and whatever else you may require in our fair city."

Iris folded his arms across his chest, eyeing Josh with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. "And what exactly do you want in return for your assistance?" he inquired, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Josh chuckled, a melodic sound that seemed to echo through the bustling docks. "Ah you newcomers, always the cautious ones, aren't you?" he remarked, his tone laced with amusement. "I assure you, my intentions are purely altruistic. Consider me a humble guide, here to ensure your transition into Jordan is as seamless as possible. For a few ofcourse"

Kara, who had been silent up until this point, stepped forward, her weary expression softening slightly. "We appreciate your offer, Mr. Josh," she said, her voice tinged with gratitude. "It's been a long journey, and we could use all the help we can get."

Josh inclined his head in acknowledgment, his smile warm and genuine. "Then it's settled," he declared, gesturing for them to follow as he began to weave his way through the throngs of people bustling about the docks. "Come, let me show you to a nearby bathhouse where you can freshen up and perhaps enjoy a hot meal."

As they followed Josh through the maze of streets, the trio couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds of Jordan. The city was a vibrant tapestry of cultures, with merchants hawking their wares, street performers entertaining passersby, and the tantalizing aroma of exotic spices wafting through the air. They saw stalls set up, people selling jewelry and other accessories.

There was no gate, the city was big, even bigger than Curtis and Dawnville it together. They half expected to be stopped by guards but they weren't they even rarely saw anyone in armor moving about guarding a certain place. The inquired about it and Josh told them that no one would dare cause trouble in the city of Jordan or they'll answer to the families that run it. Jordan was big and rich and there's no need for guards to stand out collecting fees from every traveler, vut they would need to get a means of identification if they wish to trade in the market.

Eventually, they arrived at the bathhouse, a grand structure adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering mosaic tiles. Josh ushered them inside, where they were greeted by a wave of warmth and the soothing sound of running water.

"Here we are," Josh announced, his voice tinged with satisfaction as he gestured towards the various amenities available. "Feel free to take your time and indulge in some well-deserved relaxation. When you're ready, I'll be waiting outside to assist you further. I will handle the payment, take this as a sign of good will from me as your err caretaker."

With a grateful nod, the trio entered the bathhouse, their weary bodies eagerly sinking into the steaming waters. As the tension melted away from their muscles, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over them.

Outside, Josh leaned against the wall of the bathhouse, his gaze fixed on the entrance as he waited patiently for his new acquaintances to emerge.

As the trio emerged from the bathhouse, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, Josh greeted them with a friendly smile. "I trust you found the facilities to your liking?" he inquired, his tone cheerful yet businesslike.

Levi nodded appreciatively. "Indeed, it was exactly what we needed after our long journey," he replied, his voice carrying a note of gratitude. "Now, you mentioned something about helping us find accommodations and obtaining a means of identification"

Josh's smile widened, revealing a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "Ah, yes, of course," he said, gesturing for them to follow as he began to lead the way through the bustling streets of Jordan. "But first, we have a few formalities to attend to."

As they walked, Josh explained the process of obtaining identity cards in the city, emphasizing the importance of having a means of identification and status in order to access various services and facilities. He also outlined the various options available for accommodations, ranging from modest guesthouses to luxurious hotels, depending on their budget and preferences.

"And how much will all of this cost us?" Kara Dawn asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Josh paused, his smile faltering slightly before quickly recovering. "Ah, well, you see, my services do come at a modest fee," he admitted, his tone apologetic yet firm. "But I assure you, it's a small price to pay for the peace of mind and convenience that I provide."

Levi exchanged a wary glance with his companions before nodding reluctantly. "Very well, Mr. Josh," he conceded, putting his hand out to Iris causing him to frown slightly. "What's your fee for guiding us through these tasks?" Levi asked Josh.

" For now let's focus on getting you a place to stay then we can discuss my price.

With that, they continued on their way, Josh leading them through the labyrinthine streets of Jordan with the confidence and ease of someone who knew the city like the back of his hand. Along the way, he regaled them with stories and tidbits of information about the city's history, culture, and customs, making their journey feel more like a leisurely stroll than a chore.

By the time they reached the motel where they would be staying temporarily, the trio felt a sense of gratitude towards Josh for his invaluable assistance. They were welcome as this was the headquarters of various street agents like Josh. As they settled into their rooms which was paid for by Jordan, they knew that they owed their smooth transition into the city of Jordan in large part to the efforts of their newfound guide.

In the end he charged ten silver coins which was reasonable considering how smooth everything went.

And as they drifted off to sleep that night, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead, knowing that with Josh by their side, they would be well-equipped to face whatever challenges came their way.

We are back baby ooooh yeah.

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