
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 18 Water

Princess Kara ran to Levi but was stopped by a guard, he grabbed her arm and pulled her away. A sword came down on Iris but he rolled to the side, got up and ran towards Levi. Another soldier came and swung his sword at Levi but Iris blocked it. Levi got up and tried to get to Princess Kara, but was knocked down almost into the Creek as fell. Iris blocked another hit, he moved forward, turned around and swung his sword severing the guard's head from its body but this time a sword came as the him aiming to knock him out, but he ducked, but then a knee hit him in the head and he fell back and rolled into the shallow creek close to Levi.

His nose was bleeding and he tried to crawl out of the Creek.

"Help me Levi, help" Princess Kara screamed with tears in her eyes. Levi looked up feeling dizzy, Iris got up only to see prince William with a bit of blood on his right knee guard.

"This is not personal Iris Wit, " Prince William said with a saddened expression, "I'm doing this for my sister and for the survival of my kingdom." He walked up to Levi and pulled him up by his arm, "I'm sorry he said."

He lifted his hand up, his sword aimed at Levi's heart, Iris tried to get up fast but it was difficult,

"Let him go, it's me you want right, LET HIM GO, TAKE ME" Iris screamed. Prince William sighed and thrust his sword forward,

"Nooooooooooooooo" Iris stretched his arm out and screamed, water rose out of the Creek and with great force, it blasted and prince William away from Levi with so much force it knocked him onto a tree and he fell down. Levi fell unconscious, while prince William got up coughing, his eyes widened with shock. The rest of the guards were dumbfounded and even Princess Kara stopped crying. They all looked at Iris. He had a frown etched on his face. Water circled round his feet and his legs as he stepped out of the Creek, a wide ring of water circled around him.

"So you are blessed by the gods, this must be why Dawnville wasn't completely destroyed" Prince William said with realisation "and why he wants you alive." Iris was quiet, he looked around him. He remembered what happened the day Dawnville was attacked. The day his mother died. He remembered what he did with the rain. He remembered what his mother told him.


"So I can control water mom" a small ten year old boy said to his mother who sat beside him on a bed in the room. It is Iris and Martha.

"Yes Iris" she replied

But Iris frowned "but why can't I do it now?"

"Well mostly because you don't have anyone to teach you how to use it, and partly because it might not be the right time."

"Well when is the right time mom?" Iris asked his mother,

"I honestly don't know" she replied with a smile.


Tears rolled down his face, 'the right time passed a long time ago mother' he said to his self.

He took a stance, legs spread apart, left arm forward and his sword in his left arm slightly backwards.

"What are you waiting for attack him. I you can't capture him, kill him" Prince William screamed at his guards. They ran forward, two came at Iris but before they got to him Iris moved. He held his sword with both hands, he turned it down and water swirled around the sword forming a great blade made of water. He swung vertically and the water left the blade in an arc,it hit the two guards and flung them backwards knocking them into the trees behind them, breaking the tree apart in the process.

The others turned to their comrade shocked, Iris ran forward, he threw his left arm out in a grabbing motion the water wrapped itself around a guard's arm, and pulled him towards Iris, he thrust forward and a small amount of water wrapped around his sword and he stabbed the guard in the neck. A guard came from the side and thrust his sword at iris, but water rose up behind him and the sword seemed to bounce back, Iris turned around lifted his foot, water moved underneath it. He kicked the guard in the chest and the water left his foot knocking the guard back with force. He willed the water to wrap around his sword, and he threw it forward and it flew and struck a guard through his neck. Iris retrieved his sword, "seventeen remaining" Iris said in a cold tone. More water came from the Creek and formed a bigger ring around him. Two brave but foolish soldiers ran towards him. He jumped up, spun in the air and water wrapped around his feet, he kicked forward and the water extended from his leg and hit one of the guard in his chest sending him flying. Iris landed and extended his right arm forward, water flowed and grabbed a guard's leg, he pulled him and flung him to the side. He blocked a strike and stabbed his sword through the next guard's neck.

He landed, and looked at the men around him. Prince William was beside the guard that held Kara hostage with a frown on his face. Some of the other soldiers were to do

scared to approach him.

Iris looked at the sword in his hand and dropped it on the ground, this left the other guards confused. But prince William shouted from behind "don't just stand there you fools, kill. Levi him "

Two brave but foolish soldiers ran towards him. He lifted both hands up and the water swirled around him moving up. It formed a giant sword as tall as Iris him self. Before the guards could react he threw his hand out and the big sword of flew at great speed at the two guards. Their eyes widened in fright but it was too late, the sword knocked them back and sent them flying onto the trees behind them. They did not get up. Iris looked up "fifteen remaining."

The other guards were too scared to move, and even prince William stood there with fear in his eyes. Iris Wit walked the guard holding princess kara hostage, as he walked forward, the water moved from the ground and formed rings around him again. "Leave her" he said to the guard, and the guard stepped back.

"What are you doing, kill him," Prince William said with anger, but the guards just stood there afraid to make a move. Iris turned his head and looked at him. He left Kara and moved towards prince William.

Prince William backed away slowly, "Don't come closer. Stay away" he held his sword in front of him. "I'll leave, I'll let you go. Please just let me live." Iris stopped approaching and frowned. Then he turned around and started walking away. Prince William raised his sword and ran up behind Iris. He thrust his word at Iris but the water formed a hand and grabbed onto the sword. Iris turned around.

Prince William's eyes widened "No. It was a mistake, I didn't mean t...… " Iris took the sword and thrust it through his throat.

"Go back to Curtis, tell king Festus to send this message to Steven blade. Iris Wit Blade says; His first mistake was that I didn't die in the hands of the spears. He better find a way to kill me fast because WHEN I return. I will flood the entire Kingsland and make him drown in his own blood."

The guards scurried away. Iris dropped to his knees, the ring of water dropped to the ground forming a puddle of mud. Kara ran towards him and tried to help him up. "Levi, levi." Iris said. She ran towards Levi and saw he was breathing, she turned him over and saw that the wound wasn't too deep the armour took most of the attack. and it just needed to be treated and bandaged and he would be fine. "HE'S ALIVE, HE'S ALIVE," she cried, "but he's lost a lot of blood. We have to dress his wound fast." Iris got up quickly and ran towards them. He brought out some medicine from his storage ring and some cloth to bandage the wound. The took off Levi's armour and shirt. Iris cleaned his wound and bandaged it.

Don't expect this kind of long chapters often. this was a battle scene and I wanted it to look good and be impact full. plus I didn't want to leave any cliffhangers.

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