
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 15 Resolve

Chapter 22 Are you your father' daughter

They ran to the stables where the wild horses were kept and they saw a servant taking care of the horses, he seemed to be the only one there. Iris and Levi walked up to him with Princess Kara on Levi's shoulder. Levi cleared his throat to get the servant's attention. The servant stopped what he was doing and turned to look at them,

"We were sent by King Festus, we need two horses," Levi said confidently to the guard. The guard looked at him with a frown, the looked towards Princess Kara suspiciously,

"I don't think I should do this without asking his majesty personally first" the guard said "give me a moment let me go and ask the head of the stables to..."

He was interrupted as Iris drew his sword and smacked him in the head knocking him out.

"We don't have time to waste" Iris said and opened one of the doors and led out two wild horses.

Wild horses have red eyes, they are mostly the same height as regular horses but they have horns on their heads like rams, the horns extend to the back of their heads, and they eat meat.

Princess Kara was waking up, so Levi put her down. She rubbed her head as she opened her eyes and looked at Iris and levi. It took a few seconds for her to get her bearings.

"No no my mother, just kill me " she said as she started sobbing again.

"Princess ," Levi called as he tried to stop her from crying "Princess we have to go we promised your father to protect you, you have to come with us"

She kept crying, and she refused to stand up.

"We should leave her here" Iris said with a calm tone

"What are you saying Iris, we promised to…."

"I didn't.." Iris responded harshly and princess Kara looked up,

"Iris ..." Levi said softly.

"She has lost the will to live, she's just a dead man walking," Iris said ,

"Don't talk like that Iris" levi responded,

"Am I wrong …?" Iris asked as he looked into Kara's eyes,

"Tell me kara. At least your father stood his ground and fought till the end, he did all that to protect you, he did it so that you could live," Iris said "he ordered us to protect you, now I can decide to leave and abandon you here and let the king of Curtis keep you as a trophy, a souvenir from a land he conquered. Your father's land, your land. Or you can come with me and fight, fight to live, and honour your father's spirit. Tell me Kara, are you your father's daughter?"

Chapter 23 Escape part 1

Meanwhile. Prince William was on his way to the throne room, he was already in the palace and his room was down the hallway to the left of the throne room. As he walked out of his room he was in a normal white shirt and black trousers with his shoes. And his sword was by his side. The two guards by his door followed him as he got close to the throne room he saw two guards on the ground dead, he ran into the throne room screaming "father, father." He saw his father on the ground by by the body of king James with his sword in king James' chest.

"F,father what happened " Prince William stuttered as he walked towards king Festus,

"Find them before they escape" King Festus said without looking up,

"Find who? father what happened" Prince William asked as he put his hand in his father's shoulder,

"They're the key to getting back your sister William don't let them escape,"

"Who,.. wait Sarah? I thought she was captured? "

"I'll explain later William but you have to stop the two captains from escaping. The ones you came with from Dawnville." King Festus said, "you can kill them but don't let them escape with the princess"

""Yes father."

Prince William walked out of the throne room, when he got outside the palace he saw the dead guards' bodies and frowned, he turned to one of the guards beside him

"Go alert the gate keepers make sure no one leaves the city"

The guard nodded and ran ahead.

"Come on" he said to the other guard "they might be on the city hall"


Princess Kara wiped the tears from the back of her eyes and looked up at both Levi and Iris, then she stood up,

"I want to live, I want to fight, I want to fight to live."

They took two horses,

"Why not three, I can ride on my own " Princess Kara asked

"Well " levi said as he got on his horse " taking two will be faster and more efficient. Plus we don't want to much attention," he responded.

He stretched his hand and she took it, he helped her get on the horse behind him.

"Hold tight" he said, and she put her hand around him. He grabbed onto the briddle, the horse moved and Iris rode behind him.

They passed the market and nothing bad happened until they got to the gates which were locked and was guarded by four guards and there was a tower where two other guards with bows and arrows were.

The gates were double wooden gates with a big ass wooden barricade.

(Author-san here; those type of doors in mideaval movies where there's a board over the door to prevent it from being opened from the outside)

They stayed in one of the alleyways and Iris got down frim his horse and took out a pair of trousers and a plain white long sleeves shirt, "put these on" he said to her, "it will make it easier to move around and act as a disguise for you, that dress you have on screamed royalty" he said as he threw them at her. She was shocked,

"Where did the dress come from, wait is that a storage ring" she asked with a suprised expression, "those things cost at least a hundred gold coins"

"It was a gift from my mother" Iris responded "Alright enough chit chat hurry and get dressed"

Iris said and got down from the horse, while Levi and Iris turned around to give her some privacy.

While she changed Iris and Kara saw a guard approaching the gate keepers, the guard told them something then walked away.

Levi and Iris looked at each other, "we have been compromised" Iris said, and levi nodded.

"There will be no reasoning with them" levi said "what about your dagger Iris "

"I have to be within ten to twelve feet away from them to use it"

Princess Kara was done changing "I'm ready" she said. Iris and Levi turned around to lol at her.

The clothes were a bit baggy but it was okay, the white shirt was tucked into the black trousers that were held at the waist with a black rope as the belt, her black hair was tied back onto a ponytail.

"You still have those Princess shoes on. Here..." Iris side as he threw her a pair of flat hilled black shoes.