
Invincible: Silver Scarab

Reincarnated into the Invincible universe, Eli Mercer discovers he is more than a mere mortal. Imbued with the powers of Reach Scarab bonded to his spine and the extraordinary gift of an unyielding soul, Eli becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Otaku_Paradox · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Hong Kong - Japan


A bitch black Eastern dragon with golden dear horn and hair, and violet lightning crackling on its body was currently getting prepped with charged plasma blast and silver crystal energy needles that explode in a certain time frame and create C4 to dynamite level explosion when a few are close to each other. 

The dragon was being chased by an individual in silver and black armor, with four insect-like wings on his back. One of his arms was a plasma rifle, the other was a needle gun. 

'You ever thought we'd be fighting a dragon six months after agreeing to this partnership with the G.D.A?'

'No, but it's still within calculable odds, considering Kaiju is an active inhabitant of the planet. Mythical creatures aren't that far off.'

'Fair enough, shall we finish this off'

'That would be wise'

'Should we try using that'

'This combat situation would provide useful data'

Eli smirked before charging in. A pair of rocket boosters manifested on his lower back as he weaved through the lightning strikes. His hands turned back to normal and black and silver energy manifested from his body and merged into a black and silver hammer with an axe on the underside and a long two-meter shaft(pause). 

This was something he'd come up with when Ultron told him anything he could come up with the scarab could create.

This formidable weapon boasts the remarkable ability to manipulate gravity, granting its wielder unparalleled control over the battlefield. With a simple gesture, it can push adversaries away or draw them closer, manipulating the very forces of nature to suit the wielder's needs. In addition, the weapon's gravity manipulation capabilities extend to deflecting incoming projectiles, providing a potent defense against ranged attacks.

At the heart of its power lies the field generator, nestled within the head of the weapon. This ingenious device emits a kinetic pulse with a radius of approximately 4.5 meters, unleashing a wave of gravitational energy that can be harnessed for both offense and defense. Not a large area sure but it gets the job done and would essentially make him a close combat juggernaut. 

I got close to the dragon and used the attracting force of the hammer to draw its face closer before swinging and smacking its jaw before it could be propelled too far. A quick burst from the boosters had me clear the distance and I unleashed a combo of blows, up, down, left, right. It had no room to breathe and scales were breaking off with each blow. 

Suddenly the smell of ozone around the dragon reached a new height and my instincts and Ultron warning kicked in.

'Watch out'

I used boosters to retreat as a bolt of lightning the size of a pillar descended on the dragon, then another and another. With each strike its power raised and its wounds healed. A cloak of lightning now coated its serpentine body, the sky was covered in thunderclouds.

"Hows it going there, kid? The energy readings are off the chart"

"It's gone into some kids of berserker mode and changed the sky for home-field advantage."

"Shit. The guardians are fighting the Lizard League and Omni-Man is fighting a small Kaiju horde in the northern Atlantic. Can you hold it off?"

"I'm sorry, did you hear me ask for help?"

"This is no time for bravado kid, these energy readings make an atom boom look like a stick of dynamite."

Eli snorted.

"Humph, I'll bring it corpse back when I'm done. This a chance to try out all my toys"

Eli licked his lips in anticipation. Cecil sighed.

"Alright kid, I'll send it back up as soon as it's available"

"Uhuh, Centurion out"

The dragon unleashed a beam of concentrated superheated plasma from its maw. I used the field generated by the hammer to defend against the blast as I propelled myself forward with jet propulsion. 

'Ultron san it's body, Tell me what's up.'

I dodge another beam and some descending lightning strikes. When I was close enough I rotated and winded up the hammer before bringing it down with tremendous force. The impact plus the repulsion force rattled the dragon. I transformed my left hand into the needle gun and unleashed a barrage into the dragon's underbelly. The explosion from the needles sent tremors through the dragon's body causing git to spit out golden blood.

'Its horns act as lighting rods and it possesses a core in its chest that acts as a heart and a reactor. The horns and the core are connected. And help the creature to regulate it's power output subconsciously

'I see'

I fired silver crystal needles toward its face. It roared and unleashed a soundwave like thunder from its maw. This causes the needles to detonate in front of its face making turn it's head away. I used the distraction to get above and swing down unleashing a charged kinetic pulse that rockets the beast from the clouds.

I chased after the falling beast and up in moments. The needle changed into another weapon and black rods flew up the barren rapid fire and locked the dragon's maw shut. 


The beast roared in pain and swiped its claws at me while trying to adjust its position. I dodged the attempt and my hammer changed into the buster sword from this game I got into recently called Final Fantasy. The blade rested on my shoulder as I rocketed down. The left hand changed into the banshee, which is my nickname for a weapon that emits high-frequency sounds. 

I aim at the beast and let it rip. Within seconds the sounds were too much for it and it began to fall again after just correcting itself. Seeing my shot at finishing this I dash in a rotation a few times with the sword in my right hand to build momentum. I de-materialized the banshee and grabbed the handle with both hands and swung at the beast's neck. 

Golden blood spurted in the night sky as the behemoth's life ended. Its head and body continue to plummet faster than before. The scarab legs on his back extended and turned into hooks and latched into the beast's flesh. 

I dragged them through the air to a more isolated area before lowering them two halves of the carcass slowly. 

A few minutes later I was sitting on the severed head, with my hand behind my head as I leaned against the horn in a reclined position. The Guaridian would take a while to reach hear.

The Lizard League has a long and enigmatic history, shrouded in mystery and speculation. Despite their frequent clashes with various superhero teams over the years, the exact origins and formation date of the Lizard League remain unknown. The League has been a subject of ridicule on social media and within the superhero community, often dismissed as a mere joke. However, underestimating the Lizard League has proven to be a grave mistake on multiple occasions.

Their seemingly laughable persona masks a serious and formidable threat. Each time they are written off, they resurface with a vengeance, demonstrating strategic cunning and unexpected power. This resilience and ability to catch opponents off guard have earned them a reputation that belies their initial impression, cementing their place as a significant adversary in the world of superheroes.

I heard two sounds heading my way. I turned towards the noise and saw Darkwing on his board and Red Rush blurring towards him at superspeed. Darkwing is a tall African-American male with a well-built and powerful physique. Although he is never seen outside of his costume, his imposing figure is unmistakable. Darkwing's costume features a black mask that leaves his eyelids completely white, adding an eerie and intimidating effect to his appearance. The suit itself is colored in dark shades, with light grey covering his chest and thighs, while the remaining parts of the costume are black. A sharp cape and a single pointed cowl behind his head complete the ensemble, giving Darkwing a menacing and enigmatic presence.

As for Red Rush, his iconic red suit was his trademark, emblazoned with his superhero initials prominently displayed on his chest. To enhance his abilities while running at superhuman speeds, he wore red visors, aiding his vision and allowing him to navigate swiftly and safely through any environment.

Red Rush blits around the creature's remains, getting a look at it.

"Damn, guess you really didn't need backup. Thought you were facing Mister Liu. But this is a creature as ancient as Kaiju. Which means" he trailed off.

"There could be more" finished Blackwing

I nodded in agreement."The world is evolving Kaiju isn't the only threat. Superspecies like dragons and the Spinx might be a rarity now but it's a gradual process. The planet is evolving, so it's species that inhabit it must evolve as well. Humans with abilities just assumed that only applied to them. "

Blackwing pondered on the statement and agreed. It made sense and was somewhat frightening. 

"I'll send the recording of the fight for you to go over, I was gonna prolong the fight to get a bit more data. But its control over the sky was potent and got stronger based on its emotions. I couldn't in good conscience put civilians in harm's way to sate my curiosity. " I said as I stood up.

Blackwing raised his left hand and a HUD appeared showing a playback of the fight. A shadow of a smile was on his face at how well the young man seemed to understand him despite their limited interactions these past few months. Red Rush was by his side for moments watching along. 

"I'll be heading back to Egypt. You guys know how to contact me if any dangers surface."

Four insect wings sprouted from the back of his armor and he started rising. Jet propulsion emerged from his lower back when he got high enough. He flew off breaking the sound barrier twice, heading towards his home. 

Cairo, the heart of Egypt, stood as a bustling metropolis where the past and present intertwined in a dance of light and shadow. Eli felt the city's pulse as he soared over the minarets and modern skyscrapers, the call to prayer harmonizing with the city's vibrant energy. Landing softly on a rooftop, he gazed towards the Pyramids of Giza, their silhouettes majestic against the twilight. These timeless sentinels, guardians of secrets and wonders, had witnessed the rise and fall of empires. The hero knew their power and the mysteries they held, and he felt a deep connection to their enduring strength.

In the distance, he spotted Luxor, the world's greatest open-air museum. Here, the Karnak Temple Complex rose like a testament to the gods, its colossal pillars casting long shadows over the sacred ground. The hero's eyes glimmered with respect for the ancient warriors and priests who had once walked these hallowed halls. Crossing the Nile, he saw the Valley of the Kings—a necropolis of legends where pharaohs slept beneath the earth, surrounded by treasures and guarded by their enduring legacies.

Aswan beckoned next, its serene beauty a stark contrast to the harsh desert. The hero landed beside the Philae Temple, feeling the tranquil energy of the goddess Isis radiate from the ancient stones. As the waters of the Nile lapped gently at the island's edges, the hero reflected on the timelessness of this sacred place. Nearby, the Unfinished Obelisk lay in its quarry, a reminder of the sheer force and determination of those who came before.

With a mighty leap, Eli traversed the expanse of Egypt, landing in the coastal city of Alexandria. The modern marvel of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina stood as a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, resurrecting the spirit of its ancient predecessor. His gaze turned to the Qaitbay Citadel, a fortress of strength and resilience, standing guard over the Mediterranean. The salty breeze carried whispers of ancient mariners and scholars, filling the hero's heart with pride.

Finally, Eli's journey brought him to the sparkling shores of the Red Sea Riviera. Sharm El Sheikh greeted him with its crystal-clear waters, a haven for underwater adventurers. As he dove beneath the waves, vibrant coral reefs and colorful fish surrounded him, a living tapestry of nature's brilliance. Ras Mohammed National Park revealed its secrets, an underwater kingdom teeming with life and wonder.

Rising from the depths, he cast his eyes over the serene beaches and luxurious resorts of Hurghada and Dahab. These were places of rest and rejuvenation, where heroes and mortals alike could find solace and joy. The night sky sparkled with a thousand stars, each one a silent guardian watching over the land.

"Ahh, home truly is where the heart lies"

Eli's, a grand testament to his lineage, stood as a fortress of elegance and power amidst the timeless sands of Egypt. Nestled on the outskirts of Cairo, it was an opulent estate that seamlessly blended ancient grandeur with modern sophistication, reflecting his heritage as a descendant of the legendary Ozymandias.

The estate's entrance was marked by towering gates adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and flanked by imposing statues of ancient gods and warriors. These guardians of stone, their features carved with meticulous detail, stood vigilant, whispering tales of the past to those who approached. Beyond the gates, a long, winding driveway lined with date palms and lush gardens led to the main residence, an architectural marvel that echoed the splendor of the pharaohs.

His itself was a sprawling palace, its design inspired by the magnificence of ancient Egyptian temples. Massive stone columns, each inscribed with stories of valor and wisdom, supported the structure. The walls were a tapestry of carved reliefs and frescoes depicting epic battles, divine interventions, and the glory of Ozymandias' reign. These artistic tributes were illuminated by the soft glow of hidden lights, casting a golden hue that brought the ancient scenes to life.

At the heart of the palace was the grand atrium, an open space crowned with a glass dome that allowed natural light to flood in, creating a celestial ambiance. A stunning mosaic of the Nile River, crafted from thousands of colored tiles, adorned the floor, its shimmering surface reflecting the sky above. Surrounding the atrium were lush indoor gardens, where exotic plants and flowers from across Egypt flourished, their vibrant colors and fragrances adding to the sense of tranquility and opulence.

His private quarters were a sanctuary of luxury and refinement. His bed-chamber, with its high ceilings and grand windows, offered panoramic views of the desert landscape and the distant pyramids. Rich fabrics, golden accents, and fine antiques filled the room, each piece carefully chosen to honor his noble ancestry. A vast library, filled with ancient scrolls, manuscripts, and modern texts, stood adjacent to his chambers—a repository of knowledge and history that the hero frequently consulted.

One of the estate's most remarkable features was the Hall of Ancestors, a solemn and sacred space dedicated to the hero's illustrious forebears. Here, grand statues of Ozymandias and other notable ancestors lined the hall, each one a symbol of the hero's enduring legacy. The hall culminated in a magnificent altar, where the hero would often meditate and draw strength from the spirits of his ancestors.

Beneath the palace, hidden from prying eyes, lay a state-of-the-art command center equipped with the latest technology. This was where the hero planned his missions, coordinated with allies, and monitored global events. Holographic displays, interactive maps, and advanced communication systems allowed him to stay one step ahead of any threat. The fusion of ancient wisdom and modern technology in this underground lair symbolized the hero's unique position as a bridge between past and present.

Outside, expansive grounds stretched as far as the eye could see, featuring training fields, obstacle courses, and serene water gardens. These areas served as the hero's training grounds, where he honed his skills and maintained peak physical condition. The estate's perimeter was secured with the latest in defensive technology, ensuring that the hero and his sanctuary remained safe from any threat.

In every corner of his home, from the majestic halls to the hidden command center, the hero felt the weight and honor of his heritage. This was no mere dwelling; it was a bastion of legacy, a symbol of enduring strength and resilience. As a descendant of Ozymandias, the hero drew upon the wisdom and power of his forebears, standing ready to protect his homeland and uphold the glory of his ancient lineage.

The grand entrance hall of his family palace echoed with the soft murmur of servants as they bustled about, preparing for their master's return. The towering double doors swung open, revealing the hero, weary but triumphant, stepping inside.

"My lord, I've prepared a feast worthy of your return. A blend of ancient recipes and modern delights. I hope it pleases you."

Eli's eyes lit up at the mention of food.

"Samira, your meals are always a highlight of my return. I look forward to it."

In the background, Nabil, the head gardener, approached with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers.

Eli accepted the bouquet, inhaling the soothing scent.

"Thank you, Nabil. You always know how to bring nature's peace into my home."

Captain Tariq, the head of security, entered with a serious expression.

Captain Tariq

"My lord, if I may, a brief security update. Everything remains secure. No threats on the horizon."

Eli nodded, appreciating the diligence of his security chief.

"Excellent work, Tariq. Keep up the good work."

Fatima, the librarian, arrived with a scroll in hand.

"My lord, I found some ancient texts that might aid you in understanding the dragon's origins. Perhaps they will be of interest after you've rested."

Eli took the scroll, his curiosity piqued.

"Thank you, Fatima. Your research is invaluable. I'll look into it later."

Omar, the lead technician, approached with a holographic tablet.

"My lord, I've upgraded our communication systems. Faster, more secure. You'll be able to coordinate missions more efficiently."

Eli gave Omar a nod of approval. Although Utron monitors all communication knowing he has competent staff puts a smile on his face.

"Well done, Omar. Your innovations keep us ahead."

Finally, Hadiya, the spiritual guide, stepped forward.

"My lord, the Hall of Ancestors awaits. When you're ready, we can meditate and seek guidance from your ancestors."

Eli smiled warmly at Hadiya.

"Thank you, Hadiya. I'll join you shortly."

Eli turned to his assembled servants, gratitude evident in his eyes.

"Thank you, all of you. Your dedication and support make this home a sanctuary. Now, let's enjoy this moment of peace together."

With that, he moved towards the grand dining hall, where a feast awaited, surrounded by his loyal servants.

~Small Time Skip~

Now in robes, Eli walked through his estate, the grandeur of his ancestral home enveloped him. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the glorious history of his lineage. Amidst these, several portraits held places of honor, showcasing the family that had shaped him.

The largest portrait was of his father, a formidable figure descended from Ozymandias, with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of centuries. Next to him, his mother, a serene and powerful priestess of Khonshu, stood gracefully, her aura almost palpable even through the painting. A smaller portrait of his older sister, now off to college under a different name for her safety and education, completed the familial tableau.

The hero paused before the portraits, a sense of longing and pride washing over him. The Reach scarab sensed his emotions and initiated a conversation.

The Scarab

"[Noted emotional response. Family bonds detected. Subject: Reflection on familial influence.]"

"They were always my guiding stars, Scarab. My father taught me the value of strength and wisdom. His bloodline connects us to ancient power."

He gazed at his father's portrait, recalling the countless lessons on leadership and honor.

"And my mother... she taught me to see beyond the physical, to understand the mystical forces at play. Her teachings of Khonshu's ways were invaluable. To be a fist of justice for the defenseless, a protector of the night"

He moved to his mother's portrait, her serene face reminding him of the calm before the storm, the quiet strength that had carried him through many battles.

"[Analysis: Positive reinforcement through ancestral connection. Significant impact on current behavior and decision-making patterns.]"

The hero's attention shifted to his sister's portrait. He smiled fondly, remembering their last conversation before she left for college. She was the oldest of the two and had studied the was of Konshu with mother to a more profound level than he did. She was a true devote to the gods. But the death if there parents shock her to the core. But that was five years in the past and he had moved on. 

Omar, the leader of the Mejai, approached silently, his eyes following the hero's gaze.

"Your sister is doing well, master. We've received updates. She's excelling in her studies and making quite the impression."

"Good to hear, Omar. She deserves to have a normal life, even if just for a while."

Omar nodded, his respect for the hero evident.

"Your father and mother would be proud, master. You honor their legacy with every action."

Eli turned to Omar, a grateful smile on his face.

"Thank you, Omar. And thank you for watching over her while I can't. The Mejai are more than just my guards; you're my family too."

Fatima and Hadiya joined them, their presence a comforting reminder of the loyalty and strength that surrounded him.

"We've also been looking into ways to enhance our mystical defenses, drawing from your mother's teachings. Khonshu's blessings will keep this estate safe."

"And your father's strategic brilliance continues to inspire us in every decision we make. The legacy of Ozymandias lives on through our actions."

"Thank you, all of you. We'll honor their legacy and continue to protect what they cherished. Now, let's prepare for the challenges ahead. The world won't save itself."

As Eli moved away from the portraits, the strength of his family's legacy and the loyalty of his guards filled him with resolve. The echoes of his ancestors' wisdom and his mother's mystical teachings resonated within him, guiding his path forward.


Authors Note: Finals have had me tired. I still find time to put in a little writing here and there but I don't want to rush it, quality over quantity and all that. But exams are coming to an end soon so the frequency of my updates will increase.